In order to protect your living space, you need to choose the right lock. There is a huge assortment on the market, so when choosing, the main thing is not to get confused. The lock must fully comply with aesthetic standards and blend well with the design of the door, it is also necessary to pay attention to the level of secrecy.

Types of locks
When choosing mortise door locks, one should be guided not only by the rules of professionals that relate to appearance, but also consider how reliable the mechanism is and how long it can be in operation. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to figure out what types of castles exist.
Classification of locks by installation
The rim lock is the most convenient to install because it does not require intentional deformation of the wood or metal that makes up the door. But it is difficult to call such a product reliable, because it does not have strong mechanisms and it is easy to tear it off the surface. As a rule, an overhead lock is used for additional door protection, installing it after inserting the main protective product.
The most common mechanism is a mortise lock with a latch. This option is considered the most successful and convenient to use. The mortise lock is popular because it has the highest level of security. It is used not only for enterprises and firms, but also for ordinary apartments or residential buildings. The most time-consuming process is installation, as it requires cutting into the door leaf. However, this minus is fully compensated by all the advantages of such a castle.

Level mortise lock
This lock is considered the most reliable and durable, it also has increased strength. These mortise door locks for front doors used to be used in banks and various financial institutions, but are now increasingly being installed in residential buildings. The main feature of the structure of this lock is the presence of special parts that close the door when the key is turned. They are called suvalds. Apartments and other living quarters are considered the most secure if there are 6-8 such elements. Among the disadvantages can be noted the bulkiness of the design, which requires doors of appropriate thickness. The keys are also massive.

Cylinder type
The cylinder lock is one of the best home protectors. It has the simplest structure and reliable mechanism, fordue to which a full guarantee against the penetration of thieves and other intruders is achieved. The cylinder mortise door lock also has levers. This is what makes it popular among all other mechanisms in the construction market, which is confirmed by the reviews of the owners. The principle of operation of such a lock is that certain elements line up in the right order - this sequence opens the door. In the event of a cylinder failure, the advantage should be noted - it will be enough to replace the part without disassembling the mechanism itself.

Disc type mortise lock
This castle is one of the oldest. It first went on sale in the 20th century. The principle of operation is the rotation of the disks. The lock is one of the most reliable. This is due to the fact that it cannot be opened with the help of master keys, and it is also not affected by moisture and accumulated dust, temperature changes. Among the minuses is the possibility of force hacking.
Code and electronic type
Such mortise door locks are used most often in enterprises and firms, and not in residential buildings. Judging by the reviews, such a system is quite convenient. Its advantage is the use of a special digital code that only employees of the enterprise will know, and an electronic key that is difficult to select by intruders. According to authoritative publications and professionals, such a miracle of technology is the castle of the future. Over time, it will completely replace the rest of the mechanical products.

How to choose a door lock?
First of all, you should decide where the castle will be located and what its purpose is. It can be installed on the front door or interior door. A mortise cylinder door lock with a latch will be the most suitable for ordinary apartments. If the door is wooden, then the lock should not occupy 70% of the width of the entire leaf. This affects the life of both the mechanism and the door itself.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to judiciously choose the front plate and make an accurate measurement of the door on which the lock will be installed. To avoid a quick breakdown and additional waste of money, you need to buy a mechanism only in specialized stores and require a guarantee for it. Also, do not forget that locks are designed for different types of doors: left-hand and right-hand. When buying with a consultant, you need to discuss the issues of replacing the lock if it breaks during the warranty period.
For maximum security, several locks should be installed on the front door at once. It is desirable that they be of mixed types. For example, the first is level, the second is cylinder. When choosing door mortise locks with handles, you need to pay attention to the design of the latter. They must fully fit into the interior of the room and match the door itself. To ensure complete security from intruders, you should choose a lock from an unpopular company. In this case, it will be difficult to pick up a master key on the mechanism or make a key manually. Save on installation and purchase itselfa lock is not recommended, because the level of security of the premises depends on it.

The best mortise door locks should have a criminal resistance of 3 or 4 classes. This guarantees a hacking duration of at least 15 minutes. Preference should be given to products that have a brand name or logo. This speaks of the true quality of the castle. If the preference is given to the cylinder type, then you should worry about the issue of replacing the mechanism.
The first place in many Russian-speaking countries is occupied by products of TM "Elbor", which is confirmed by consumer reviews. This company is located in Russia. Founded in 1976, it is still the leader in the production of mechanisms. The model range of the company pleases with abundance. These locks are suitable for any type of door. In order to ensure the safety of the front door or safe, it is necessary to use the "Granite" series. The Sapphire model range has various mortise door locks, which are characterized by increased security due to the presence of 12 plates in the mechanism. An excellent option for an interior door is the Flint row lock. The product "Bas alt" is universal. It is great for any door, regardless of its purpose and material. The cost of the lock from the company "Elbor" is from 15 to 80 dollars.