Magnetic Mosquito Curtain

Magnetic Mosquito Curtain
Magnetic Mosquito Curtain

Nothing gives us as much trouble in the summer as insects. Flies and midges fly into the kitchen, mosquitoes bite at night. A magnetic curtain on the door will help you get rid of such uninvited guests at home.

What are magnetic curtains?

Time to figure out what this device is and how to choose the right magnetic anti-mosquito curtains for your home.

magnetic mosquito curtains
magnetic mosquito curtains

Magnets are placed on the curtain in such a way that its edges are constantly in a given position. Due to the fact that the edges of the product fit tightly together, flying insects such as mosquitoes, flies, midges cannot enter the room. The curtain itself, as a rule, is transparent, made of a fine mesh, attached to the doorway using the most common adhesive tape, small nails or buttons. There are also special buttons for attaching such curtains.

If you use these magnetic mosquito curtains, then you can keep the doors open in summer and turn on the light in the room without fear of flying insects.

Modern industry offers us magnetic curtains in a wide variety of colors, sizes and configurations. Such a productwill fit into any interior and can be used on the balcony door, in the country house or in the house.

A curtain with magnets, in fact, is a mosquito net.

How does a magnetic curtain work?

This type of curtain closes the doorway tightly, and flying insects cannot physically enter the room. At the same time, people or pets can easily enter and leave the room. After someone passes through the door, the curtains return to their original position, the magnets on the edges of the curtains are attracted to each other, the curtain closes itself. That is, the principle of operation of this device is based on the laws of physics familiar to us from school - universal gravitation and magnetic attraction.

magnetic anti-mosquito curtains
magnetic anti-mosquito curtains

The developers guarantee that the magnetic curtain on the door will not let a single insect into your home, and your cat or dog can easily overcome the resistance of magnets and get into the house. This is an absolutely safe simple device that will not cause problems for anyone to use.

You can use magnetic curtains almost anywhere. Even if you are going camping with a tent or decide to get out to the sea in your own trailer, you can install a curtain with magnets there too. In the opening of a trailer or on the doors of a tent, on the doors of a children's room or living room - the right mosquito net will look appropriate everywhere. Using it in the country, you can protect your home not only from mosquitoes and flies, but also from wasps, bees and other insects that threaten your peace and the he alth of you and yours.loved ones.

Main pros and cons of curtains with magnets

Insect curtains with magnets have both positive and negative features. The main advantages of such curtains:

  1. Easy to install the mosquito net. It will not be difficult for you to fix it in the doorway, even if you do not have any special skills. You can take such a curtain with you to the country house or on a hike and easily attach it there using improvised means.
  2. magnetic curtain on the door
    magnetic curtain on the door
  3. No need to close the doors in summer. Through the mosquito net, air easily passes into the room, but insects do not fly.
  4. Pets will be able to freely get in and out of the house, while the curtain closes itself.
  5. Magnetic curtains are inexpensive and will not cause significant damage to the family budget.
  6. Mosquito net has a significant margin of safety, which ensures a long service life of the device.
  7. The curtain has a compact size, it is easy to carry and does not take up much space.
  8. Not only does not let flying insects through, but also poplar fluff.
magnetic curtain
magnetic curtain

Disadvantages of magnetic curtains:

  1. As a rule, mosquito nets have standard sizes. Curtains of custom sizes are hard to find commercially, and redesigning a product at home is not always effective.
  2. Sewing a mosquito net to order for non-standard doors significantly increases the cost of the product.
  3. A large number of defective products when ordering curtains formagnets from manufacturers from China. It is worth paying close attention to the quality of the purchased product.
  4. Mosquito nets with magnetic tapes come in a wide variety of colors, but only gray curtains have retainers.
  5. Adhesive tape and buttons supplied with curtains are not always of the required quality, so you need to prepare double-sided tape or buttons in advance to better fix the curtain.

Magic Mesh Magnetic Curtains

Magic Mesh is a well established mosquito curtain manufacturer. Products of this brand are distinguished by reliable protection of the premises from mosquitoes, flies, wasps, poplar fluff, as well as an attractive appearance.

Magic Mash magnetic curtains
Magic Mash magnetic curtains

Magic Mesh Magnetic Curtains are easy to install in the doorway, they allow air and sunlight to pass through, while retaining pollen and dust.

Magic Mesh comes with 2 mosquito nets, magnetic strips, fasteners, instructions. As fasteners in sets, there are usually special buttons or nails.

Mosquito net parameters are as follows:

  • Height - 210 cm.
  • Sash width (half) curtains - 50 cm.
  • Magnets - 18 pieces.
  • The weight of the finished product is 0.4 kg.

The magnetic curtain of this manufacturer is made of special heavy-duty polypropylene.

Advantages of Magic Mesh over other manufacturers of magnetic curtains

The main advantages of this manufacturer's products:

  1. These curtains are suitable for differentdoor types.
  2. Quality magnets make the mosquito net resistant to wind gusts.
  3. Magnetic latches close shutters quickly and securely.
  4. Curtains can be washed by hand and vacuumed.
  5. Long lasting and affordable.

Helpful tips

  1. Before buying, pay attention to the quality and packaging of the purchased product.
  2. Don't chase the lowest price. Your best bet is to find out the average market price for magnetic curtains and purchase from a reputable manufacturer who makes curtains using quality magnets and safe materials.
  3. Read reviews about the curtain manufacturer and the products themselves.

Spending just a little time and money on magnetic curtains, you will protect your home from flying insects for the whole summer, you can enjoy fresh air through an open door and turn on the light in the room without fear of mosquito invasion.
