You can make a beautiful fountain in your summer cottage or garden plot, which will delight you with its presence, performing a number of functions. It can be made of stones, which will provide not only decorative effect, but also the simplicity of its creation. So, answering the question of how to make a fountain with your own hands, you should consider all stages of work.

The whole structure consists of the following parts: water circulating with a pump that provides all the work; a beautiful sculpture that will be washed by water. Any object that will not collapse and deteriorate under the influence of water can serve as the last element. If we talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands, it is important to note that the system will look the same regardless of what materials you use.

Work should begin with a water tank buried in the ground, it will feed the fountain. On hima mesh is laid that serves as protection and a filter against the ingress of foreign objects, and the base of the fountain will be located even higher, which will also serve as a support so that the entire structure does not fall into the tank. The submersible pump acts as the heart of the fountain. It must be placed in the water in the tank so that it pumps water for the fountain. Since its power is provided by the mains, it is necessary to provide access to it. In addition, a fountain in the country, built with your own hands, should be able to be serviced. This requires making a base sized to allow the pump to be taken out if needed.

If you continue to figure out how to make a fountain with your own hands, it should be noted that the tank from above can be masked with mulch or stones. A valve must be installed at the pipe that supplies water to the top, which will regulate the flow of water from the fountain.
The pit for the tank should be 5 centimeters deeper than its height. In addition, it is necessary to dig a groove to the power supply for the cord. At the bottom of the pit, you will need to pour 5 centimeters of rubble, and then install a tank. A plastic pipe must be laid in the groove so that the wire is reliably protected. The power cord should be pulled through the pipe, and then its ends should be insulated. The pipe with the cord should be laid in the groove, and then filled up.
Speaking of how to make a fountain, you can move on to the next stage of work. The submersible pump must be installed in the middle of the tank. On top of it, you need to place a grid, inwhich should have cutouts for the cord and fountain. Now you can cut off a metal-plastic or copper pipe 10 centimeters long to fix it to the pump. A ball valve should be fixed to the second end of the pipe. There should be a piece of pipe on top of the faucet - a little larger to form the fountain itself.
The stones should be stacked as you like, and then drill a hole in them for the fountain pipe. Then the stones need to be planted on the pipe. The tank can be filled with water, which should cover the top of the pump by 10-12 centimeters. Open the ball valve, and then turn on the pump to the mains, it remains only to adjust the flow rate. That's all for the question of how to make a fountain with your own hands.