In this article we will talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands at their summer cottage or at home. Any area needs to be decorated. If there are beautiful flower beds, beds, flower beds, then the eye will rejoice. But it is worth stopping at a variety of reservoirs that are surrounded by vegetation. After all, as you know, you can endlessly look at running water. Rest near such a reservoir will be simply magical.
And if you have knowledge in electrics, then you can make a beautiful backlight for the fountain without much difficulty. It remains to put benches or swings around so that you can sit comfortably and admire this man-made miracle. However, often it looks not like man-made, but like natural. But read about it in our article.
Features of the fountain device
When arranging a decorative fountain with your own hands, you do not need to invest a lot of money. Of course, the cost of work depends on the size and number of jets. The following fountain designs can be distinguished:
- Open.
- Closed.
The difference is how the water is used. Closed fountains use the same water, circling it constantly. Open structures constantly take new water, for example, in any reservoir.

Even in the case of a closed system, you constantly have to add water and change it, as it acquires a not very beautiful color. And the smell leaves much to be desired, if not processed. But the water consumption of any closed system is not very large. Therefore, a homemade fountain, made with your own hands, will work for a long time. And the water will only evaporate - these are all losses.
Water supply and discharge
When implementing an open structure, you need to make a water supply system, constantly monitor its level. Also be sure to make a system for draining water and drainage. Sometimes the container (bowl) of the fountain is used to warm the water before using it to water the plants. It is worth noting that the fountain can work non-stop around the clock.
The easiest fountain option is to use a small sealed container and a submersible pump. Any container will do - an old bathtub, a plastic bowl for an artificial pond, a barrel, even a tire or film. But here you need to approach the choice of the pump responsibly.
A little about pumps
Which pump should not be used, you need a special one with a built-in filter. Such structures are commercially available. Visit any small or large store to find the right one for you.model. It is very easy to work with such pumps. The device is placed in a container, securely fixed so that it does not move during operation. Then it is filled with water to conduct tests. Only after these manipulations can you start making the fountain.

Pumps have different power and performance, are able to supply water to any height. Very often they are equipped with nozzle nozzles that can change the shape of the jet. The pumps are powered from a 220 V household network. But you can also find models that run on solar panels. You understand how to make a fountain with your own hands at home. The consumption of water and electricity are important points. And if the electricity will be constantly replenished? It's just crazy savings! But to be fair, the price of the solar kit is quite high.
Pump connection
The casing of the pumps is completely sealed, so there will be no problems when connecting. No step down transformers are required. But if you want to protect yourself, you can install a transformer with a factor of 1 for galvanic isolation. In other words, if 220 V is applied to the primary, remove the same amount from the secondary. But in fact, a simple RCD and a circuit breaker will suffice.
The cost of the smallest low power pump is about 1000 rubles and more. More advanced models are more expensive. But in fact, any model of submersible pumps can be used for fountains. The only thing you have to buy extra is nozzles and filters.
And if without a pump?
But if you are wondering if you can do without this expensive element? The answer is unequivocal - you can! Of course, you have to limit yourself to structures. As a source, you can use the central water supply. Water coming out of a pipe with a nozzle nozzle will throw a jet to a certain height. The nozzle allows you to change the shape of the jet. As you can see, making a fountain without a pump with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to arm yourself with a little knowledge.

But with this type of design, you need to think about where to drain the waste water. This is a clean liquid, in which there are no detergents and other filth. Therefore, it can be drained into a well or used to water plants in the garden. There is another option - to install a container at a certain height, fill it with water daily.
Under pressure, the liquid will flow to the fountain nozzles, which should be located much lower. But pay attention to the fact that in order to create a relatively decent jet, you need to raise the container to a height of at least 3 meters. Yes, and the water supply to the tank must somehow be done - either by a pump or manually. It is enough to simply implement such a design and make a fountain with your own hands. Photos of several designs are given in the article.
Make highlights
You need to use LEDs for illumination, of course. You can find them on sale today.a huge number - and blue, and red, and white. In addition, they need a 12 or 24 V power supply - this is safe. On sale you can find lamps that run on batteries and solar panels. This is generally a system that does not require intervention during the entire service life.

