The toilet seat is the simplest thing in the toilet. But comfort and convenience depend on it. When choosing a constituent element, one should not miss the hygiene and compliance with the chosen design of the entire toilet bowl. It is estimated that a person spends about 170 hours in the toilet every year. Do not forget about this when you go shopping for this component. If you follow useful recommendations, then there will be no questions.
Which material is better?
The toilet seat can be made from various materials. A number of operational functions of the entire structure depend on this indicator - reliability, service life, strength, hygiene. It is worth paying attention not only to the seat itself, but also to the hinges and knots. There are requirements that state that the headband and seat must withstand a load of 170 kilograms.

If you turn to those manufacturers,who have been supplying such products to the market for many years, they are testing and giving a lot of work. There are many materials, but not all of them are capable of being subjected to a high load every day and not changing their assigned qualities. Therefore, the choice of the main component depends on how long the toilet seat will be used.
Everyone makes a choice of a simple design or a design option. If this is the second, then it is easy to find toilet seats and covers for it from different materials on sale. Below we detail the features of each.
Not so long ago it was in the leading positions in this market, but today everything has changed, and it is extremely rare.

But if you need to somehow complement the chosen design, then wood craftsmen make unique designs that are not cheap. However, they have positive characteristics:
- moisture resistance because special protective varnishes are applied;
- strength;
- aesthetic;
- easy care (washable).
But in general, such a design quickly loses its original appearance. This is the main drawback of the design, this is also noted in the reviews. For this reason, not everyone is ready to purchase just such a design in their restroom.
This is the most common material that has been used everywhere for many years. It not only has a long service life, but alsocheap, reviews say.

PVC toilet steps are made not only for adults, but also for children. Note that the design can be any. But toilet seat mounts made from this material do not always last a long time. Most often, this is a period of no more than two years with intensive workload. Although there are high-quality specimens that serve for five or more years without deformations and any problems.
This material has a high level of strength and reliability. It can be exposed to various cleaners and detergents. If we turn to the manufacturers, then the market leaders use just such materials, because Duroplast meets all the requirements and standards. The material is used to make the rim and cover of the toilet seat. It will last as long as the toilet itself. This is a big plus. Therefore, more and more often the buyer meets this option on the sales market.
Combination of several materials
These are no less common models that people pay attention to. For example, wood is combined with plastic. The most popular models are wooden base with a soft leather coating with the addition of foam rubber. The service life of such a base will be no more than two years, but the level of comfort increases significantly.
There are many materials to choose from. Each person tries not only to find his own solution, but also to create an attractive look, as well as a decent level of comfort. Going shopping, do not forget about the manufacturer. Notthe need to purchase unknown models that do not inspire confidence.
Hygiene is not in last place
Maintaining hygiene in such a room is an important point. Therefore, when buying, everyone pays attention to the ease of care of the rim and the toilet seat cover. Most often, not only simple detergents are used, but also disinfectants, and they are considered aggressive. The material should not react to this. At the same time, in the presence of gaps, the structure gets:
- dirt;
- cleaning supplies;
- water etc.
The surface should be perfectly smooth without holes or cracks. In such holes, bacteria multiply and dirt accumulates. This shouldn't happen in a bathroom. From the reproduction of the pathogenic environment, an unpleasant odor appears and infections can develop, which are often diagnosed in children (their immune system is not yet so reliable). If the seat has a difficult relief, then it is completely impossible to clean it - it is easier to replace it with a new one.
Summing up on hygiene, it becomes clear that the best toilet lid should be smooth, without reliefs and pores. Also, the masters believe that it is better to choose a water-repellent material. If the conditions are created, then the process of leaving will not take much time. There are disposable toilet seats on the market today. This is a convenient component for public places.
Every person tries to create for himself the most simple living conditions. In this case, ergonomics comes first. It's easy to guess thatcomfortable shoes will be in the event that they do not feel it on their feet. The same conditions should be created for the toilet seat. It is good if it is created taking into account the human anatomy and inconvenience does not appear.
When the visitor of this room does not feel any discomfort while sitting on the seat, the choice is made correctly. When irritation and a desire to leave the room occur while sitting in a sitting position, there is only one conclusion - this is not a convenient design. Some people don't even think about it, but frequent visits to the bathroom will soon make you feel uncomfortable.
If specialists are engaged in production, then they create a cover and a seat as an extension of the main structure. At the same time, the shape and design are repeated, which is relevant for many. Often people get toilet bowls of an unusual shape - rectangular or with any other angular shape.
But a person can not so quickly rebuild his body and find convenience and comfort in this form. Toilet seat Roca, IDO are the most comfortable models that are not subjected to incomprehensible experiments and shape changes. Reviews about them are only positive. The basic conditions of use are taken as a basis. Everyone should enjoy and be comfortable using it. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is completely excluded. But for this you should pay attention to the manufacturer.

