It happens to everyone that opening the refrigerator, there is a desire to immediately lock it up because of the terrible smell. Some people do not think about how to remove the smell from the refrigerator without arranging a general cleaning of the shelves of an important item in the house. Of course, you can completely wash the refrigerator and dry it. However, regular washing does not always help to eliminate the presence of smell in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator
Today, there are many cleaning products for food storage that completely eliminate the smell that has appeared from various sources. Many of the formulations can be found on the shelves of hardware stores, but they require additional costs. If the budget allows, then you can purchase ready-made funds.
If you want to remove the smell in the refrigerator at home without searchingthe right chemical, the first step is to identify the source that spreads the bad odor throughout the food storage space. By identifying the source, you can choose one of the funds that everyone has in the house.
How to get rid of the smell in a new refrigerator
Some may think that only old household food storage appliances can produce a fetid odor. However, this opinion is incorrect. When a new refrigerator, just brought from the store, appeared in the kitchen, it should not be immediately stuffed with food and put into operation. New household appliances have, if not fetid, but a specific smell. Therefore, before placing food inside its space, you need to decide how you can remove the smell in the refrigerator.

When it comes to a new household appliance that stores food, the issue of detergents is particularly acute. After all, not a single hostess or owner wants to spoil the appearance of the food cabinet on the very first day after purchase. You can remove the smell in the refrigerator at home for a new household appliance by the following means:
- Special compounds for cleaning the refrigerator.
- Soda solution that not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also disinfects the surface.
- Laundry soap.
After the manipulations have been done in order to remove the unpleasant specific smell from the household appliance, in whichfurther food will be stored, you need to carefully wipe all surfaces so that they are completely dry.
It is important to pay attention to all parts of the refrigerator, starting from the outside, ending with the shelves and the far wall of the inside. There is a slight specific smell in all new household appliances. If you hear a strong, pungent smell of rubber or other materials, you need to think about whether to buy such a device for your kitchen.
How to remove the smell of rotten meat from the refrigerator
Unpleasant smelly odors in the refrigerator are not just due to the fact that the product is on the shelf. When meat lies in the space of the refrigerator for a long time, bacteria begin to appear in it, the vital activity of which is the result of the production of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, before removing the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator, you need to get rid of the product itself. Moreover, it should not just be thrown into the trash can, but wrapped in a bag and thrown immediately into the trash can.
Before you remove the smell from the refrigerator, you need to unplug it from the power supply and pull out all the contents from it. After the shelves have become empty, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the entire surface with the usual means that is used for this mission. Then the remnants of the product must be washed off and wiped dry inside.

After that, you can begin to eliminate the fetid odor from the refrigerator compartment. To do this, prepare a solution of soda. Mix it with water, adhering toproportions of 2 tablespoons per liter of water. With this mixture, you need to process all the shelves and the back wall. In addition to soda, the following components do a good job of ridding the refrigerator of the unpleasant smell of rotten meat:
- Vinegar alcohol, combined with water one to one.
- In order to forget about the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator, you can use ammonia. Just add a few drops to water.
- Lemon juice mixed with vodka will also help. Mix one part lemon and ten parts vodka.
Especially carefully wash the place where the meat was directly standing, as well as plastic surfaces and food storage tanks, as this material tends to absorb all flavors, including fetid ones.
If you do all the above manipulations, the smell will become less noticeable, but will not completely disappear. To get rid of the stench completely, you can put a few tablets of activated charcoal on the shelf of the included refrigerator.
How to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator
The fish has a rather specific flavor even when fresh. What can we say about when it goes bad. Before you remove the smell of fish from the refrigerator, you need to make sure that the stench comes from this particular product.

Fish has a very strong "aroma", and in a short time can soak everything inside the refrigerator with it. Therefore, if there is even the slightest hint of extraneous odorsfrom household appliances, you need to immediately start cleaning. Mustard powder helps to quickly remove the fishy smell from the refrigerator. If this is not available, then you can use the finished liquid mixture.
Fish, even when fresh, fills with its aroma all the products that are nearby. Therefore, the containers in which it is stored should be carefully closed.
Causes of smell in the refrigerator
It is clear that food is often the cause of bad breath. But there are other sources, for example:
- The liquid dripping from the meat during defrosting is sometimes invisible to the eye. When it is not removed from the surface for a long time, a strong stench begins and it is rather difficult to determine the source.
- Also, an unpleasant smell from the food storage compartment may appear due to stagnant water in the outlet channel. After defrosting the household appliance, not all the water has time to exit the hose, subsequently, if there are exclusively fresh products on the shelves, a fetid aroma is constantly felt.

