From what to make shelves in the bath? Only from wood

From what to make shelves in the bath? Only from wood
From what to make shelves in the bath? Only from wood
Shelves in the bath
Shelves in the bath

Folk wisdom says: "If you take a steam bath - you never get old." The best way to maintain he alth, youth and beauty is a hot Russian steam room, and a Finnish sauna is also good. But the pleasure of using this grace completely depends on the internal arrangement of the bath rooms. The bath does not like fuss, the atmosphere in it should be conducive to leisure, tranquility and relaxation, so every internal element requires close attention. The main room is a steam room, which should have comfortable, practical shelves, so that, as they say, both the body rested and the soul perked up.

Shelves in the bath are traditionally built from soft, non-resinous woods. Despite the pleasant smell of coniferous trees, they are never used for rooms that are intensely heated. Resin, having generally medicinal properties, when heated, can cause a lot of inconvenience and even harm. It is rich in healing aromatic oil, when heated, it containspinene can cause poisoning.

Wooden shelves in the bath
Wooden shelves in the bath

Benches and shelves in the bath are made of wood with a pleasant smell and low heat capacity, most often from linden, poplar, aspen, birch. These breeds have all the necessary properties for an excellent steam room: they warm up quickly, but at the same time they keep a comfortable temperature for the body, are pleasant to the touch, and tolerate high humidity well. At the same time, when heated, they exude a pleasant, calming aroma that promotes relaxation and healing.

The clear leader in high-quality finishing of the bath, especially the steam room, is the common linden. The wood of this tree emits indescribably fragrant essential oils that have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is generally recognized that linden has positive energy. In addition, lime phytoncides increase sweating, which is especially appropriate in the steam room.

Traditionally, the shelves in the bath are made of aspen, despite the fact that in ancient times the Slavs considered it an unlucky tree. Traditional healers claim that aspen has a unique ability to get rid of diseases and improve the human body. Its wood has high performance characteristics: strength, resistance to moisture and rot. Under the influence of high temperature and steam, aspen shelves do not crack, do not warp, do not lose color and neat appearance. And most importantly, they don't get hot enough to burn you.

Shelves for a bath in a steam room
Shelves for a bath in a steam room

Choose the perfect wood forFinishing the steam room and arranging the shelves is quite difficult. For example, soft wood, for all its excellent qualities, has the disadvantage of poor cracking resistance. Since wooden shelves in the bath do not require a significant amount of material, many prefer not to save money and buy expensive African oak abachi wood for them. The lining of this hard rock does not deform, does not crack, is not afraid of heat and moisture. Abachi oak has a porous structure and, accordingly, low thermal conductivity, therefore the shelves for the bath in the steam room almost do not heat up, you can sit and lie on them without fear of getting burned. Abachi wood is light in color and has a beautiful structure, it does not darken over time and retains its attractive appearance for a long time. The choice of abashi on the shelves in the bath, despite the high price, is justified by durability, practicality and undeniable he alth benefits.

Wood suitable for interior decoration and shelving in the bath is not limited to the mentioned species, you can choose other wood materials, but the requirements for their properties remain the same: expediency and usefulness come first, and only then beauty, prestige and price. It must be remembered that a bathhouse is not just a place for washing, but in some way a medical complex.
