Increasingly, one can observe the emergence of a new plant species in flowerbeds and alpine hills. An interesting configuration of inflorescences on graceful stems, gradually fit into the design compositions of personal plots. We are talking about a decorative bow, which appeared quite recently and is rapidly gaining popularity among many gardeners. In our article, we will tell you where it is better to plant it and how to properly care for flowers.
A relative of an ordinary vegetable familiar to us is a representative of the onion family. This perennial plant has a pungent cultivated aroma that is characteristic of the genus. But not all types of this flower can be eaten, since some of them contain toxic substances. Decorative bow - a native of Southwest Asia, whose favorite places are steppes, meadows, forests and fields. However, its habitat is quite wide. It grows both in countries with a temperate climate and in the sultry tropics. Scientists have about 600 varieties of this interesting plant.

Althoughthere are more than enough onion perennials on the planet, in the arsenal of flower growers there are only about 100 species. Their main advantages include a rich palette of colors, unpretentiousness and a long flowering period. Bulbous bushes are also famous for their variety of sizes, which is important for creating all kinds of plant combinations. There are specimens with tall stems and large umbrellas, as well as dwarf ones, with very small flowers. It is striking that inflorescences that seem the same at first glance, upon closer examination, have a different structure and shape.
It is worth mentioning that each variety has its own flowering period. Decorative allium bow is conventionally divided into groups: early, middle and late. Varieties are best planted alternately. If you approach this issue more competently, you can turn your site into a motley, continuously blooming lawn. Onion umbrellas are different: purple, lilac, white, pink, blue and yellow.
The plant has linear, basal leaves that fade after flowering. Miniature flowers are united in dense inflorescences in the form of an umbrella. Lush balls look very original, especially in large varieties. Alliums can please the eye with their flowering, starting in June and ending in early September.

Amateur flower growers always strive to diversify and replenish their estates with new plant species. Consider the popular varieties of decorative onions, from which you can create a unique ensemble of successivecolors:
- Neapolitan. It has rare openwork umbrellas with white flowers in the form of bells. Not so long ago, a hybrid was bred from this species, which is much larger than a plant that lives in its natural environment. Wonderful white bells allow you to enjoy their beauty in the middle of summer.
- Moth. Bow with sunny yellow caps received another appropriate name - golden. It has glossy leaves with a high aesthetic appearance. On their waxy surface, a central line is clearly visible. Stems reach a height of 20 to 30 cm, umbrellas - up to 5 cm in diameter.
- Blue. It stands out against the background of other varieties with an unusually beautiful color and size of umbrellas. In rich blue inflorescences, there can be up to 200 small bells, which makes them look very fluffy. Their color is so pleasant that sometimes it is impossible to take your eyes off them.
- Karatovsky. An interesting plant with elliptical leaves that have a metallic coating. The inflorescences have a pronounced shape of balls and a pink color.
- Border chives. The most unpretentious variety. Its seeds can be randomly scattered over the lawn, and then they will grow on their own. The only thing to do is to carry out thinning techniques once every five years. The flowers are perfect for creating borders and enlivening lawns due to their variegated coloration.
- Kovani. Allows you to admire the amazing hats at the end of spring, which do not fade for two months. Already in May, the plant throws out arrows up to 35 cm long. At the initial stage of bloomingbluebells exude a pronounced garlic aroma.
- Roundhead. The mid-late appearance of the decorative onion is distinguished by the oval shape of the inflorescences. Their color is purple and pink. Flowering time is about a month. Plant stems stretch up to 0.6 m.
It is not possible to review all the names of the ornamental bow, so we will simply list them. There are the following varieties of alliums, which are most often used in the design of landscape designs: Aflatunsky, gladiator, Christopha, eros, Ostrovsky, ivory queen, giant, Bulgarian, unifolium, city-loving, Schubert.

