To insulate houses, builders use many different types of insulation. This can include the already famous mineral wool in rolls and mats, and the old proven foam, and many other materials. The line of modern thermal insulators is extremely numerous and very diverse.
A worthy place among all heaters is occupied by bulk heaters. Being essentially natural pure materials, they have found their buyer, and their impeccable qualities have made such materials popular. Let us consider in more detail bulk heaters of all types and types. Let's start with the floor, or rather with its thermal insulation with these materials.
Loose floor insulation
In any construction, floor insulation is under scrutiny, because a cold floor is a cold house and there are no other options. Bulk insulation is very well suited for the floor. The most popular options for such tasks:
- expanded clay;
- perlite;
- vermiculite;
- bulk bas alt.
Let's consider each option we have listed in more detail and carefully, evaluating all the features of these materials.
Expanded clay
This is bulk insulation. The most massive in its class today in terms of gender. Expanded clay is quite inexpensive, and the material also has excellent thermal insulation properties. The insulation is made of clay, but expanded clay is very light at the output, a cube of such material weighs no more than 350 kilos.
Do not forget that expanded clay is one hundred percent environmentally friendly and non-combustible material, it is not afraid of water and frost-resistant. Usually such material can be bought either in bags or in bulk. It is noteworthy that expanded clay is both a heater and an excellent substrate or base. The service life of such material is calculated almost for centuries!

This is a natural material of volcanic origin. The material absorbs moisture, studies show that perlite weighing one hundred kilos can absorb up to four hundred kilos of moisture. For this reason, experts recommend perlite for floor insulation in rooms with high humidity. The material is incombustible. The material is supplied for sale in the form of perlite sand, sold in bulk or in bags.
Remarkable fact: Perlite is used not only to insulate floors, but also to filter vegetable oils, juices and even beer. The service life of the material is extremely long, almost unlimited!
It is also a floor insulation of natural origin. The material is very hardincombustible. Water absorption of vermiculite is over 500%! The insulating properties of vermiculite are simply amazing. With a layer of vermiculite only five centimeters thick, heat losses are reduced by almost 80%. The material is protected from mold and mildew. Vermiculite is also sold in bags or in bulk. Under certain conditions, such material can last almost forever.

Bulk bas alt
Bulk bas alt insulation is a "blown", "stuffed" material. It is very convenient and economical. The material is supplied in bags and in bulk. This is an excellent addition to the already existing thermal insulation made of slag, sawdust, expanded clay and other things. The density of the material is about 35-50 kilos per cubic meter. In Europe, a very popular material, the volume of purchase of this material there is growing every year. Reviews of bulk bas alt insulation are quite positive. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of using the material as the main insulation, but only as an addition.
Loose insulation for walls and ceilings
To make your home always warm, cozy and comfortable, you need to insulate the outer walls of the house. For such purposes, bulk insulation can be used. Let's start the review of such options with foam glass. It is a modern granulated and 100% ecological material. Foam glass is obtained from raw fractions by means of foaming. This heater is great for wall insulation. In addition to excellent thermal insulation properties, foam glass can be the basis for thermal insulationplasters. The material is not afraid of moisture. Consider other options that can be found on the building materials market today.

