At present, self-adhesive insulation has gained high popularity. The reason for this was the properties of the material. It is also worth noting the wide scope of application. It can be used to insulate windows, pipes, walls and other surfaces.
According to reviews, the increased demand for self-adhesive insulation, the price of which depends on the thickness, width and length of the sheet, is also due to the fact that it can perform two important functions at once: sound absorption and sealing. This material prevents the formation of drafts, freezing and other things. An equally important property is the ability of the insulation to absorb moisture. Thanks to its use in the building, heat transfer is normalized, which guarantees maximum efficiency.
What types of self-adhesive insulation exist? What is its main purpose? How to properly install? It is these questions that we have to find answers in this article.

Types of heaters
Currently, insulation material is of the following types:
- self-adhesive;
- roll;
- foil.
The easiest to install is self-adhesive insulation. Various materials can be used to make it, such as:
- PVC;
- foil-foamed polyethylene;
- foam;
- foam;
- rubber.
Thermal insulation material is available in board, roll tape and mix.
The manufacturer also took into account the range of colors. Available in brown, white, and black. Self-adhesive foil insulation, the thickness of which is 10 mm, has a high level of durability and does an excellent job with its main purpose - sealing cracks. The cost of such a heater starts from 49 rubles. for m2.

Polyethylene foam
Polyethylene foam type with foil is the most popular. Now the models from Penofol are in demand on the market. The same type of insulation is used most often. It is used both in industry and at home. It is necessary in the construction, gas and oil producing, food industries. Options from the manufacturer "Penofol" are bought in 99% of cases. This is because he supplies foil foam.
Other manufacturers create less efficient options. There is no point in using penoplex in its pure form, since it does not give any result. And the reviews confirm this.
Insulation tape
Insulation based on paper, often used for windows. for salesuch models are almost everywhere, they are quite popular. Before tape material was invented, plain paper with soap was used. In fact, this heater works in the same way. But due to the fact that there is an adhesive layer, soap no longer needs to be used. Often, foam rubber is placed under such a tape.

Foam insulation
Foam insulation is used to provide maximum sealing. It is also able to quickly and maximally compress without harming the surface in any way. Foam models are not only easy to install, but they are also much cheaper.

Insulation film
The last type of insulation is a film, which is needed in order to minimize the exit of heat from the apartment through the cracks in the windows. As a rule, it is located only on one side. It should be installed using the metal spraying method. The insulation should “look” towards the street.
This film can not only protect against heat loss, but also perfectly retain the sun's color. It is better to use it in conjunction with another insulation option, then complete thermal insulation will be carried out.

Sticking Tips
All self-adhesive heaters can be freely installed by yourself, this does not require the help of professionals. A separate advantage should be noted that they all have a decorativefinishing. This means that you don't have to create a special quality during editing.
If we are talking about a roll or tape model, then on their protective films a detailed installation plan is drawn. That is why no difficulties should arise. However, you need to follow certain rules when making the installation.
In order for self-adhesive foil insulation, the price of which is low, to be fixed as successfully as possible, it must be applied to a clean and dry surface. In addition, it must be rid of stains and dust.
If you need to stick the roll material on a concrete wall, then you must first use a primer. After its application, the surface must be dried. When using insulation on a brick wall, plaster should be used. Immediately after it dries, it should be rubbed with sandpaper, then dusted.
Wooden coatings do not need to be processed, the main thing is that there are no sawdust on them. You can cut the seal with a knife or large scissors. Some heaters have a measuring grid, which allows you to cut the pieces as evenly as possible.
When using roll and tape models, you need to know that they are installed with an overlap. If materials are used that have a thickness of more than 0.5 mm, then they should be mounted end-to-end. All cracks should be pre-glued with tape and foil.

Window insulation
Many people use cotton wool, newspapers, adhesive tape and foam rubber to insulate windows. But due to their properties, they are notable to protect the owner of the apartment from heat loss to the maximum. In addition, in the spring, these materials often bring discomfort. Modern heaters can be used for both wooden windows and plastic ones. As a rule, self-adhesive material is most often used for windows. It has its own characteristics. For example, such a material is able to close gaps up to 7 cm. When opening windows, self-adhesive window insulation does not interfere. There are a large number of different colors on sale, models also differ from each other in size. Insulation is able to withstand moisture and temperature changes.
However, like any other material, self-adhesive insulation has its drawbacks. For example, it is short-lived, unable to endure too low temperature conditions, and on modern windows, as a rule, it is extremely inconvenient to use it.
Due to the fact that the adhesive coating is short-lived, the material is used once a season. You can stretch the period of operation, but then it is better not to open the window sashes. Even with the fact that the insulation withstands temperature changes calmly, nevertheless, sharp frosts can render it unusable. Because of them, the glue dries up, and the tape begins to fall off. On modern frames, it will not be possible to use self-adhesive window insulation (the price for it is 50 rubles / 10 pieces), because they already have rubber bands over the entire window area.

Door insulation
When it comes to doors, there are a large number of seals on the market thatwould be suitable for this purpose. Now there are many different options that differ in thickness, height, width, purpose and material. They are used for both wooden and metal structures. It should be noted that seals of different materials should be used for interior doors and entrance doors. That is why this self-adhesive type device must be purchased carefully, carefully choosing what is really useful. If the door goes directly to the street, then it is best to prefer options with a rubber base. Silicone and foam models will be a great option for interior designs.
Self-adhesive door insulation with foil is considered the best option, as it minimizes the percentage of heat perspiration. It is mounted on the inside of the door. First you need to completely clean the door of dust, degrease its surface, and only then glue the seal.
An important detail is that the foil layer should look where the heat source is, and not vice versa. If the seal is not properly glued, then there is no need to talk about keeping the heat in the room. All the heat will constantly go into the wall. It will not be possible to accidentally mix up the sides, since foil is glued on the seal. Before buying, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the material, its shape and condition. You need to give preference to the softest options, as the hard ones will interfere when working with the structure.
In conclusion
Rubber insulation and foil products are useful in order toto seal windows, doors and other gaps as tightly as possible. Judging by the reviews, they will be able to fully provide protection from the cold. Porous type rubber will help improve thermal insulation. What are the nuances to consider when using heaters?
- It is recommended to use this window-type material only in the winter season.
- Be sure to follow all the rules of use and installation, for example, the material must be glued to a clean and grease-free surface.
- During the insulation of the room, you need to use self-adhesive insulation with foil. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small gap between them and the surface. Then the material will stick much better.
It should be noted that self-adhesive insulation is absolutely environmentally friendly, harmless to humans and animals. This material does not cause allergies.