When making the backlight, it is recommended to use waterproof LED strips. They are covered with a layer of silicone, so the liquid will not get inside. But for power supply you need a special adapter. With it, you can make a voltage conversion - from 220 V to 12 or 24. There will be no problems with the purchase of such adapters - there are a lot of them both in household appliances stores and on electronic sites. Installation of devices will also not cause difficulties, the tape is attached to double-sided tape or a stapler. But in the latter case, you will have to use staples that are longer than the width of the tape.
Small fountain design
And now let's talk about how to make a mini-fountain with your own hands. As you understand, the main part of any fountain is its bowl. You can even call it a pond (if the size is large). But there is additional equipment - a pump, a pipe system and nozzles. The pond can be made in any way possible. In this article, we will consider not how to make a bowl, but how to organize a fountain and decorate it beautifully. To make a small fountain, you only need two components - a suitable container and a pump.
On the tube that comes from the pump,you have to wear decorations. You can use stone slabs (drill holes in them in advance). Lay the plates on top of each other, as if it were a children's pyramid. But so that the water does not overflow, you need to make the right drain system - it should be located just below the highest level. A pipe cuts into the container, its second end must be connected to a storm drain or sewer. Water can also be dumped into the garden. If there is a desire, then do it differently - install a water collector around the perimeter of the bowl. To do this, equip the groove made of metal, plastic or concrete. But the collected water must also be discharged somewhere, so this issue needs to be considered at the design stage.
How to make such a fountain?
So, let's now talk in more detail about what needs to be done in order to get such a fountain. You need the following tools and materials:
- Vase made of plastic for flowers. It should not have holes, preferably a square shape.
- Small fountain pump.
- Plastic pipe - about 70 cm long, and the diameter must be selected based on the characteristics of the pump. It must be such that it can be connected to the pump outlet without problems.
- Decorative pebbles - one bag is enough.
- Three bricks are enough.
- Red granite - preferably already sawn into individual slabs.
- Drilling machine - with it you can make holes in granite.
In a pre-made hole, you need to install the bowl. As close to the edges as possibleput bricks - they will make the structure more stable. In addition, fewer pebbles will be required when decorating.

Between the bricks it is necessary to put a pump with a tube already put on it. Immediately pour water and check the performance of the entire mechanism. After that, prepare the plates - drill holes in them. It is recommended to place them as close to the center as possible. In this case, the stones with their mass will not be able to turn the entire structure over.
Installation of slabs
The first slab should rest on the bricks. The rest must be strung in such a way that the center of gravity remains in its place and does not move. After laying the first slab, it is necessary to fill the space with decorative pebbles. And after laying the last one, make a mark on the pipe. Then you remove the last slab, cut off the excess part of the pipe and return the stone to its place. The cut is made a little below the mark. And if you turn on the pump, it will seem as if the water flows directly from the stone. Making a design with such an effect is very simple, but everything looks unusual.
Some improvements
Similar design, only you need to use not a pipe, but a flexible hose. And decoration can be done not with a stone, but with any suitable snag. Great design, looks amazing. And it feels like it's a creation of nature, not human hands.

In the manufacture, you will have to use a grid - it will increase the volume of water, since the sizepallet is small enough. Please note that it is best to use polyethylene pipes - they are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and bend perfectly.
Compact fountains - reality or fiction?
In the manufacture of mini-fountains, you can use any pump, even those that are installed on aquariums. Only you need to choose models in which there is no aeration. They have many advantages, and the most important is the almost silent operation. Of course, you will need a pump and a small container (preferably ceramic, as it looks beautiful). You will also need a piece of bamboo (length about 70 cm). You can buy it in flower shops.
For decoration you will need growing live bamboo - one bunch is enough. Also some small pebbles. First, the bamboo must be cut into several pieces. The length of all elements must be different. As you understand, bamboo has a cavity inside, so it can be used as a pipe. In addition, it is a material that is almost not subject to decay. One side should be cut evenly, and the second obliquely - this is the main condition. Cutting bamboo can be done with a hacksaw or even a grinder. You can make a fountain at home with your own hands from seemingly simple materials. It is only important to make a beautiful design.
Fountain Decoration
It is necessary to install a small pump in the container. You put on the longest piece of bamboo on it. The length should be about 30-35 cm. On the other side, install a bunch of growing bamboo, and fill the space with decorative pebbles. The other two pieces are needed.tie to the resulting pipe. It is allowed to use hemp rope (oddly enough, but this is the name of the fiber obtained from the "illegal" hemp). But you can use any rope as long as it looks attractive.

Well, that's all, now it remains only to fill the container with water and turn on the pump. You can change the design of the pump, it all depends on your personal preferences, as well as on financial capabilities. You can use a ceramic or plastic pot (however, even an iron one will work). Arrange at your discretion. The main thing is to use containers without holes. You can plant some moisture-loving plant in a container. Now you know how to make a fountain with your own hands from improvised materials. But it’s true, you can use everything that literally lies badly in the yard or barn.