Wishing to overhaul the bathroom, the owners of the house or apartment are also changing the old heated towel rail. Today there are many varieties of such products. They differ in many characteristics. To choose the best option, you will need to consider the advice of experts and customer reviews. Which water heated towel rail is best for the bathroom will be discussed next.
Which water heated towel rails are better? Owners of private real estate who wish to renovate the bathroom face this issue. To answer this question, you need to consider the features of such heated towel rails. Water varieties are most often installed in the bathroom during major repairs.

The design is a pipe bent in a certain configuration. It circulates hot water or othera heat carrier that is heated by a boiler or supplied through a central heating system. These products are simple in design. With the right choice, they will serve their owners for a long time.
During operation, there are no additional costs for servicing the device. At the same time, the cost of water varieties of heated towel rails is acceptable to all buyers. However, it is worth considering that this heater will only work during the heating period. In this case, the warm-up period of the room will be quite long.
When evaluating the best water heated towel rails, it is imperative to learn about the power of water pressure in the heating system to make the right choice. For a private house, this figure is usually low. This allows you to purchase a heated towel rail cheaper. In an apartment building, water is supplied through pipes under high pressure. When starting the heating system, a serious water hammer is possible. Therefore, the material from which the pipes and the entire design of the heated towel rail will be made must be as strong as possible.
The water heated towel rail performs several functions. It can be single or dual circuit. The first option is advisable to use in an apartment building, and the second - in a private cottage. The main function of this appliance is to dry wet towels. The bathroom is constantly damp. To avoid dampness, install a heated towel rail.
In addition, such a product performs the function of a radiator. It warms up the room well. In the cold seasonhere it will be comfortable to take water procedures. Therefore, in the vast majority of apartments, such devices are installed.

Water models of heated towel rails are able to prevent the development of dampness and fungus. They keep the room warm. Condensation does not collect on cold glass surfaces. Mirrors don't fog up either. If the owners took a very hot shower for a long time, and the windows were still covered with condensate, with a working heated towel rail, water droplets quickly evaporate from the mirrors.
In apartment buildings, a heated towel rail can serve as a kind of decoupling loop for the heating system, distributing hot water from a centralized channel between several apartments. Dual-circuit devices maintain a constant temperature.
Also presented devices can perform a decorative function. They may be original. Beautiful chrome pipes seamlessly intertwine into complex or simple shapes. You can choose a water heated towel rail with a shelf. This will allow you to place some bath accessories on it.
Pipes and fittings
Models with different types of connection are on sale. Most often, such devices are mounted on the wall. In this case, as a rule, they buy a water heated towel rail with a side connection. However, the owners can also purchase a floor-type heated towel rail. In this case, the pipes will be supplied from below. There are also models with top and diagonal connections.

When purchasing a heated towel rail, they are guided by the pressure force in the heating system. The choice of pipes also depends on this indicator. According to the requirements of GOST, structures are suitable for such an installation, the maximum allowable pressure of which will be at least 6 atm.
Therefore, when purchasing a water heated towel rail with side connection or floor type, you need to pay great attention to the correct choice of fittings. It should be taken into account that in the central heating system, in normal times, water can be supplied at a pressure of 2.5 atm. However, when the system is started, this figure can reach 7.5 atm. Pipes, fittings and the structure itself with a maximum allowable load of 6 atm. in this case will burst. Hot water will overflow from the system. This will necessitate repairs again.
To avoid unnecessary costs, you need to approach the choice of all elements for connection responsibly. Therefore, before buying everything you need for installation, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the heating system. Another 5 atm is added to this value. for an apartment building and 1-2 atm. for a private cottage. This is insurance that will prevent pipes from bursting during water hammer.
Sometimes you need to purchase special adapters to connect the pipes and outlets of the heated towel rail. It is not recommended to save on the quality of pipes and fittings. It will be much more expensive to repair a leak again.
Thinking about which water heated towel rail is best for your bathroom,many consider two main forms of such products. This is a serpentine and a ladder. The second option is more practical. Firstly, this configuration is more resistant to water hammer, which significantly increases the safety of the system. Secondly, this form allows you to dry wet things more evenly. They dry all the way.

The ribs can also accommodate more small items (underwear, socks, scarves, etc.). Thirdly, the structure in the form of a ladder with the same dimensions has a larger heating area than a coil. Therefore, the room will warm up faster.
However, coils are also purchased quite often. This is due to their affordable cost. The price of such a product will be 2 times lower than that of a ladder. This will make installation easier in most cases. It is possible not to alter the riser to install the coil.
Today, quite unusual exotic models are also on sale. For example, you can purchase a water heated towel rail with a shelf, in the shape of a fish, a flower, cubes, etc. The market also offers mixed designs that combine a serpentine and a ladder.
It is important to pay attention when choosing what material the structure is made of. Today they produce water heated towel rails made of stainless steel, black steel and non-ferrous metals. Each of them has its own characteristics. When choosing a material, it is worth remembering that in a private house the owner can control the quality of the composition of the coolant. A specialantifreeze that extends the life of pipes, including the coil.

