Onion is one of the most common vegetable crops cultivated by gardeners. This is a very useful vegetable. Feather and bulbs contain a large amount of vitamins C and E, group B. It contains many trace elements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and others. In addition,

onions are rich in phytoncides that kill many airborne viruses. No wonder it is part of a large number of traditional medicine recipes. What about cooking? It is very difficult to imagine many dishes without this wonderful vegetable. In general, just a treasure.
Onion is a rather unpretentious plant. With a little work, you can grow a magnificent crop. But as in any business, here too there are secrets. One of them is to know exactly when to plant onions. It is also important to decide where to plant it and how to choose the right seeds.
Before you decide when to plant onions, you need to prepare the garden. This vegetable will feel comfortable in the open. You can not place it very close to large trees. The earth must bedug up, loosened, it is desirable to add humus, but if it is not possible, then mineral fertilizers can be added. For example, superphosphate.

The bed has been prepared, let's move on to planting. There are two options: growing onion sets or seedlings. Each method requires compliance with certain rules. Our climate, with the exception of the southern regions, does not involve sowing onion seeds in the ground. This is pretty inefficient. Here, too, you need to know exactly when to plant onions. It is better to sow a seedling in March in boxes at home, and plant seedlings, “hair”, in May. This business is very painstaking, but also grateful, because in the end the bulbs are simply gorgeous. Growing onions from sets is a little easier. You can buy it in the store without any problems. When choosing, you should pay attention that the seed is as small as possible in size, but not sprouted, dense. Because the final size does not depend on the size of the set. But you can save on quantity and cost. Before planting, the seedlings need to be prepared. It is advisable to carefully cut off the part of the neck that has dried up. It would be useful to soak the planting material in potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, then in a nutrient solution, it is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of liquid manure or humus in a bucket of water.

You may be wondering when to plant onion sets. It can be planted quite early, starting from the twentieth of April to mid-May. Before that, the earth is very cold, after - the seeds do not have enough moisture. Sevok planted in rows, the distance betweenwhich are 15 cm, and between the bulbs in the groove 5-6 cm. After planting, abundant watering and mulching (dry grass or fine straw) is necessary. And you can fill the bed with sawdust - also a good way.
Another option for when to plant onions is autumn, before winter, around mid-October. Planting takes place in the same way as in the spring. There are certain advantages in this, you can get an earlier harvest, there will be less work. But there are also disadvantages. If the winter is cold, there is a threat of freezing (although the onion is a frost-resistant plant). Such a bed is harder to loosen and weed. It has more grass, as its seeds usually winter safely and sprout together.