The shrew is an insectivorous animal that looks like a mouse, which is familiar to almost every gardener. It has a movable elongated proboscis and short legs.

On the territory of Russia there are several varieties of this animal. Insectivores arrange their dwelling underground, tearing out a hole. Many gardeners, having noticed the presence of this animal on their site, decide how to get rid of it, and, consequently, from the troubles that it brings. The problem is very relevant. The shrew feeds on insects. During the extraction of food, it breaks through numerous branched passages underground. This damages the rhizomes of plants and root crops.
Fight against shrews
The animal, breaking through numerous holes in the garden plot, is very active. As a result, the fight against shrews should begin immediately after the appearance of signs of their presence. If this is not done on time, then for a relativelyfor a short period, almost the entire area will be dug up. In the winter season, shrews also remain active, continuing to harm the crop. The method of struggle, which will free the site from these insectivores, should be as effective, affordable and simple as possible. To achieve this goal, you can use chemicals. The most accessible are considered physical methods of struggle. However, the most effective way to save the crop at present is to install repellers on the site.
Chemical method
A shrew appeared on the site. How to get rid of it with the help of chemicals? To expel a hated animal, odorous substances and liquids can be placed in a hole. For these purposes, gasoline or diesel fuel, bleach, dust, tobacco, naphthalene or shag are suitable. Some gardeners use poison gases or smoke bombs. Odorous reagents are also used in pest control - Creatol, Ecar, Pomethanol, Phytorodent, etc. However, it is worth remembering that the use of chemicals can cause significant harm to human and pet he alth.

Physical method
If a shrew began to dig on the site, how to deal with it with improvised means? You can make several turntables, the material for which will be the lid of a can and a wooden stick. The rotation of this homemade weather vane through a pole transmits vibration to the soil and repels pests. The fight against shrews can also be carried out with the help of installed inburrows of traps or traps. An effective way is to periodically dig the earth in the area to a depth of at least seventy centimeters. A reliable physical method, in which the fight against shrews will be effective, are sheets of tin or slate dug around the perimeter of the site. The material must be dug in to a depth of one and a half meters. You can also fill the holes dug by pests with water. The method is quite effective in the absence of large branching moves.

Modern means of pest control fully allow us to solve the problem of getting rid of shrews. Their use does not imply the development of certain skills by a person and the cost of a large amount of material resources. The principle according to which repellers work is very simple. The sound vibrations emitted by the device cause a feeling of discomfort in the shrews. That is why they are in a hurry to leave the territory where the device works.