Foam glass in granules (penoplex)
An interesting version of a modern material for wall and ceiling insulation. The foamed polymer granule is the basis for foam, which, in turn, is a lightweight insulation and moisture resistant. Such a heat insulator cannot be used for warming baths. Penoplex can be poured into the frame walls of the house. At the same time, the insulation granules will fill the smallest voids. Very high quality insulation material. Penoplex combustible, this is one of his few weak points.
Mineral wool
For the insulation of walls and ceilings, mineral wool is used optionally in the form of rolls and slabs, there is also a variant of granules, their size is more than 1 centimeter in diameter. Bulk mineral wool in granules is a vapor-permeable and fire-resistant material, it is resistant to high temperatures. When working with the material, it is necessary to protect open areas of the skin and respiratory organs. Finding some frankly weak points of the material is quite difficult, the only drawback is the fear of water and the loss of its thermal insulation qualities when wet.
This is a bulk insulation for the roof. It's for the roof! In its structure and appearance, the material resembles a crumb of foam. The material is very light, with low density. It does not start mold, they are not interested in rodents. It is a breathable material, absolutely harmless to human he alth, non-flammable. Penoizol will easily serve fifty or more years without changing its excellent performance. The material is gaining popularity every year.
Ecowool (cellulose)
The components of this insulation are ecowool (about 10%), shredded paper (about 80), antiseptics (about 5%) and fire retardants (about 5%). The material is non-combustible and does not rot over time due to the presence of special impregnations in the composition. Ecowool has been used in the world for almost a century! In Russia and in the CIS, insulation appeared about ten years ago, but the buyer fell in love with it and is rapidly gaining popularity. It must be admitted that in Europe they know a lot about construction and the materials that are used for this construction.
As an antiseptic in ecowool, boric acid is used, the role of a fire retardant is performed by borax. These substances are 100% environmentally friendly. This insulation material is quite practical in every sense. Ecowool fibers perfectly fill small voids, so the material can be used even for the most complex structures.

Bulk materials are very much in demand lately. Initially, people were afraid of such options for warming, but time has shown that the materials are excellent and you should not be afraid of them. Reviews say that all bulk materials are convenient to transport, this is especially true for homeowners in remote areas.
Also, the reviews mention the environmental friendliness of heat insulators, they are not afraid of mold, rodents. In addition, many ofthey are not afraid of moisture, which is also confirmed by the reviews of people who have already de alt with these insulation materials. Also, reviews praise such heat insulators for their incombustibility and incredible durability.
Of the minuses of bulk insulation in the reviews, you can find the fact that some materials require professional equipment to “blow out” them. But the rental of such equipment is offset by the low cost of the insulation itself. Ultimately, this minus is relevant only for supporters of doing everything exclusively on their own and strictly with their own hands.

Selection Tips
You need to choose the material based on your goals and objectives. The features of heat insulators should be taken into account, because some are not suitable for hot rooms, while others perfectly tolerate both moisture and elevated temperatures. In addition, some of the bulk insulation is very hard and suitable as a substrate or floor base.
In any case, one general advice can be given, it concerns the fact that it is worth buying these thermal insulators in trusted places with good reviews, so as not to run into fake or low-quality products.
In general, it must be admitted objectively that bulk insulation materials are very attractive in terms of prices. Also, one should not forget about their durability, classic mineral wool will last no more than ten years or twenty at best. And for bulk insulation materials, the service life is much longer, at times!
You must also understand that not all looseinsulators are the same. They differ in their properties. Certain tasks require certain materials. If you are in doubt about the choice, then contact a specialist with this question, he will be able to advise you on the right materials.
For example, expanded clay is not suitable as the main insulation in regions with extremely severe winters (frosts of 40 degrees). This must be taken into account. In addition, there are many other nuances, for this reason, consultation with specialists is extremely important for each individual case.

Summing up
Bulk mineral insulation has entered the everyday life of modern construction. The materials are relatively new, but they are quickly gaining their share of the building materials market. There are undoubtedly advantages to such thermal insulators, no one is trying to dispute them. Some people are stopped only by the novelty of materials. Our people are not particularly fond of novelties, especially when it comes to building for many years, in which they invest a lot of money. But all new products are becoming proven materials, and very soon this will happen with bulk insulation.

But there are options for people who don't like new stuff. You can remember the good old proven slag. It was an excellent insulation in its time, this bulk material was a hit in its time. The slag had a minus - it was dirt and dust from it. Modern bulk insulation materials are all the same excellent thermal insulation qualities, only without dust and dirt.
Wereearlier also sawdust (an analogue of modern bulk materials for insulation). Sawdust retained heat well, but were afraid of fire and water. Modern bulk insulation materials perfectly keep heat. They are not afraid of moisture and do not burn. There are exceptions - some types of insulating bulk materials). But you can always choose the option that suits you. We think that doubts about bulk insulation materials have been dispelled!