A huge number of owners of apartments and residential buildings, in an effort to make their home a reliable fortress, install metal front doors. And these are correct actions, but they can be completely useless if the installed lock does not perform direct duties, is distinguished by low-quality raw materials and susceptibility to easy hacking. Choosing the right mechanism is very easy, you just need to understand the wide range offered on the modern market.
Types of locks by burglary resistance class
There are a huge number of goods belonging to door fittings. These are various door locks, hinges, limiters, handles, latches and other designs. But now we will talk about the locking device of the door.

The degree of protection of the lock from opening depends on the base material and the level of secrecy of the mechanism operating inside.
There are four classes of burglar resistance:
- locks that can be picked in just a couple of minutes;
- designs hacked by experienced craftsmen in a period of time from 5 to 15 minutes;
- Third class mechanisms with improved protectivefeatures that take more than 15 minutes to open;
- the most secure locks that take more than half an hour to open.
Distribution by type of secret mechanism used
Most often in everyday life there are five types of lock secret designs:
- lever;
- cylinder;
- electronic;
- code;
- transom.
The last three types of secret mechanisms are used very rarely, because such door locks for front doors have a lot of serious drawbacks. They are not reliable.

Code devices are usually mounted on entrance doors. They open without the use of keys by entering a digital combination. The unreliability of such locks lies in the fact that fraudsters can peep the cipher, guess it, or find out through a special electronic panel.
Rod locks consist of internal bolts that open by pressing the key on their inside. Such mechanisms are characterized by a short service life and ease of opening.
Electronic locks for front doors need backup power sources, because without them they simply will not function. Such mechanisms deteriorate very quickly, often do not respond to the signal from the control panel, and are not at all resistant to high and low temperatures.
It is best to purchase a door lock for a metal door of a cylinder or lever type. It is these structuresare considered the most reliable and resistant to hacking. The principle of operation of the lock of the first type is that to rotate the cylindrical block, a combination of pins is built that looks like needles. And in lever mechanisms, under the influence of a key, a secret mechanism turns, and a set of plates forms a certain combination.
Types of locks by installation method
There are three types of mechanisms: overhead, hinged and mortise.
Installation of padlock type door locks is most often used for garages and sheds. Each product from this category consists of a body and an arc, one end of which is fixed and rotates around an axis, and the other is locked with a key included in the mechanism.

Overhead structures are attached to the surface of the door leaf, with little or no damage. They are very easy to mount and connect to other devices.
It is customary to install a mortise door lock for a metal door inside the case. In this case, access to the well is provided through drilled holes covered with decorative overlays. Such designs are very popular. They do not spoil the aesthetically attractive appearance of the door and can be mounted both in the front door and in the interior door.
Distribution of locks by type of action
There are two types of mechanisms:
- Locking, not having handles and latches as part of the design. They are mounted above the level of the fixing lock. Such products are commonly usedexclusively for locking.
- Fixing-locking. The structure of such locks includes both latches and handles with a lock. This is the most common type of locking mechanism, which locks the door in a very comfortable position and does not require additional effort when closing. Most often, such a lock is mounted at a distance of a meter from the floor surface in the lower part of the case.
Distribution by security type
The door lock mechanism can have different internal and external parameters. This is the strength of the structure, and the number of combinations used, and the probability of matching the key, and even the degree of protection against damage by master keys.

All this is included in the degree of secrecy, of which there are three in total:
- The highest. The door lock device uses a complex combination of pins and a well-thought-out device profile. A protective mechanism is included that is resistant to chemicals and physical force. The number of secret combinations used ranges from 100 thousand to one billion. High precision assembly and parts.
- Average. A rather complex combination of pins is used, but there is not always protection against hacking. The body and structural parts are made of materials with high strength. As a rule, the body and handles are of poor quality, and the bolts of the system are of high quality. The number of combinations used ranges from 5 thousand to 50 thousand.
- Low. Such door locks for entrance doors are not protected from mechanical impact. Their parts are not of high quality, however, likeassembly. Simple combinations of pins and classic key profiles are used. The number of combinations involved ranges from 10 to 10 thousand.
Cylinder locks: burglary resistance
The degree of protection against mechanical impact depends directly on the model itself and the manufacturer. If you buy a domestic door lock, the price of which will be surprisingly ridiculous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to protect your home, because such structures can be opened with an ordinary hairpin.

It is worth paying attention to foreign-made products. As a rule, such mechanisms are of higher quality and resistant to various types of external and internal influences.
Lever type locks: burglary resistance
The burglary resistance of such mechanisms depends on the number of combinations of protrusions on the key surface. This parameter can be easily calculated using a special formula: multiply the number of lock levers by the number of protrusions. On average, this coefficient is in the range from 50,000 to 100,000 combinations, which is why scammers use more crude methods of violating the integrity of the case instead of master keys.

The door lock for the lever-type metal door will be more resistant to burglary if there are false ledges. In addition, the well can always be protected with armor plates, sheathing from sheets of metal or other durable materials.
Dismantling the old structure before installing a new lockmechanism
If door locks are installed in a new metal door, then you can limit yourself to one amount of work. It is enough just to purchase the mechanism you like and proceed with its installation. But in the event that the internal door lock should come to replace the old design, you will have to remove the old device before purchasing a new one.
If the previous mechanism was installed without a fixing cylinder and handles, then there will be no difficulties during the dismantling process. It is only necessary to unscrew the screws for fastening from the end plate of the door surface, and then remove the door lock for a metal door. This method is great for lever type constructions.
If you have a fixed cylinder, you will first have to remove the screw from the end plate, which passes through the entire surface of the mechanism. After that, the door lock device can be easily removed from the opening.
In some cases, decorative overlays that do not provide access to the device case can create a problem. As a rule, such elements are fastened with bolts that are removed with a conventional screwdriver.
Rules for the care of locks
It is very important to remember to take care of key mechanisms during their operation. A door lock, the price of which depends on the type of security, manufacturer and materials used, can suffer from the effects of moisture and frost. In such situations, it is necessary to regularly use special solutions that prevent rust.

Someexperts advise lubricating the lock from the inside with engine oil, but this is not always a good option. Over time, dirt and metal chips can accumulate in the device's larva, and you will have to purchase a new locking mechanism.
To increase burglary resistance and prevent burglars from quickly entering a house or apartment, it is better to install several protective mechanisms at once. For example, a lever lock can be used as the main one, and a cylindrical bill of lading can help it.
When choosing a mechanism for the front door, do not forget to pay attention to the accuracy of its assembly, the material of the parts, cost, strength, ease of use. Also, be sure to consider the features of your particular door.
Don't skimp on a device that should protect you and your family. It is best to give preference to proven and reliable manufacturers.