When decorating a child's room, it is very important to furnish it with the right furniture, which will be compact, but at the same time will contain everything the baby needs in everyday life. Therefore, many parents often buy special shelving for the children's room, which allows you to keep the essentials in sight. It is also convenient for the baby to use such shelves: toys, puzzles are most often placed on the lower tiers, and above, where he can’t get it yet, you can put books, beautiful figures, things - in general, everything your heart desires.

Children's room racks play not only a practical role in a child's life. All things that are stored there are visible and accessible to the baby, and he can independently arrange objects, while creating a unique design of the room. In the first years of his life, he will arrange toys there, then it will move on to school textbooks and encyclopedias. By the way, by observing the state in which the child contains his shelves, you candraw a lot of conclusions about his psychological and spiritual qualities.
Modern shelving for a children's room is no longer produced in the form of boring wooden shelves covered with standard polishing. There are options for decorating a boy's or girl's room, which differ from each other in both structure and color. If you have a little princess growing up, the rack can be presented in the form of a playhouse. The lower shelves can serve as a dollhouse, while the upper shelves can serve as storage for things and books. Shelves for a boy's children's room can be made in a marine style, like a deck. It can also be a fortress or a truck.

A tree is a universal option. Most often, such shelves are made to order, and they contain an element of wall painting. Everything is simple - a tree is drawn on one of the walls (the drawing is selected at your discretion), and separate shelves are attached to its branches. Their order, size and quantity are also chosen by you. In this case, it is important to calculate everything so that it is convenient for the baby to play in such a room, so that he does not hit his head on the shelves, and they do not interfere with outdoor games.
Do not forget also that quality, environmental friendliness and durability are the main qualities that all children's furniture should have. Racks, in contact with which the child is constantly, must certainly meet all the highest requirements. Therefore, before buying furniture, be sure to study its composition andask about the history of the manufacturer. You may find something that will make you change your mind.

Indispensable, comfortable and incredibly stylish are racks for a children's room. Photos of several options are presented in the article, and based on them, you can choose something for yourself. Just do not forget to consult with the baby - after all, it is in his “chambers” that these wonderful shelves will be located, on which his toy friends will be placed. And his emotional development directly depends on how interesting all this will be.