Choosing a seat
Allium is a photophilous plant. If you provide it with enough sunlight, it will thank you, which will consist in the saturation of the color of the inflorescences. In the shade, the color of umbrellas is usually very pale, so it is better not to plant the plant close to buildings or under trees. The site should be open, but protected from the wind. This is especially important for tall varieties, as the elongated thin arrows can break under the weight of umbrellas.
By choosing the right place, you can fully admire the bright balls and see the beauty of the decorative bow. Planting and caring for it does not cause much trouble, and a flower garden with extraordinary inflorescences looks very impressive.
Ground requirements
Like all members of the bulbous family, allium can grow in any type of soil. Does not take root only on wetlands, with frequentstagnant places. However, as noted by experienced growers, the plant performs better on a neutral structured soil. To make its flowers look more charming, you need to take a little care of the composition of the soil, because you are not dealing with an ordinary vegetable, but with a decorative onion. Planting and care in the open field involves the introduction of some fertilizer.
The site should be dug up and humus, compost and mineral complex should be added to the ground. The bulb family responds well to potassium, so add some wood ash to the soil.

Planting can be done in spring or autumn. Most often this is done in September and before the beginning of October.
The bulbs are planted in rows. A long depression is made in the prepared soil, corresponding to the size of the seed itself.
The grooves are pre-spilled with water, waiting for it to soak a little, and then spreading the bulbs.
If there is enough space on the site, then it is better to observe the interval between the bulbs with a margin for further growth, the optimal distance is 35 cm.
After planting, the grooves with bulbs are sprinkled with a layer of humus mulch, and peat on top. This method will prevent the formation of a soil crust and protect against frost.
For spring planting, ornamental onion seeds must be stratified. They are placed in the refrigerator for 60-90 days.

To make the flowers lookalive, you need to adjust the correct hydration. Too abundant watering leads to the death of the plant, but drought does not suit him either. With a lack of moisture, its leaves droop and growth stops. Fortunately, in such a situation, allium has a chance to recover. After moderate moisture, it seems to come to life and continues to develop.
Most types of decorative onions are not dug up for the winter, and some are not even insulated. There are separate varieties that have migrated to us from tropical countries. Their roots must be dug up in the fall, dried and placed in the basement. These include varieties of Christopher and Schubert.
Since the main condition is to avoid waterlogging, the site with allium is cleared of ice, snow and dry plants in early spring. Excessive standing water can cause the bulbs to rot.
During the period of intensive vegetation, the plant especially needs watering and timely loosening of the soil. After it forms leaves and shoots arrows, the soil needs to be mulched.

To stimulate the growth and flowering of ornamental onions, fertilizers are used seasonally. Fertilizers include manure, compost, bone meal, mineral supplements and wood ash.
In the spring, at the initial stage of development of the bushes, nitroammophoska is used as a fertilizer. It serves as a good stimulant for the formation of all parts of the perennial and the laying of buds.
In the summer it would be good to feed the plant with a full composition of mineral fertilizers. Themshould be applied in liquid form.
In autumn, superphosphate and potassium supplements will serve as a good recharge. Such top dressing will help the plant to winter better and gain strength for spring development.

Allium reproduces with the help of daughter bulbs, dividing the bush, air bulbs (bulbs) and seeds.
The resulting shoots on the lower part of the main root of the plant are separated and planted in the allotted place. They need to be selected by size and planted in groups - the clearing on which the largest allium seed material will be placed will bloom faster. Such manipulation with a perennial is carried out every 4 years. Planting decorative onions with child processes should be carried out in the autumn.
Varieties that produce side stems are propagated by dividing the bush. For this purpose, a plant is taken that is at least three years old. The separated part is considered complete if it has developed roots and at least two shoots.
Seeds are sown both before winter and in spring. Only certain types of ornamental onions are propagated with bulbs.
Pest and disease control
The most common flower disease is rot. It can infect plants and planting material. To avoid cervical rot of the bulbs during storage, they must be dried well. Downy mildew can greatly spoil the appearance of perennials. To prevent this from happening, planting bulbs should be prevented. Just before landingcalcined at a temperature of + 38-40 oС.
To create a good care for decorative onions, you need to purchase pest control products in advance. Alliums like to visit the spider mite, onion fly and moth. To destroy pests, spraying with Chlorophos, ash, tobacco dust or special insecticides is carried out.
If you are a fan of flowers, complement your lands with another unique plant with wide design qualities. Decorative bow is used to create stone gardens, alpine slides, borders, garden lawns and the formation of parks. Compositions are made from dry umbrellas in combination with other colors. Fresh cut flowers are used to create bouquets, as they retain their freshness and beautiful appearance for a very long time. When decorating the site, you need to take into account the minus of this plant - its leaves dry out very quickly. Bushy flowers planted around the alliums will help to disguise this flaw.