It is impossible to imagine a modern bathroom without communications. But sewer and water pipes will not make the room attractive. Therefore, in the process of repair, the owners of apartments and houses hide these systems under the boxes. It is quite possible to perform such designs on your own, without the involvement of professionals. Just to get started, you need to select the material. To implement the described task, you can use one of several methods and complete the installation:
- boxes;
- furniture;
- roller blinds;
- pipes in the wall.
When choosing an option, it is worth considering the possibility of pipe maintenance. If they break, the decor of the room should not suffer. Once the box can be installed, you can mount a collapsible structure or make access doors.
The piping box in the bathroom can be installed depending on the location of the lines. You can close only the pipes or the entire wall completely. The first option involves decorating individual sections, so there is an opportunity to save onmaterials.
If you sew up the entire plane, the room will look more attractive, but this design will reduce the usable area. You can use the space partially occupied by pipes by storing various things there.
Preparation of tools and materials

Like every other room in your home, the bathroom should look attractive. The pipe box in the room can be made from different materials - it can be drywall, plastic or wood. However, before starting work, you should take care of the availability of some tools, among them:
- roulette;
- impact drill;
- construction knife;
- plummet;
- construction corner;
- hammer;
- bubble level.
To make the boxes, a standard drywall sheet with dimensions of 2500x1200 mm will be enough. Thickness can range from 9 to 12.5 mm. It is better to purchase moisture-resistant material, because the sewer riser and water pipes are covered with perspiration, so the humidity will be significant.
The frame can be made from wooden bars of square section with a side of 40 or 50 mm. An alternative solution is a galvanized profile designed to work with drywall. The latter option is more practical, because the profile does not require special training, and it is much easier to install it.
Material selection

Beforeto make a box for pipes in the bathroom, you should choose the material. It must be moisture resistant, have a small thickness and weight, and also be based on environmentally friendly ingredients that do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. According to these requirements, you can choose plywood, plastic, MDF or moisture-resistant drywall.

Before you install a pipe box in the bathroom, you need to think about where problems will most often occur. Problems with the plumbing or sewerage system happen at the junctions. If you plan to install the box after laying the pipes, then you should make sure that the line has fewer connections.
If the replacement of the pipeline is not planned, then before hiding the pipes, it is necessary to inspect them. Without fear of leaks, you can close welded or soldered joints. As for the fittings, they should be freely accessible. They should be checked periodically. This indicates that threaded connections cannot be walled up. Access must also be guaranteed to sewer inspections, valves, filters and meters.
Making a box: sizing

The piping box in the bathroom should be made only after its future dimensions have been determined. The distance from the walls of the box to the pipes should not be less than 3 cm. As soon as it was possible to make markings on the floor, withusing a plumb line, the contours of the future box can be transferred to the ceiling and walls.
Installing the frame

Before backfilling the communication system, a frame should be installed. It is better to make it from a galvanized profile, because the air in the room will be constantly humid, so wood is not suitable. If the latter option is still preferable for you, then you should choose bars made of rocks that are resistant to decay. Before use, the elements are treated with an antiseptic.
The components of the frame are fastened together with self-tapping screws or cutters. To fix the profile to the wall, you can stock up on euro screws or dowels. The box covering the bathroom pipes must first be mounted on the walls. At the next stage, the racks are mounted, which will form the front face. Next, guides are installed on the floor and ceiling.
When the length of the racks is more than 1.5 m, jumpers should be made between them. They are required for a frame with a width of more than 0.25 m. A distance of no more than a meter must be left between the jumpers. How to make a pipe box in the bathroom so that it serves for many years? You must sand the cut with mastic if you are using wood. This will not only protect the material from damage, but also prevent its deformation.
Frame trim

When preparing the details for the box, it is necessary to form whole elements. First, cut the side walls. They are cut so that the edges do not go beyond the profile.frame. Then the front part of the box is cut out, which should close the sidewalls. After cutting, the material is mounted to the racks. To do this, use 3.5 cm self-tapping screws. The step between them should be 2.5 cm. This will provide the frame with strength, so there is no need to fix the material to the jumpers.
For the manufacture of doors, you can use elements that will be fixed on magnets. Sometimes the box for pipes in the bathroom is completely collapsible. To do this, sheets of material are fastened with self-tapping screws at the very edge. The final finish does not involve decorating them, this is necessary if ceramic tiles are used at the final stage. In order to make the box complete, you can use a plinth or plastic corners. If it is necessary to dismantle the box, the plinth is removed, the screws are unscrewed, the finishing material is removed.
Additional recommendations for sheathing the box with drywall

A drywall bathroom pipe box is the most common solution for decorating communications. For sheathing the frame, drywall should be prepared, the thickness of which will be 9.5 mm. The joints should be puttied, and then the surface is painted or lined with other material as desired.
Making a plastic box
The first thing to do before making a box in the bathroom is to close the pipes with a frame. This was discussed above. However, if you want to use polystyrene panels as the lining of the box, then the lining will beperformed somewhat differently. The advantage of this solution is the ability to adjust the height of the structure.
Panels have legs, which allows you to level the unevenness of the floor. With the help of these legs, you can close irregularities up to 10 cm. The installation of the panels will look like this. An end support is mounted on the wall. The top and side edges must be smeared with glue and put in place. A wrench will allow you to tighten the legs of the panels. The plastic bathroom piping box is not only easy to install, but also durable and reliable.
Recommendations from a specialist in sheathing the box frame with PVC panels
After installing the starting profile, in order to avoid deformation, it is necessary to fix it with fleas on the guide profile. On the plastic panel, you need to measure the desired size, then cut it off with a sharp knife. The first panel is fixed in the start profile, while the other is attached to the corner profile.
To connect, you must use bedbugs or fleas. The second side of the box is assembled according to the same principle. On the last panel, you need to fix the start profile. Using silicone, you will ensure ease of dismantling when an emergency arises. In those places where it is necessary to provide unhindered access to the elements of the pipeline, it is necessary to cut revision holes. Special hatches are installed using silicone sealant.
Before making the box, you need to think about what material the frame will be made of. If youIf you plan to use a profile, then you should purchase UD and CD guides. If you prefer wood, then to connect elements from it, it is better to purchase hardened self-tapping screws, the length of which will be twice the size of the timber used.
In each of these cases, to fix drywall sheets, it is better to stock up with hardened self-tapping screws, the dimensions of which are 35-45 mm. It is important to choose fasteners that have a piercing tip. It will be easier to work with it, and it will not damage the material.