What if you decide to start arranging a summer cottage with your own hands and do not want to make a mistake already at the initial stage? This question is asked by all newly minted owners of land plots, regardless of their size. Any decision should strive for simplicity and clarity, so you need to consider the sequence of implementation of your ideas for arranging a summer cottage.
Starting is not scary
At this stage, you need to draw up an action plan to start arranging your summer cottage. It's simple here: arm yourself with paper, a pen and "turn on" the thought process. All this will require patience and time.
Assessment and analysis
Assessing what we already have is called pre-project analysis. Study your area. Pay attention to how the site is located relative to the cardinal points. Determine the direction of the winds, as well as the terrain.
If there are already some objects on the site, then decide forfuture project, what to keep and what to delete. These can be old or diseased trees, shrubs, any buildings, already laid paths, platforms, etc.
Modern rhythm of life is quite high, so you want to stop and relax in the comfort of your own possessions. And for this, when arranging a summer cottage, it is necessary to provide and plan the necessary zones:
- house;
- front area in front of the house;
- platform for transport;
- a place to relax;
- outbuildings;
- garden;
- greenhouse, compost heap;
- orchard;
- berry bushes;
- flower beds;
- lawns;
- playground;
- sports field;
- workshop;
- body of water;
- a corner for secluded relaxation;
- dog enclosure;
- paseu etc.

Dotting the dots
After a long “and I want this, and I want this …” specifically decide on the functional saturation when arranging a summer cottage. Here it is necessary to take into account the possibility of placing in this territory all the zones and objects you have chosen and, above all, convenience.
It is no coincidence that convenience is put above all else. Any design should be functional for the owners. For example, the choice was made on a beautiful garden bench, which is very suitable in color, style and material to other objects on the site. But how comfortable is it for relaxing?
In addition, it should be installed in such a way thatso that the sun does not interfere with viewing the most successful compositions, and the feet do not sink into the mud and rest comfortably on a paved area. Therefore, you need to think very carefully about what, where and how you want to arrange.
Draw a plan
Someone may find this lesson too difficult, someone - cognitive, and someone in general can get so involved in the process that they will start designing sites already professionally.
You can use any options for this task.
Option 1. Use of a computer. If you have at least some PC skills, then you can use numerous design programs, including free ones. Great functionality and full-fledged libraries of objects turn working with them into an exciting game. However, you will first have to master such a program (study its capabilities, a number of specialized terms, learn how to build it), which will significantly delay the realization of your final goal - the practical arrangement of a summer cottage. The photo shows the future project in electronic form.

Option 2. The easiest. Draw the perimeter of your area on paper on a scale. Specify the directions of the cardinal directions. Move those objects that already exist. Apply the zones that you want to see in your summer cottage. It is better to make several examples of arrangement at once.

Technical routine
It is necessary to put communication routes on the plan: laying schemeselectrical cables, water and sewer pipes, gas pipes and their wells (if the existing gas pipeline passes near the border of your site). Mark the entry and exit points of engineering networks to the site and buildings. Try to make the plan as accurate as possible so as not to run into inaccuracies later.
Help from outside
Most often, landowners are engaged in arranging a summer cottage with their own hands (one of the classic examples is in the photo).

