Tulips: planting in autumn. Tips from an experienced gardener

Tulips: planting in autumn. Tips from an experienced gardener
Tulips: planting in autumn. Tips from an experienced gardener

Tulips are one of the earliest and brightest spring flowers, blooming very quickly after the shoots appear. They are invariably planted in all regions of our country, but the time for this procedure is slightly different depending on climatic conditions. Tulips, which are planted everywhere in autumn, are planted depending on the ambient temperature. The higher it is, the later it should be done.

Planting tulip bulbs in autumn

tulips planting in autumn
tulips planting in autumn

For the rapid development of the plant and the appearance of large and colorful buds, planting work should begin in mid-autumn. Loose, well-drained soil is chosen for the bulbs. It is very important that groundwater does not rise close to the surface in places where tulips grow, otherwise their root system may rot and the whole plant will die. Before planting, sand mixed with sphagnum, vermiculite orordinary peat. In addition, a few years before planting, nutritious fertilizers such as humus or manure can be laid in it.

Determining the time of planting, it is best to observe how and when local gardeners plant tulips. Planting these plants in the fall shifts in time depending on latitude. In central Russia, the germination of tulip bulbs is usually done from the 20th of September and lasts until about October 15th. In more southern regions, this period shifts closer to winter and begins in early October. The main rule when planting tulips is that their rooting must necessarily occur before the first frost.

Tulips, planting in autumn: how to do it

planting tulip bulbs in autumn
planting tulip bulbs in autumn

When planting tulip bulbs, they must be sorted by size. It depends on him both the depth of the hole and the place of direct placement of the plant. Professional tulip breeders usually classify these flowers and their bulbs as follows:

  • 1 analysis - large bulbs up to 3.2 cm in diameter, which allow you to grow the largest plants. They are usually used exclusively for winter forcing;
  • 2 analysis - bulbs with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.1 cm. Usually they also give large peduncles, but they are not used for forcing;
  • 3 parsing - bulbs with a diameter of 2 to 2.4 cm. They produce flowers on a very long stem, but the probability of their successful growth is very small and is only 50 percent.

Selected for landingmaterial is carefully sorted. Sick and damaged bulbs are selected and destroyed or discarded. It should be remembered that before planting, the roots of the bulbs should be treated with a weak solution of manganese to exclude various fungal diseases

tulips planting and care photo
tulips planting and care photo

Tulips: planting and care

Photos of these flowers and their bulbs can be seen in this article. The depth of the hole is usually made three times the diameter of the bulb. After planting, it is recommended to cover the soil on top with a layer of mulch. It can be made from sawdust, fallen leaves or coniferous branches. Tulips, which are planted almost everywhere in autumn, do not tolerate temperature changes very well and can die in severe frosts.
