In the hope of attracting more and more new customers, modern sanitary ware manufacturers equip their products with various useful functions such as aromatization, self-cleaning or heating. And relatively recently, another novelty appeared in stores - a seat with a microlift. The presence of such a cover helps prevent the formation of cracks on the surface of enameled plumbing. After reading this article, you will learn how to install a lift-up toilet seat.

Brief historical background
The toilet itself appeared a little over 130 years ago. Over time, companies specializing in the production of sanitary ware have had to modernize their products in order to take their rightful place among competitors. It was through this rivalry that we learned about the lift-up toilet seat. This product quickly gained immense popularity and today it can be seen in almost every home. In addition, every year it becomes more aesthetic and functional.

Microlift seats: another whim or justified necessity?
Many of us do not attach any importance to the quality of such a familiar product as a toilet lid. And absolutely in vain. This seemingly harmless object often becomes the cause of family quarrels. Many of us are infuriated by the loud thud of a falling toilet lid. Another serious problem that her fall can lead to is the injury of boys under the age of seven. Sometimes children who focus on the process of urination do not pay attention to the position of the lid, which often leads to serious injuries to the genitals. The best way out of such situations is to install a toilet seat with a microlift.

The most important features and principle of operation of this plumbing invention
Microlift is an innovative modification of the toilet lid that allows you to silently raise or lower it. Despite the fact that this mechanism appeared relatively recently, it has already gained some popularity among those who value comfort.
The lift-up toilet seat works on the same principle as a conventional door closer. Its device implies the presence of a rod that provides rigid fixation of the cover and seat. In addition, this design provides for the presence of a weak spring that slows down the stem. It is thanks to her that a truly smooth lowering of the lid is ensured.

Key Benefits
Many people who have not yet had time to evaluate the seat with a microlift for the toilet, doubt the advisability of installing this mechanism. In fact, such devices have a number of undeniable advantages, which include:
- simple and quick installation;
- the ability to operate in automatic mode. However, it is provided in more expensive models;
- quiet operation, which is especially important at night;
- long service life;
- The micro-lift ensures that the lid closes gently and smoothly, so there are no scratches on the surface of the toilet.

Disadvantages of such mechanisms
Like any other product, the toilet seat has not only pluses, but also minuses. It should be understood that the smoothness of the mechanism prevents the high-speed lowering of the lid. When applying physical effort to close the mechanism, it can simply break down, and it will be quite difficult to restore it. When disassembling the microlift, you can accidentally ruin the internal connections.

Varieties of innovative seats
On the modern market there is a fairly wide range of similar products, from budget to expensive automated systems. All of them differ in size, appearance and fastening method.
Usually forDuroplast is used to make these lids. Products made from this safe and durable material are resistant to scratches and do not lose their original color over time. Duroplast seats will last much longer than plastic counterparts. They are very easy to wash. This material is resistant to chlorine and abrasive particles contained in household chemicals. That is why such seats can often be seen in public toilets.
No less popular was the wooden toilet seat with a microlift. This option is ideal for home bathrooms, as it requires special care.
In some of these mechanisms, the air aromatization function is additionally provided. Such models are equipped with special compartments filled with flavored silicone.
Some mechanisms are not fixed tightly, they can be easily dismantled for cleaning. But before you remove the seat with a microlift from the toilet, you need to carefully read the instructions so as not to break the product.

What should I pay special attention to when buying?
It should be understood that stores are extremely reluctant to agree to the exchange of such products belonging to the category of hygienic and sanitary items. Therefore, the choice of a seat with a microlift must be taken very seriously. After all, the comfort and psychological situation in the family depends on it. When buying, you need to pay special attention to the warranty period of the mechanism and the quality of the fasteners. SelectedThe product must be made from high quality and safe materials. Only then will it be practical and convenient to use. Experts recommend paying attention to mid-range models.
So, a toilet seat with a microlift, reviews of which sound only in a positive way, is an indispensable attribute of any bathroom. Consumers who have managed to appreciate all the advantages of such mechanisms claim that thanks to this they managed to extend the life of the toilet itself. Since the smoothly rising and falling cover does not leave any scratches. Users who have already purchased such products are advised to take into account the shape and size of the toilet bowl when choosing a product. Available on request with additional features such as self-cleaning, soft lift or seat heating.
How to measure a toilet?
Many modern models are already equipped with microlift seats. In the absence of this mechanism, it is not at all necessary to completely change the plumbing. You can separately purchase a microlift and install it on an existing toilet. In this case, it is very important not to make a mistake with the sizes. By measuring the toilet beforehand, you can eliminate possible inconsistencies and the extra costs associated with them. To choose the right seat, you need to know the width and depth of the top of the toilet, as well as the distance between the bolts located at the junction of the cover with the seat.
Installation of a toilet seat with a lifter
In order to independently install such a mechanism, it is not at all necessary to have specialskills. Any beginner can easily cope with this task. When installing a lifter seat, it is extremely important to follow the instructions exactly.
In general, the installation process can be divided into several stages. First of all, you need to dismantle the old lid from the toilet (if, of course, there was one). Then a pair of rubber inserts are inserted into the new cover. And only after that the structure can be connected to the seat. It is recommended to do this with a plastic sleeve. Having inserted the mounting bolt, it's time to start wrapping the adjusting bowl, which ensures a tighter fit of the structure to the surface of the toilet bowl. Having attached the mechanism to the toilet, you need to carefully screw the nuts onto the mounting bolts. Tighten the bolts as carefully as possible to avoid breaking the plastic fasteners.
Those who are planning to purchase a removable seat with a microlift will certainly be interested in the fact that such a mechanism is attached to the toilet with adjustable loops, with which you can not only fix the equipment, but also adjust it.
The non-removable mechanism also needs to be adjusted. Lack of tight fit can cause the cover to skew and even break. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to tighten a special adjusting element, and only after that you can start tightening the nuts.
In the event of a breakdown of the mechanism, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend money on purchasing a new microlift. Especially when it comes to a damaged spring or a broken stem.