How to plant a geranium shoot without roots: features of care and reproduction, tips and tricks

How to plant a geranium shoot without roots: features of care and reproduction, tips and tricks
How to plant a geranium shoot without roots: features of care and reproduction, tips and tricks

Geranium is one of the most beloved plants by flower growers, unpretentious in keeping at home and in terms of propagation methods. Information on how to plant a geranium shoot without roots will allow you to root the cutting before planting in a pot. A beautiful flower will grow out of it in a fairly short time.

Botanical description of the flower

Geranium, or pelargonium, is a meadow plant (annual or perennial), which is found in almost all countries of the world, but, according to scientists, its homeland is South Africa. The plant is distinguished by species diversity: more than 400 varieties in the world and about 40 in Russia. It grows to a height of 60 cm, can grow both in open ground at their summer cottage, in boxes on balconies, and at home.

In Greek, the name of the flower means "crane". The reason for this name was the shape of the fruit, which resemble an elongated bird's beak. In Germany, it is also called "stork's nose".

Geranium grows like a herb orsemi-shrub plant, its stems can be erect or falling (in ampelous species). The geranium flower has 5 petals, collected in inflorescences, in some varieties - terry, colors - white, pink, red, blue, purple, etc. Pelargonium leaves are original: palmate-lobed or dissected, soft, covered with hairs. The leaves are oval in shape, indented figuratively.

The most common varieties: fragrant, ampelous, garden, royal (Regal), etc., as well as many hybrids, including interspecific ones. Interesting varieties include: star (Stellar), variegated, tulip (Tulip), cactus, ivy, dwarf, fragrant, etc.

Pelargoniums in the garden
Pelargoniums in the garden

Methods of reproduction

Geranium has a good ability to survive, which allows it to grow in any, even adverse conditions. It can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds (purchased or obtained by yourself) - the method requires a long time;
  • method of dividing roots from the mother plant - considered risky due to the delicate structure of the roots and further providing certain growth conditions;
  • cuttings - the most preferred way by flower growers.

An important advantage of transplanting geranium cuttings is the ability to propagate it without affecting its roots and without harming the mother plant.

geranium sprout
geranium sprout

Tips for mother plant preparation

When pruning a plant, when forming the desired crown shapea bush often leaves a certain number of shoots that can be used for propagation. But in order to obtain high-quality cuttings, it is better to prepare the mother plant specially.

For propagation, you need to choose only a he althy and non-flowering plant at the age of 2-3 years. Starting to decide how to plant a geranium shoot without roots, you should first start preparing the mother plant. 2 weeks before the start of breeding, geraniums are placed in a semi-dark place and stop watering. Instead, top dressing is carried out with a solution consisting of wood ash and water.

Given that the offshoot of geraniums can be planted without roots, they should be properly cut. A cutting is a part of a plant used for propagation, from which a new geranium will sprout in the future, identical to the mother.

Cutting off the cutting
Cutting off the cutting

Choosing a cutting for planting

How to plant a geranium shoot without roots? The rules are:

  • the size of the cutting depends on the size of the parent plant and ranges from 7 to 15 cm;
  • it is recommended to pre-disinfect all working tools (garden knife, etc.) with alcohol to avoid infection of the shoots with fungal spores or other infection;
  • cut off the process with a sharp knife at a right angle, always slightly below the node to the stem (violation of this rule leads to improper growth of the cutting or its death);
  • preferably cut off at the top with 2-3 points of growth and a few leaves;
  • if the sprout is cut inin the middle of the stem, then the top cut is best done at an angle;
  • leaves should be removed in the lower half of the cutting, and half should be left at the top;
  • leave the stalk to dry the cut in a semi-dark room until a film appears, some flower growers use activated charcoal sprinkling;
  • treat the cut and the lower part of the stem with Kornevin powder or solution - this will help speed up the process of engraftment and development;
  • on average, the roots of a sprout appear in 3-4 weeks.
cuttings for sprouting
cuttings for sprouting

How to plant a geranium with a shoot: ways

You can cut cuttings for propagation at any time of the year, however, in the cold months, geraniums have a dormant period (from mid-autumn to the end of winter), so rooting of sprouts will be slower, besides, the mother plant due to untimely pruning may die. Therefore, the optimal time for cuttings is spring (when the growing season begins) or summer.