These are common reasons why you get the feeling that something is broken. This once again proves that before removing the smell from the refrigerator, you need to understand exactly where it comes from.
Foods that make your refrigerator smell bad
Most often, the cause of the stench is still products. However, they do not have to be damaged. Sometimes even fresh dishes or individual productshave a specific aroma. And sometimes this effect may be due to the combination of two products that are incompatible in smell.
Unpleasant odor in the refrigerator is most often caused by supplies such as:
- Meat dishes and raw meat.
- Fish.
- Cottage cheese.
- Cheese.
- Dairy.
There are several ways to prevent odor from spreading inside the refrigerator:
- Keep all food in sealed containers.
- Inspect for expired supplies in a timely manner.
These tricks will help keep the fresh aroma inside the fridge compartment.
Foods to get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator
In order to remove the smell from the refrigerator, the means are mainly used chemical. Few people know that there are food products that can be put on one of the shelves of the refrigerator and forget about unpleasant odors. Of course, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the cleaning of the food storage chamber, but still the risk of an unpleasant odor becomes lower. These products are:
Fresh lemon. It must be cut into pieces and put on a saucer. In this form, put in the refrigerator, it is better somewhere in the middle

- Strange as it may seem, ordinary black bread can help in the fight against unpleasant odors in the refrigerator space. It is necessary to cut off a slice and put it on a plate, immersing the container in the refrigerator compartment.
- Suitable andordinary tea brew. It should be placed in a small container and placed on the shelf of the food storage chamber.
- Onions will also come to the rescue of those who decide to deal with the elimination of odors in the refrigerator on their own. It needs to be cut into two parts, then simply put into the inside of the household appliance.
- Natural coffee will also help. It is enough to put it in a small lid. Can be used both ground and custard.
- Opened fermented milk jars take on the mission of absorbing odors.
- Sliced cheese on a plate will help you forget about the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, no matter what source it came from.
- Also, ordinary s alt or sugar will help in the fight against unpleasant odors.
It should be remembered that food placed in the refrigerator compartment in order to get rid of the smell should not be eaten later. And also it is necessary to check them for freshness, changing at least once every five days. If you know what to put in the refrigerator to remove an unpleasant smell, a person will forget about such problems for a long time.
Handy products to eliminate the smell from the refrigerator
If you do not want to spend expensive products, then you can use the tools at hand that are in every home. These are:
- Regular activated charcoal tablets.
- Strong-smelling spices and herbs can be used. They spread their aroma so much that there is simply no place in space for extraneous odors.refrigerator compartment.
- Orange zest is also good for this mission.
Knowing these simple tips, you can forget about the problems of unpleasant odors from spoiled products.
How to quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator
If guests have to come or there is simply no time for lengthy procedures to remove the stench from the food storage chamber, you can use the fastest methods:
- Wipe down all shelves with ammonia or vinegar, removing food that stinks from the chamber.
- Lubricate all surfaces with a solution of water and soda, carefully wiping off the moisture afterwards.

These are the fastest and most effective methods that work great.
Secrets to prevent bad smell in the refrigerator
In order not to constantly think about the question of how to remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, you can simply prevent its occurrence. This is easy to do. It is enough to control the shelf life of stocks and get rid of expired food in a timely manner.
Are there refrigerators that do not produce an unpleasant smell
Any household appliance designed to store food eventually absorbs odors from food and liquid that accumulates in the water drain pipes during defrosting. There are no "magic" refrigerators.
In order for a food storage place to please only with pleasant aromas from cooked dishes, and not emit a stench, it is enoughjust properly care for its inner surface and control the freshness of the products inside.
Helpful tips
- Keep food in closed containers or bags.
- Check products regularly for expiration dates.
- Throw away spoiled food.
- Smell the entire refrigerator to keep the stench from spreading.
Many people face the problem of bad smell in the refrigerator. The main thing is to eliminate aromas that cause discomfort in a timely manner.