Quite often, when landscaping and landscaping household plots, raised flower beds made of stones are used. This element of garden design is especially relevant when designing flat areas. With the help of such flower beds, the relief can be visually made convex without creating artificial slopes and terraces.
DIY stone flower beds made on a garden plot have a number of advantages. So, if the soil is heavy, they will improve drainage, and if the soil is alkaline, they will contribute to the creation of acidic conditions. Such structures are better viewed in the garden and attract everyone's attention. In them, with great success, you can grow low plants with small flowers, or, conversely, large and bright flowers, which are the pride of the garden.

A raised flower bed is much easier to care for as you don't have to lean very low. When building a stone flower bed with your own hands, its width and height can be made such that it is convenient for people with limited mobility and the elderly to work with it. Plants planted in it usually have more free space, sothey feel much better.
Most often, such flower beds rise above the ground by 1 m. If you plan to create a tall and large structure, then it should be installed on the foundation. So, how to make a rock bed in your garden?

Building it is not at all difficult, so it is not necessary to seek help from professionals. First you need to choose the place of the future structure, mark its boundaries on the site and decide what height it will be. Natural and artificial stone are usually used for construction. Natural stones are the best. They look very decorative and will fit perfectly into the design of any garden.
This material is very durable. The only difficulty is that the stones are not rectangular, so it is inconvenient to make masonry from them.
When creating a flower bed from a stone with your own hands, it is recommended to pour earth between the stones. First of all, the largest boulders are laid along the contour drawn on the ground. At the same time, they need to be deepened into the ground a little so that they do not stagger. After adding soil, proceed to the second row. If the stones are held together with mortar, then holes should be made at the bottom for water to drain.
Depending on the types of plants that are planned to be planted in such a flower bed, the soil mixture of the desired composition is poured. The soil layer is leveled and left so that the earth settles a little. Then you can start planting plants. At the same time, care must be taken that the earth isbelow wall height. The surface of the soil after planting should be mulched with fine gravel or broken stone. This will serve as an additional decoration of the flower bed and reduce excessive evaporation of moisture, which will have a beneficial effect on the plants.

You can build large flower beds made of stone with your own hands and plant dwarf species of coniferous plants and shrubs in them. In the gaps between the stones, young, sedums, Carpathian bellflower, thyme and other unpretentious drought-resistant plants will look great.
Frost-resistant plants should be planted in such flower beds, as the soil freezes heavily in winter. In addition, in summer, the soil in them dries faster than in low ones, so you need to water the plants often and plentifully.
A do-it-yourself flower bed made of stones on a garden plot will serve as its original decoration and will appeal to the most fastidious gardeners and connoisseurs of beauty.