For the full growth and development of plants, it is necessary to ensure timely watering. Of particular importance is the irrigation of horticultural crops during the seasons when the weather is hot. Watering plants can not always be ensured if the plantings are located at a remote distance from the main place of residence of the gardener, or sometimes a person does not have enough time and effort. Currently, the problem of timely water supply for the necessary manual or automatic irrigation of garden plants, vegetables, flowers, fruits, helps to solve the set watering timer.

Types of devices
Currently, plant irrigation controllers for greenhouses, orchards and orchards are available in two control options: manual and automatic. Irrigation devices by type of design are divided into the following types: automatic, mechanical, electronic and digital. The watering timer can be built into any irrigation system for planted areas. There are modelsmounted on a faucet. Also, some types of controllers are resistant to adverse environmental conditions and can be outdoors.

Advantages of using controllers
The watering timer, also called a controller, is able to supply water not only to household plots, but also to vegetable gardens with a large area, regardless of what cultivated plants grow there. Due to the fact that vegetable and fruit crops consume water differently, the device, using the program, allows you to select and set the required irrigation mode, taking into account the characteristics of plants. In addition, the watering timer has a sensor that reacts to rain and high humidity. Depending on the appearance of precipitation, the water supply may automatically stop, and with the improvement of weather conditions, resume again. This feature eliminates soil flooding and saves water consumption. In addition, there are models that can be controlled remotely. In the case when a separate zone needs additional irrigation, it is possible to change the pre-set program using the remote control. The owner does not need to be directly at the lawn.

Auto timer
The automatic watering timer helps to complete the task of planned and metered water supply for watering plantings. It also allows for automatic regulation of drip irrigation of plants, being one of the most effective devices.when growing crops in greenhouse conditions. The irrigation controller can be programmed to perform the optimal water supply modes, based on the necessary conditions for each type of plant. In greenhouses equipped with timers for automatic watering, an effective ventilation system must be provided, which is essential for the successful growth of crops. If it is necessary to irrigate vast areas, a high throughput of irrigation equipment is required, which is very difficult to implement. This device allows you to reduce the load on the pumping system by alternately partially saturating the area with water.

Drip irrigation controller
Farmers, gardeners, owners of summer cottages have recently begun to widely use controllers in the drip irrigation system of plants in garden beds, small fields, etc. The use of electronic irrigation devices ensures planned automatic water supply, in accordance with the program, which is chosen for a particular type of plant. The controllers ensure efficient and correct water supply to the green spaces at precisely set hours. The timer for drip irrigation eliminates waterlogging of the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the he alth of horticultural crops.

Advantages of drip irrigation controllers
- Ability to water 24 hours a day, regardless of weather conditions.
- Ensuring a slow water supply, in which the plants are most successfully saturated with moisture coming to them.
- The ability to supply not only water, but also the additives necessary for their development in the form of minerals, s alts and fertilizers.
- Using this irrigation system is efficient as it prevents water from reaching the leaves, reducing the risk of plant disease.
- Due to the rapid absorption of water and nutrients directly by the root system of plants, the period of their development is significantly accelerated.
- Using a timer for drip irrigation, it is possible to regulate the irrigation process in automatic mode.

Global irrigation controller
There are models of timers that have a ball valve. To supply water, the ball located in the device rotates and passes the required amount of liquid. In this case, the pressure of the water jet is not required. The valve rotates automatically, following the program set on the controller. The ball electronic watering timer itself has an electronic display, which facilitates programming the necessary data: timing, frequency, frequency, duration of watering, and more. It also reports the state of charge and equipment malfunctions. The watering ball timer works from batteries, which are enough for the entire irrigation season, until the harvest.

Working with the controller
Irrigation timers are available in the following types:
- with onechannel;
- multichannel.
In turn, multi-channel timers are available in two versions: mechanical, electronic. A mechanical watering timer differs from an electronic watering timer in ease of operation. So, before putting it into operation, you need to set the time periods between the water supply and the duration of the irrigation itself.
Before starting the operation of the electronic timer, it is necessary to set: date, start time, select the desired program that is most suitable for growing crops. The required amount of water for irrigation is supplied by a pump, to which the timer commands to supply water, and then to stop the supply, after which this cycle is repeated.
The cycle of moisture supply is set, depending on the plant species, for which the amount of water needed for irrigation is determined in advance, based on the recommendations given by experts. The operation of each timer is provided, depending on the type of device, with one or two pairs of batteries.
Before using the timer, you must carefully read the instructions that come with each device. The advantages of multi-channel timers with a digital version are: the ability to set the frequency of turning on and off the water supply for watering plants, as well as providing watering of crops growing in different areas with different intensity, based on each type of plant.
Based on feedback from many growers using a water timerelectronic in the irrigation system of the site, we can conclude that such a device greatly facilitates the care of planted plants. It frees the summer resident from the need for a constant presence in the garden in order to provide vegetable and fruit crops with water. These smart devices take care of most of the daily care of the site.