Many people today hesitate to move to the metropolis. The ecological situation in these regions leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many people want to buy a private house with a small plot. The size of the land plot does not always allow for a large garden, but there is almost always room for a few fruit trees.

Truly the queen of all gardens is the apple tree. This tree can be found in almost every garden. Varieties of apple trees are so diverse that each owner will be able to choose the right option for himself. Today, apple trees are dwarf, tall, semi-dwarf, with a spreading crown, wedge-shaped. The ripening period is different, long-term storage of the crop is possible. It is better for summer residents living in Siberia or the Far East to choose zoned crops adapted to the special climate of the region. So you can get a good harvest of juicy, tasty apples.
Place to land
Many are interested in: how to plant an apple tree correctly? After all, there are somerecommendations, given which, you can get a good harvest in the future.
First of all, you should choose the right place for planting an apple tree. The place where young plants will be planted must meet the following requirements:
- good lighting;
- wind proof;
- fertile land.
A good sunny location promotes excellent fruiting. Please note that tall trees do not grow nearby. The shadow that they will create adversely affects the development of a young tree, reduces the quantity and quality of fruits.
The site should be well protected from strong winds. But it should be well ventilated.

Of course, fertile land, enriched with useful substances and microelements, also affects the quality of the crop.
Would you like to plant some apple trees? Then it is better to do it in one place. Alternating plantings with other plants is not recommended. So you can achieve good pollination, which means abundant fruiting. In addition, it is easier and more convenient to treat plants from the negative effects of pests and diseases with this placement.
Specialists also recommend choosing several different varieties with different ripening periods. For example, on a personal plot it is recommended to plant such a combination of fruit trees: White filling, Cinnamon striped and Lobo, Aport and Gold or Melba.
Soil features
Soil is an indicator of the future quality of fruiting. So for those who don't know howplant an apple tree, you should pay attention to the composition of the soil in the chosen place. The plant is unpretentious in the choice of soil, but it should not be:
- waterlogged;
- rocky;
- rubble.
Apple tree is a plant that loves loose soil. It is able to pass moisture and air to the roots of the plant. It is not recommended to plant a plant in places where groundwater runs close. The minimum distance to them should be more than 2 m. Under such conditions, we can say that the apple tree will bear fruit for a long time and abundantly. If groundwater is close, how to plant an apple tree? Experienced gardeners recommend laying a sheet of slate at the bottom of the planting hole. When the root reaches this depth, it will change the trajectory of its growth. In this case, groundwater will not harm the plant, no matter how far away they are.

The ideal soil for the crop we are considering is loamy. How to plant an apple tree in an area where there is a completely different soil composition? It is enough to competently approach the preparation of the soil. To do this, it is necessary to mix the clay soil well with sand or peat. Humus must be added to soil containing a lot of sand. Peat can also be used for these purposes.
When to plant
Replanting a tree is stressful for the plant. Therefore, it is so important to know how to plant an apple tree correctly. To new conditions, the best adaptation of the plant occurs during the period of cessation of sap flow. This is the time when the plant enters the dormant stage. Vegetativethe period ends in September-October. It lasts until the awakening of the kidneys. Therefore, planting seedlings should take place in autumn or spring.
In winter, the trees are in a state of complete rest. But replanting plants during this period is not recommended, because young roots can die if they fall into the cold, frozen ground. Apple trees are transplanted in winter only in certain regions, using technology only for adult plants with a developed root system.

But when and how to plant an apple tree? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Often it all depends on the characteristics of the climatic conditions of the region. In regions with a warm climate, seedlings are recommended to be planted in mid-autumn. In cooler areas where there are often sharp drops in temperature at the end of October, seedlings should be planted in the spring.
Planting Pit
You should not only choose a place for the plant in advance, but also prepare a hole. The place where the seedling will be planted must be prepared a month before planting the crop. During this period, the soil will warm up and settle, and the plant will be able to adapt easily.
It is necessary to dig a round hole, putting the earth into 2 piles side by side. It is recommended to pour the earth into special containers or onto the soil, previously covered with plastic wrap. In one pile, it is necessary to put the fertile soil, which is located in the upper layer of the soil. In another, we pour a layer poor in micronutrients. The optimal volume of the pit is 1 m.
The depth of the pit depends onthe selected tree variety and the degree of development of its root system. The walls must be sheer. For a seedling, it is imperative to create a support. Therefore, in the center of the dug hole, it is necessary to drive in a strong stake with a diameter of 5 cm. It should rise 40 cm above ground level. The stake must first be burned on one side. Then he will not rot in the ground.