Rooting cuttings can be done in 2 ways:

  • in a glass of water is the fastest method but has disadvantages;
  • in a pot with prepared soil mixture - roots appear only after a month.
geranium sprouts
geranium sprouts

Rooting in water: rules and guidelines

1st method - propagation of geraniums by cuttings in water - is carried out as follows:

  • prepare some cuttings;
  • optimally fit disposable plastic cups, preferably opaque, for themformalin solution is recommended for disinfection;
  • pour previously settled warm water into each glass to the middle (about 5 cm high);
  • many flower growers advise adding crushed activated carbon to the water for disinfection;
  • lower the bottom of the cuttings into the water;
  • recommended water changes every 2-3 days;
  • roots usually appear within 1-2 weeks;
  • after the roots germinate, the shoot must be transplanted into a pot with soil.

The disadvantage of the method of rooting in water is the manifestation in some cases of rotting of the cutting (more often before the roots appear), then the sprout has to be thrown away.

Germination in water
Germination in water

Rooting in the soil

The advantage of this method is the absence of rotting of the shoot (this happens very rarely), but there are some disadvantages - it is not possible to trace the process of growing roots, so it is difficult to determine the ideal time for transplanting the shoot into a pot.

Here's how to properly plant a rootless geranium directly into the ground:

  • prepare a soil mixture consisting of garden soil and peat, you can buy specialized soil for geraniums;
  • lay drainage (brick crumb, polystyrene or expanded clay), pour soil into a container;
  • disinfect the earth by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate (you can use calcination in the oven or in a microwave oven) - this will help destroy microbes and fungi, as well as possible pests;
  • compact the soil by removing excess air;
  • to doa hole in the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm with a pencil or other object and plant a shoot there, compacting the ground around (air pockets must not be left to avoid the death of the plant);
  • put in a place protected from the sun (optimally - diffused lighting, partial shade), and keep at a temperature not higher than +20 °С;
  • it is not recommended to place greenhouses over geraniums due to possible waterlogging of the air and rotting of the sprout;
  • it is impossible to allow waterlogging of the soil and air, therefore, experienced flower growers advise watering the plant not from above, but through the pan (then holes in the pot are required for moisture to enter);
  • watering rarely, better every 4-5 days;
  • evidence of good rooting and the presence of roots will be the appearance of new leaves on the handle;
  • You can fertilize a young plant no earlier than 30 days later.

In time, rooting usually takes 3-4 weeks, during which the stalk takes root and is already ready to be transplanted into a larger and wider pot.

Reproduction by leaves

Another way, similar to cuttings, is the reproduction of geranium leaves. It consists in the fact that instead of shoots, only leaves should be cut, choosing he althy specimens with a dense base. Cut the leaf carefully, with a very sharp knife or scissors, at an acute angle with respect to the stem.

Further actions are similar to the usual cultivation of shoots in water:

  • cuts of leaves to process with coal or "Kornevin";
  • put the leaf in a container of water and keepuntil roots appear;
  • fill in a small pot (drainage holes must be provided at the bottom) prepared soil, water;
  • plant a leaf in the soil, deepening 2-3 cm;
  • care and wait 3-4 weeks before roots appear;
  • then transplant the rooted leaf to a permanent place in a larger container.

Transplanting the finished cutting into a pot

The difference in the two ways of germinating shoots is only in the duration of their growth of roots: they appear faster in water than in soil. When the problem of how to plant a geranium shoot without roots in a pot has already been solved and roots have appeared, the resulting young plant should be planted in a permanent place in a more spacious container.

Transplant instructions:

  • get a stalk with roots from water or soil;
  • prepare a mixture of several components: soddy soil (2 parts), sand, leafy and humus soil (1 part each);
  • pot should be chosen shallow and wide due to the fact that geraniums have a superficial root system;
  • put drainage on the bottom (shards, pebbles, etc.);
  • fill in the soil mixture and water;
  • plant the shoot in the ground, compacting it around the stem;
  • put the pot on a windowsill with good lighting.
Pots with cuttings
Pots with cuttings

Propagation of royal geraniums

For reproduction of royal pelargonium, the method of placing shoots in water is not used because of their decay. Deciding how to plantroyal geranium with a shoot without roots, only the method of rooting in the ground should be used, since when planted in water, the stalk of this particular variety immediately rots.

Pelargonium sprout is planted in a pot filled with special or prepared soil, and then it is expected to take root within a month. When young leaves begin to break through, then the time comes for transplanting the cutting into a large container.

Pelargonium multicolored
Pelargonium multicolored

Instead of a conclusion

If you know the rules and listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced flower growers on how to plant a geranium shoot without roots, the procedure for propagating home geraniums will be within the power of everyone, even the most inexperienced flower lover. The subsequent good care and watering of the rooted cuttings will help to grow many young geranium plants that will completely repeat all the maternal signs and will definitely delight the owner with their bright and beautiful flowers all year round.