In high-rise buildings, the quality of water supplied to the system leaves much to be desired. It may contain abrasive particles, s alts, oxygen, which will gradually destroy the internal surfaces of heating communications. Therefore, the materials from which they are made are subject to increased requirements.
The best option for an apartment building is a stainless steel water heated towel rail. The surfaces of this design can be painted or chrome-plated. This material will last longer than other options. Painted structures will deteriorate faster from the outside. Therefore, it is better to purchase chrome models. They will also fit more harmoniously into the existing interior.
Black steel models are more often used in private homes. Inside such heated towel rails there is a layer of anti-corrosion coating. However, it does not save when supplying poor quality water through the system. For a private home, black steel construction would be a good option.
Models made of non-ferrous metals are most often made of copper. Their cost is high. The appearance of such heated towel rails is suitable for certain styles, for example, classic or retro. This material is characterized by durability and strength. It can be installed in a private house and apartment.
Reviews about the water heated towel rail are also left by professional designers. They claim it's righteveryone can choose a design for the bathroom. They divide these devices into a group of complex and simple, as well as matte and silver. When choosing a model, first of all, its color is evaluated.

If there are metallic elements in the bathroom interior, for example, chrome-plated taps, a shower rack, you can install a heated towel rail with shiny metal surfaces. If there are no such surfaces in the interior, you need to choose white or matte models. They will fit more harmoniously into the existing design.
If the plumbing in the bathroom is designed in copper tones, you need to choose a heated towel rail of the same shade. Otherwise, it will stand out strongly against the general background. It will not harmonize with faucets, showers or other design elements of the bathroom space.
Connecting a water heated towel rail is best left to a professional. He will be able to install the product so that it does not protrude too much forward, it looks neat. Designers do not recommend choosing artsy, very unusual heated towel rails. Fashion for them may pass very soon. It changes every 2-3 years. The classic options (ladder and snake) and their modifications do not go out of fashion.
Reviews from customers and specialists
Before buying a water heated towel rail, customer reviews should be considered first. Today, products of both domestic and foreign companies are on sale. The products of Finnish, German, Italian, as well as Russian are in demand.manufacturers.

The simpler the design, the cheaper the heated towel rail. Also, the cost is affected by performance, the material from which the model is created. Buyers claim that the products of European companies are designed for connection to autonomous heating. Domestic companies in the development of heated towel rails take into account the composition of the central heating water. Therefore, such products can be installed not only in autonomous, but also in centralized heating networks.
This statement is confirmed by experts. They note that European companies make heated towel rails from sheet steel, which does not even have an anti-corrosion inner coating. Such products cannot be used for a long time in apartment buildings. This significantly limits the scope of foreign models.
Buyers also note that cheap products from little-known manufacturers are short-lived. Even if it is stated that such a heated towel rail is made of stainless steel, its quality does not meet the established standards. This leads to the rapid destruction of materials. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products only from trusted manufacturers.
Foreign manufacturers
Water heated towel rail for autonomous heating can be manufactured by a foreign company. Among such manufacturers, there are several firms whose products are in high demand today.
Quality heated towel rails forAutonomous heating is produced by the German brand Zehnder. The company develops many models that differ in design, size and functionality.
The world famous brand is the Italian company Margaroli. The range of models of this manufacturer is huge. Each towel warmer is a work of art. They look original and stylish.
One of the most popular brands in our country is Warmos. This is a Finnish company that, unlike its European counterparts, pays great attention to product safety.
Domestic brands
Domestic companies produce high quality towel rails. They are more adapted to the conditions of domestic heating networks. Terminus water heated towel rails are in demand in our country. It is one of the leading manufacturers in the industry. More than 200 different models of similar products are on sale. At the same time, the cost of products remains acceptable to all buyers. This ensures a high demand for heated towel rails from this company. At the same time, the quality significantly exceeds the products of foreign brands.
Sunerzha water heated towel rails are also in demand today. The company uses innovative technologies to create its products. Its products fully comply with the requirements of GOSTs and other standards. A large selection of designer models, as well as the strength, durability and reliability of Sunerzh products make these heated towel rails popular.
The price of a water heated towel rail largely depends onmanufacturer, design and metal from which the model was made. Steel products intended for autonomous heating can be purchased at a price of 900 rubles. At the same time, the products of European companies will cost from 2,000 rubles.
Stainless steel is more expensive. Such domestic-made heated towel rails, which can withstand the working conditions in centralized heating networks, cost from 1,500 rubles. Foreign companies sell similar products from 2200 rubles. The minimum price of brass heated towel rails is 2500 rubles, and copper - 3000 rubles.
After considering the features of water heated towel rails, as well as the main issues that you need to pay attention to when buying, you can choose the best model. It will serve its owners for many years.