Monetary loosestrife - cultivation and reproduction

Monetary loosestrife - cultivation and reproduction
Monetary loosestrife - cultivation and reproduction

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Monetary loosestrife (meadow tea) is a representative of the flora with not much branching, but creeping shoots up to 30 cm. The leaves are attached to short petioles. In their axils, small, coin-like single flowers bloom. Monetary loosestrife tends to live both on horizontal planes and on steep slopes. This is a very interesting plant, which is actively used in folk medicine and ornamental gardening. This representative of the flora is widespread in the Mediterranean, Japan, North America, as well as in the European part of Russia and Europe.

Coined loosestrife
Coined loosestrife


There are about 200 varieties of loosestrife. The soil characteristics for them are basically similar, although there are differences in the nuances. For example, loosestrife is spotted, as well as speckled, lily of the valley and ciliary. In general, they prefer moderately humid areas, although they can tolerate severe waterlogging. However loosestrifeMonetary can be planted even in water to a depth of 10 cm. These representatives of the flora to the ground are not too demanding. Loose, moist, fertile soils are most suitable for them, which contribute to rapid growth.

loosestrife photo
loosestrife photo

Plant care

Monetary loosestrife does not need shelter for the winter. In summer, it is necessary to constantly maintain high soil moisture. In some vertically growing varieties, stems with faded inflorescences are cut after flowering, and in autumn they are generally cut to the bottom. However, the coin view is not touched. Just add compost. In one place, this plant can exist up to 10 years. It is very unpretentious and spreads well on the surface of the soil. The plant should be watered frequently. It grows well both in shade and partial shade, and in the sun, tolerates drought well, is very resistant to trampling and mowing, easily survives prolonged flooding.

Spotted loosestrife
Spotted loosestrife


These representatives of the flora reproduce vegetatively and with the help of seeds. Individual shoots (up to 20 cm) are best propagated by coined loosestrife. Photos of meadows and shores covered with this plant can be found very often. For better germination, it is desirable to carry out post-sowing stratification for 2 months. The plant begins to bloom in the second, sometimes in the third year. Dividing and transplanting is best done in early spring (before foliage appears) or early autumn, in September.


ThisThe plant is used mainly as an ornamental and deciduous plant. Large carpet-type spots are made from it, most often in the shade. Monetary loosestrife is used to decorate the soil and small building structures. This representative of the flora is perfect for decorating the shores of a reservoir or pools. Its long shoots hanging down to the water look great and add natural comfort to the place. The plant grows and blooms beautifully when its roots are under water on the shallows. This makes it the most suitable for decorating various types of ponds. It is also successfully used in various floral arrangements.