Soil preparation
When the pit is ready, the earth removed from it is cultivated, choosing weed roots and stones.
To properly plant an apple tree, you need to correctly lay the soil. Loosen the bottom of the pit, pour fertile soil. After that, a mixture of 1 bucket of humus, 1 kg of mineral fertilizers and 750 g of wood ash is added. The nutrient substrate is mixed and lightly tamped. Pour out the remaining earth, while a small mound should form. A small indentation should be made in it, in which the seedling will be placed. The size of the pit depends directly on the size of the root system of the seedling.
The landing pit can be covered in another way. Compost, peat, rotted manure and humus must be added to the nutrient top layer. The pit is completely filled with this mixture. Be sure to make sure that a mound of earth is formed. From the soil from the bottom of the pit, sides are formed around the landing site. It can also be scattered between rows.
How to plant a seedling
It is necessary not only to prepare a place for plants, but also to plant apple tree seedlings correctly. Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to cut off all the tips of the root systemsecateurs. The same should be done with the top of the trunk and branches.
After the seedling is placed in the hole in a vertical position. Gently cover the root system with prepared soil. At the same time, make sure that the branches of the root system are directed downwards or located horizontally. Otherwise, incorrect formation of the root system may occur.
It is necessary to fill up the seedling in such a way that the root neck of the apple tree is located 3-5 cm above the ground.
After the soil is well watered. After the soil settles, the soil is added again to the desired level, then watered again. The water compacts the loosened soil. Experienced gardeners do not recommend trampling the ground with their feet, because this can damage the root system.

This sequence of actions guarantees the adaptation of the plant. How to plant an apple tree in autumn or spring, you already know. It is enough to choose the right place, prepare the soil and plant the seedling in time.
When planting a plant in the spring, for some time it is necessary to water the seedling every 2-3 days. If a color develops on it immediately after planting, it must be cut off to allow the tree to strengthen well.
After planting a seedling in the autumn, it does not need to be watered.
Distance between seedlings
A small area of a personal plot often motivates owners to plant a large number of fruit plants. Many believe that this is an effective way to increase yields. But it's not! dense placementtrees will cause the following consequences:
- deterioration in crop quality;
- decrease in yield;
- quick attack by diseases and pests;
- damage to shoots and leaves by fungus.
Therefore, it is necessary to properly plant seedlings of apple, pear, apricot or any other crop. A specific planting pattern should correspond to the characteristics of the plant. When planning a landing, you should take into account the maximum dimensions of an adult tree. For low-growing varieties, the optimal planting pattern is 2.5 x 4 m, given that the stock was perfect for a dwarf plant.
Apple trees based on a wild plant should be planted according to a 5 x 3.5 m pattern. The distance between tall plants should be more than 4.5 m.
Of course, you should take into account the features of the future apple tree. Which variety to plant - the owner decides. After all, new, modern columnar and dwarf fruit trees take up a minimum of space, which means they can be planted closer to each other.

Care for young trees
In the first year of life, a fruit plant must be watered regularly - once a week. At the second watering in the spring, you need to add ammonium nitrate. Keep the soil constantly moist under the seedling until the shoots begin to grow. After the watering volume is gradually reduced.
If the apple tree settles deeply along with the soil, it is necessary to carefully pull the seedling to the desired height. The plant needs regular inspection fordetection of pests or diseases. In the first year of life, they can cause irreparable harm to the tree.
From August watering of the tree stops.
The apple tree is the queen of all gardens. This fruit tree is unpretentious, hardy, allows you to harvest a large crop. A variety of varieties allows you to get fruits both in summer and late autumn. In addition, among the wide variety, you can easily find the variety that suits you.