Garden paint for trees: types and description

Garden paint for trees: types and description
Garden paint for trees: types and description

Spring and autumn processing of fruit trees implies mandatory whitewashing or painting. Although some gardeners and gardeners choose to ignore this procedure, it is worth mentioning that garden tree paint protects the garden and increases its yield.

Undeniable advantages of the procedure

Gardeners who regularly perform this treatment of trees are well aware of the main benefits of whitewashing. And for those who still doubt, we recall that she:

garden paint for trees
garden paint for trees
  • increases winter hardiness of fruit trees;
  • protects from the first scorching rays of spring;
  • prevents frost cracks, that is, ruptures of the bark as a result of temperature differences;
  • disinfects trunks;
  • exterminates insects and pests wintering under the bark of trees;
  • promotes disinfection, good and fast healing of cuts and cuts.

Processing fruit trees with slaked lime

Lime dissolved in water is one of the most common treatments for fruit trees. The popularity of this recipe has been proven by many years of experience. Buying a powder, everyone can adjust the consistency and saturation of the solution. In specialized stores, you can also purchase a ready-made composition. The bactericidal and antifungal substances included in it well protect the tree bole.

Clay, blue vitriol or milk, judging by the experience of gardeners, will be good additions to the traditional solution of lime. The consistency of the composition becomes less fluid, better bonding to the surface.

Whiting trees with slaked lime is also one of the cheapest methods of caring for plants.

Water-based paint

Some gardeners prefer to use white water-based paint. This, of course, is not a specialized garden paint for trees, but the resulting resistant film on the bark protects the trunk from frost cracks. However, such a solution cannot destroy pests. To combat harmful fungi and insects, it is advisable to add components containing copper to the paint.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd wood and exterior paints are another option for treating plants. The product is relatively cheap, protects against the damaging effects of moisture, air and sun, dries quickly, does not have a sharp or unpleasant odor.

acrylic tree paint garden
acrylic tree paint garden

Plant treatment paint recipe

Many gardeners prefer to use their own proven recipes. The components and their quantity in the composition of the paint may vary depending on the needs. In a ten-liter bucket of watertwo or two and a half kilograms of lime, half a kilogram of copper sulfate should be diluted. To increase the resistance, clay is mixed into the solution (about a kilogram will be needed for a bucket of water), paste, wood glue or PVA. If the garden suffers from the antics of rodents, then you can add a tablespoon of carbolic acid to the mixture, the smell of which neither mice nor hares can stand.

tree paint garden reviews
tree paint garden reviews

The resulting mass should be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for several hours, after which the solution will acquire a good consistency and can be easily applied.

Modern alternative to slaked lime

Garden paint for trees, like slaked lime, can protect the bark from damage due to extreme temperature changes, sunburn, pests and fungi.

Such a product has a fairly wide purpose. After all, garden paint, used for whitewashing trees, can also be used to paint the walls and roofs of greenhouses in order to protect the plants growing in them from the sun's rays. Wooden furniture treated with paint will be protected from pests and moisture and will last longer for its owners.

Aqueous dispersion of acrylic polymers with additives and antiseptics is the basis of the composition. Acrylic garden paint for trees contains antimicrobial and antifungal components, thanks to which the process of decay is stopped and spores of mosses and lichens can spread up the crown. The same components repel rodents and hares and do not allow them to gnaw at the bark withyoung trees. However, some gardeners argue that it is better not to process young plants with acrylic products.

garden paint for whitewashing trees
garden paint for whitewashing trees

Garden paint used for trees forms the thinnest breathable protective film on the surface, which does not interfere with natural air exchange.

Luck Protective Garden Paint

This product processes fruit and ornamental trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, as well as bulbous plants. Manufacturers claim that applying Luck paint even in one layer will protect the tree for two years, and for a young plant for a year. Naturally, it protects plantings from pests, ensures the speedy healing of wounds, cuts, cuts, breaks, protects against diseases such as fruit rot, coccomycosis, rust, scab, monilliosis.

An aqueous solution of paint in the proportion of one kilogram per ten liters of water will protect the branches from acid rain, clean their lichens. The smell given off by "Luck" repels rodents and mice.

"Expert" - paint for garden trees

garden tree paint expert
garden tree paint expert

It is intended for protection and decorative treatment of plants. After application, it retains its protective properties for one season. Insect pests that damage wood, fungal spores and diseases are not afraid of plants when using this product.

The paint is sold ready to use, it should be mixed well before application. It is appliedbrush, preferably in several layers. Moreover, the second layer should be applied only eight hours after the first application. The air temperature should not be below +5°C.

Garden paint for trees, reviews of which are extremely positive, perfectly replaces garden pitch when processing saw cuts and cuts. Those who have ever used a similar product in their garden do not return to outdated lime mortars.

Preparing wood for painting

In order for garden paint, used for whitewashing trees, to fulfill its purpose well, the plant must be prepared for processing.

To begin with, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of all types of contaminants: dust, old lime paint, moss, lichen. Dead areas of the bark should also be removed. For these purposes, you can use a scraper or a brush with metal bristles. Care should be taken to keep the trunk of the tree as small as possible. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without damage.

Only after carrying out the above procedures, you can start applying funds to the bole. Each gardener determines the height of the painting for himself. In most cases, the trunk is painted over to a height of at least one meter.

garden tree paint
garden tree paint

Proper and timely care of fruit trees will bring gardeners a rich harvest. Garden paint for trees will allow site owners to effortlessly care for their plantings and protect them from pests. Also they willadmire the beautiful well-kept garden.