But, unfortunately, it is impossible for one person to master all speci alties professionally. Therefore, for some questions it is necessary to contact specialists. First of all, it concerns the house. The house should be not only outwardly beautiful, but first of all, reliable and safe for all family members to live. It is advisable to involve specialized organizations to carry out such work as:
- laying walls for the home;
- laying and repairing stoves;
- installation of equipment: electrical (stoves, electric exhaust fans, water heaters), gas equipment (stoves, boilers, water heaters), sanitary equipment (baths, sinks, washbasins, toilet bowls, flush cisterns, faucets);
- wiring the heating system and other engineering systems of residential buildings, ensuring the good and efficient condition of building structures.
Keeping the letter of the law
During the construction and operation of buildings (most often such moments are encountered when arranging a summer cottagedo-it-yourself from improvised materials) you need to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents in construction, the study and application of which will help to avoid unnecessary disputes with neighbors and administrative pen alties (for example, warnings or fines for violations) in the future.
Today there are a number of legislative acts regulating construction. Among them, it should be noted the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No 66-FZ, SNiP 30-02-97, SP 11-106-97. In these documents you can find information about citizens' associations (dacha, horticultural, horticultural), the rules for planning and developing territories, the correct execution of all related documents.
For example, with regard to the minimum distances between structures and buildings both on your territory and to adjacent neighboring ones, SNiP 30-02-97 will help you figure it out.
Look into the future
Arrangement of a summer cottage is not only useful, but also an exciting activity. Unfortunately, it is impossible to apply all the methods and techniques of planning, design, decoration, etc. on one territory. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the concept of your site. And at this stage, you can do detailed modeling of each zone. Depending on its functional purpose, appropriate techniques are used.
The entrance area is the first impression of your site. Before entering the house, you can equip a platform so that when you arrive at the dacha you can relax from the road yourself, receive guests at the house, etc. To decorate this area, it is advisable to place plants and small architectural forms thatdecorate and delimit the space. These can be flowerpots, pergolas, benches, landscape lamps and other decorative elements and designs.
In the sunniest places of the site, it is better to place a garden, fruit trees and shrubs, a rose garden, a platform with a pool and a place for sunbathing.
On shaded areas, you can place a gazebo, a playground, a recreation area. A recreation area should be provided so that it can be placed on sun loungers or placed a hammock, table, umbrella. It all depends on your desires.

The barbecue area should be located on the leeward side so that the smoke from the barbecue flies out of the territory, and you do not end up in puffs of smoke.

Flower beds can be placed wherever you want some bright or fragrant accents. The main thing here is to consider how much light and shade a particular plant needs.
Shade-loving perennials and a number of conifers feel good in shaded areas with evening sun. Such corners are an ideal place for a shady garden, where you can relax during the day, escaping from the scorching sun. Alternatively, create a moss or rock garden with the right selection of plants.
Where there is never shade, a herb garden should be set up. Land plots with morning sun are ideal for creating classic flower beds and mixborders with peonies, poppies, irises, etc.
You can zone plots into separate zones usinglawn, hedge of ornamental shrubs, mixborder, pond, pergola, gazebo, trellis, palmette with a flat crown, retaining wall.
The transition between zones can be decorated with decorative arches entwined with climbing plants (roses, clematis), bridges.
Connecting elements of buildings and zones on the site are garden paths. Each of them fulfills its purpose.
Decorative paths. The name itself defines their function. They serve to decorate your site, thanks to them the image of the territory will seem complete and complete. Such paths may be straight, winding, solid-paved, or intermittent in length. They can be made from tiles, gravel, saw cuts, boards, stone, etc.

Utility tracks. These are those areas of paving that are under increased load or are used more often. These include a platform for vehicles, paths connecting the house with outbuildings. The type of coating of such tracks involves the use of a more wear-resistant, durable and durable material. They can be made of clinker bricks, concrete blocks, artificial and natural stone slabs, etc.
In any case, from which zone and where to start the arrangement of a summer cottage - the decision is purely individual.
Organization of a small suburban area
How to rationally zone the territory for arranging a small suburban area? A few useful tips - and here, with proper planning, you canplace a maximum of zones for a cozy and comfortable stay on the site.
An orchard can be established from columnar or dwarf varieties. Such plants are easier to maintain and care for.
Creating vertical flower beds. This arrangement of plants takes up little space, but they look bright and beautiful.

Arrangement of ornamental gardens, the use of pyramid beds. In landscaping, you can use undersized and dwarf species of conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs. As a rule, they do not require formative pruning, private dressings. Most decorative forms are quite durable.
Bringing it to life
So the work on the project is over, it's time to put it into practice. The work done will help to carry out your fantastically interesting task of arranging a summer cottage within the budget and deadlines that you have allotted.
And let your dreams come true. You will create that piece of paradise where you will get aesthetic pleasure, be proud of your site and delight your guests.