Guillotines are devices that are designed for cutting metal sheets. Their maximum thickness depends on the power of the model. To date, the most popular is considered to be hydraulic modifications. However, there are also hand-held models on the market that are able to work with a thin sheet of metal.
The main element of the device is considered to be knives. In structure, shape and angle of inclination, they can vary quite a lot. It should also be mentioned that the guillotine can be controlled by a hand or foot device. To make this tool yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common modifications of it and understand their differences.

Model with ball guides
This type of guillotine for metal is assembled with your own hands from the installation of the bed. To do this, you need to use two sheets of metal. Cast iron in this case is ideal. After that, a platform is prepared for working with the workpiece. In this case, control units can be used in a variety of ways. The engine is used most often with a power of about 3 kW. However, in thissituation, much depends on the thickness of the metal.
After fixing the platform, you can proceed directly to the installation of ball guides. You can buy them in the store without any problems. The next step is to secure the top beam. Knives should be fixed on it, which will produce metal cutting. They should be fixed on a special plate. She, in turn, must be connected to the pressing mechanism. After installing the electric motor, the torque must be transmitted through the central crankshaft. This can be done by installing the gear.

Device with hydraulic guides
As a rule, with hydraulic guides, the guillotine for cutting metal has the following technical characteristics: rated power - 3 kW, limiting frequency - at the level of 42 Hz. The assembly of the device begins as standard with the installation of the frame. At this stage, many experts recommend fixing two sheets of metal parallel to each other.
After that, it will be possible to install a platform on which you can work with the workpiece. It is necessary to mount hydraulic guides from the side of the electric motor. In this case, the control unit can be placed on the other side. It is more expedient to fix the electric motor from the bottom of the frame. All this will hide the wiring and not spend a lot of time on insulation. The upper beam is assembled first of all with the installation of side supports. Only after that are connected to the pressing deviceknives.
Back gauge model
It is quite simple to make a do-it-yourself guillotine for metal with a back stop. First you need to do the bed. In this case, cast iron can be used. The upper platform must be adjusted to fit it. After that, it will be possible to fix the upper beam. Directly rear clamp should be installed only after the knives. Additionally, it is possible to use hydraulic guides. In this case, much depends on the type of pressing device. If it is small-sized, then the side racks can be made narrow. Otherwise, they will have to be expanded for convenience.

Front Stop Device
Manual guillotine for metal with a front stop is very popular today. To assemble such a device, a frame with a frame is first installed. Management most often for these modifications is suitable for foot type. In terms of the size of the working area, the presented devices can vary greatly. In this case, much depends on the strength of the frame. It is more expedient to choose an electric motor for normal operation of the guillotine with a power of 3 kW and a maximum frequency of about 33 Hz.
The height of the upper beam can be different. However, a manual guillotine for metal should have a narrow plate for knives. Many experts recommend installing it at an angle of 3 degrees. Due to this, metal cutting will occur quite qualitatively. The front stop must be fixed on the steel pulley. Withfor this purpose, you must use a welding inverter.
Modifications with feed mechanism
Guillotine for metal (desktop) of this type in our time is quite common. Such modifications are most suitable for wide production. It should also be borne in mind that the feed mechanism can be installed in different ways. However, the work of assembling the guillotine usually begins with the installation of the bed. After that, the frame with side supports is fixed. The next step is to install the motor to the device.
For this, it is important to weld a platform over the bed on which it can be placed. The feed mechanism should be made from the installation of the central shaft. After that, a special sealant is selected, on which the workpiece will be located. The next step is to install the rollers along which the tape will move. All this must be connected to the central crankshaft. Many specialists use side gears. Then, to assemble the guillotine, all that remains is to weld the upper beam with knives.

Blade Regulator Device
Homemade guillotine for metal with a blade regulator is a popular design. You can start assembling the device by installing the lower frame. After that, it will be possible to make a platform for future harvesting. Directly, the blade adjusters should be located on the upper beam. To do this, first of all, side stops are installed. They don't need to be tall. In this case, a lotdepends on the size of the bed. After fixing the side supports, you can proceed to the direct fastening of the plate with the blade.
In this case, different pressing devices can be used. To change the position of the blades, it is necessary to weld a special valve to the upper beam. Additionally, you will need to install a latch to secure the blades in a certain position. After that, it is necessary to tighten the screw, with which it will be possible to change the width of the gap. To do this, you will need to use a wrench. In order for the guillotine for metal to last for quite a long time, it is important to periodically take time to maintain the adjustment mechanism. To this end, many experts recommend lubricating the side valves with engine oil. Direct work on the guillotine for metal can be carried out by pressing the pedal.

Moving bed modifications
Guillotine for metal (hydraulic) with a movable bed is quite difficult to fold. In this case, much depends on the mass of the frame. It is more expedient to use steel blanks for this purpose. First of all, it is the side racks that are installed. After that, it is possible to make the lower supports. The upper beam in this case is installed last. After fixing the lower supports, you need to proceed with the installation of the electric motor. Directly changing the position of the bed must be carried out through the central crankshaft. To do this, two gears are installed on the side supports. Their minimum diameter must be 35see Next, it is important to secure the central shaft.
To do this, you will have to use a welding inverter. The next step is to fix the tape. Thus, the torque from the electric motor will be transmitted to the side gears. Next, you need to evaluate the height of the frame. To ensure that the frame never flies off it, clamps should be installed. For this purpose, it is more expedient to use a welding inverter again. At this stage, care must be taken not to block the work area with clamps.

2 kW device
Guillotine for cutting metal at 2 kW allows you to actively deal with sheets up to 2 mm thick. Feeders are installed in some cases. The blades are most often used hardened and angled at 2 degrees. These devices are very compact in size. The height of their upper beam does not exceed 20 cm. It should also be borne in mind that due to the low power of the electric motor, the central crankshafts are installed on them with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Otherwise, a lot of pressure is exerted on the blade plate, which can lead to breakage of the guillotine.
Modification for 3 kW
Guillotine for metal at 3 kW with a limiting frequency can boast at the level of 35 Hz. It should also be noted that the models are able to work with workpieces whose thickness does not exceed 3 mm. Most often they are used specifically for cutting steel sheets. In this case, both galvanized and stainless steel can be used. The beds of such devices,as a rule, wide are installed. Control units can be used in a variety of ways.
Due to the large dimensions, the frames are designed with side stops. In this case, the clamps on the platform must be located on both sides. The height of the upper beam is on average about 40 cm. The blades in this case are standardly installed in a hardened type at an angle of 3 degrees. Feeders for such models are most suitable for hydraulic type.
Device with E10 controller
Metal guillotine with this type of controller works by hydraulic system. It is important to start assembling the mechanism by fixing the frame. The controller itself can only be installed after the electric motor. In this case, it must be connected to the switch. To connect the controller to the hydraulic device, you will have to use a soldering iron. The advantage of this block is that it allows you to change the power of the guillotine. At the same time, failures are quite rare.
Using E15 controller
Guillotine for metal with controllers of this type is quite common. From the previous modification, the models differ in their versatility. The power of the electric motor in this case is adjusted more precisely. In this regard, it is possible to work with metals of various thicknesses. This device must be connected directly to the switch. You will also have to use a blowtorch to connect the controller to the unitcontrols.