Soldering acid is the main component of the soldering process. This method of connecting several parts together is considered one of the most reliable and simple.

The soldering process is a series of technological measures that result in a practical and durable connection. Such operations are possible only if special solders and fluxes are used, which serve as a binder. Thus, the quality of the connection will directly depend on the properties and characteristics that the resulting junction has.
This method of connecting two or more parts was developed by the Egyptians more than 5 millennia ago. At the same time, a list of materials was compiled that are held together by a similar method. It is fair to note that this list of metals is still widely used in production.

In addition, soldering acid isdistinguishing feature of the soldering process from the welding process. Let's understand these concepts in more detail. Welding of parts occurs by heating their edges to the melting temperature and subsequent fusion of these edges into a single whole. At the same time, the soldering of parts is nothing more than the usual heating of the required parts of the parts and further fusing onto the formed heated space of a substance called "soldering rosin". At the same time, the edges of metal parts do not change their properties, but are only heated. It should be noted that an easily meltable special substance is used to connect materials. Due to their excellent characteristics, products connected by soldering are sometimes even stronger than by welding.
Soldering acid has only one drawback: due to some features, the connections obtained in this way are non-separable. This means that replacement of worn parts is not possible.
As a result of the development of plastic parts, soldering and welding connections are less and less used in manufacturing plants and in everyday life. However, such processes are still indispensable for the repair of metal parts.

Soldering acid, determined for a particular material of parts, may differ slightly in its composition. As well as solders, which are an alloy of two metals with low and close melting points. In technical language, a similar rangereferred to as the melting zone.
All substances used to join parts are divided into three categories, thanks to which you can get hard or soft, as well as high-temperature soldering. It should be noted that the latter variety is prohibited for domestic use precisely because of the high temperatures.
Hard soldering gives joints high strength and refractoriness. In some cases - malleability. At the same time, soft soldering (the main area where soldering acid is used) gives the material elasticity and flexibility.