Together with ergonomics, there is another characteristic - the lid mechanism. There are some inconveniences. The first is when the lid is constantly closed, even at a time when it is not necessary. Also notI want it to descend with a big roar, bringing fear to the tenants of the apartment. To avoid this, it is worth buying a toilet seat with a microlift on the lid. There is also another system for smoothly lowering and raising the shutter.
High tech
Innovative developments are everywhere. Even the lids and toilet seats were not without it. Leading companies from Europe, together with designers, create unique designs. These include the AquaClean Tuma bidet cover. What is its big advantage? With it, you can solve the problem of lack of space in the sanitary rooms of apartments. This is true when it is not possible to install a full-fledged toilet.
The lid has a major plus. This is an extension of the toilet itself. By purchasing and installing it, a person receives a large number of advantages. What is unique about this design? The user, having taken his place on the seat, understands the high level of ergonomics, as well as the touch-sensitive activation of the heating. In addition, the filter for air purification is activated in parallel. He goes through the toilet bowl.
There is a remote control or buttons on the touch panel, due to which the hygienic shower is turned on. It emerges from the seat itself and has a special adjustment tube. This allows the cleansing of the body. At the same time, water consumption is negligible. After carrying out such procedures, there is drying on the lid, with warm air currents. This unique design has gained its fans and is actively gaining a number of consumers.
This is an explicit characteristic, to which many have their own requirements. On sale you can find two main options - universal and model. The first include those that come with the kit, but they are not suitable for everyone. The seat itself is usually a standard shape, but the toilet lid is quite variable from oval to square.

The information about universal models is simple. They are suitable for any toilet bowl. For this reason, universal ones occupy a leading position in sales. They may well suit any installation and suit most users.
Today, modern people have begun to pay more attention to the additional functions of the seat itself. Not so long ago, only the hygienic basis of the installation was important to everyone. Today there are many other requirements. To eliminate knocking when lowering, as noted earlier, there is a microlift system, as well as an IR beam. Most often, this is chosen by those who do not want to pay attention to closing the lid at all. The reaction occurs to the surrounding movements, as a result, she herself rises and falls.
An equally common bidet seat. It is based on dual functionality. This is especially true in small rooms, as the design does not take up much space. In addition, they are complemented by other related functions. Today there are enough options for "compact" toilet bowls with a seat. It remains only to choose the option suitable for your toilet.
Baby Models
Many people have recently begun to create conditions in the toilet for their babies. As demand appeared, manufacturers began to think aboutrange of offers. Special child seats must meet certain requirements. The first is the appropriate size of the toilet seat. The kid should feel only comfort. The color scheme is not in last place. It is necessary to attract the attention of the child and invite him to the toilet. The most winning offer is when one seat converts and can be used by any family member.

After entering the toilet, a person lowers the required seat of the appropriate size. This is convenient, although it is not clear how the guests of this house should act. Such toilet seats have only positive reviews. Extended functionality always comes first for the consumer.
Each hostess sooner or later wonders which seat will be relevant for the family. To make the purchase profitable, you need to pay attention to the main points:
- Safety and convenience are the first two.
- Presence of antibacterial coating.
- Strength and endurance of any weight category.
- No holes and moisture ingress.
- Aesthetics. This is especially important when the design decision is not in last place.
- Color scheme.
- Additional options (as needed and in cash).
- The seat must fit the size of the toilet. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to measure the home installation and only after that go shopping.

Some people think that an accessory like a toilet seat does not play a big role. But having understood this issue, it becomes clear that a lot depends on it. In order to avoid daily torment, and comfort does not leave the bathroom, it is worth making a choice, taking into account recommendations and useful tips.