Enamel bath: reviews

Enamel bath: reviews
Enamel bath: reviews

No matter how much you want, but the bath can not last forever. Time does its job: chips, cracks and rust appear on it. The smoothness and brilliance of the coating is out of the question.

You don't want to take water procedures in such a bath at all, because it seems dirty, regardless of whether it was cleaned today or not. There is, of course, a way out of this situation. It's either buy a new one, or give your "old girlfriend" a second life by updating the bathtub with enamel.

bathtub enamel
bathtub enamel

Buying a new bathtub is expensive and troublesome. In addition to cash costs, you will have to dismantle the old one and take it to a landfill. The bathroom may also need renovation, especially if the bath itself was tiled. Therefore, coating the bathtub with enamel is the best option. Moreover, it is within the power of an ordinary person to carry it out.

There are two ways to restore enamel: do-it-yourself enamel bath coating or use the services of specialists.

Types of coverage renewal

You can restore a bath of any sample: both standard andand non-standard.

The following types of enamel renewal are distinguished:

  • bathtub coating with enamel or acrylic;
  • bulk bath coating method (glass);
  • tub-to-tub insert (acrylic liner).

Steps of enameling a bathtub

The recovery process differs in the materials used and how the work is done. Enameling a bathtub consists of two steps:

  • preparatory stage;
  • direct enameling.
enameling cast iron bathtubs
enameling cast iron bathtubs

Preparatory phase for recovery

From this stage, the enameling of the bath begins. Feedback from experienced craftsmen suggests that initially it is necessary to make the surface of the old bathtub smooth. To do this, sandpaper clean off chips, scratches and rust that has formed. Sandpaper should be fine-grained and specially designed for metal. Surfaces must be handled very carefully.

do-it-yourself enamel bath
do-it-yourself enamel bath

If the rust is "settled" deep enough, it is necessary to remove it with oxalic acid. The removal process looks like this: the acid is mixed with water to a mushy state, after which it is applied to the rusted areas with a tissue swab. After half an hour, the bath is thoroughly washed with water. Be aware that if the acid is left for a longer time, it will corrode the enamel.

Secondly, the surface of the bath is degreased with acetone or gasoline. To do this, the surface is carried out with a swab dipped in the indicatedliquids.

Thirdly, the bath is filled with hot water and kept for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained, and the surface is well dried.

It is imperative to achieve such a state of the bath so that drops of liquid are not only absent on the enameled surface, but also in its pores. Therefore, usually the bath is dried with a draft or a fan.

After the preparatory stage, it is necessary to restore or enamel the bath.

Applying enamel in various ways

Let's consider the main ways to restore enamel:

  • restoration of the entire surface of the enameled bath;
  • restoring only damaged areas;
  • filling deep cracks;
  • recovery of porous surfaces.

Consider the first method, which involves restoration with a primer. This method is used if it is necessary to update the entire surface of the bath. After preliminary preparation, a layer of primer is evenly applied to the bath and left to dry for a long time. Experts advise using a primer in spray cans, as it fits well and is most convenient to use.

The primer must be applied in several layers with a roller or swab. An important condition is the heating of the bath during work. Since high humidity in the room can cause severe cracks in the applied material.

bathtub enameling reviews
bathtub enameling reviews

After a few hours after the last step of the bathtreated with a solvent. It evens out the surface and gives the enameled bathtub the desired glossy sheen. After three days, it is necessary to polish the bath with any polishing agent.

Let's consider the second way. In this case, not the entire surface is restored, but only small damaged areas (small chips). To do this, a special BF-2 glue is applied with a brush, which is mixed with white and is in a dry state. The mixture is applied in several layers, until it is equal to the level of coverage of the bath.

Let's consider the third way. In the case of very deep cracks, it is necessary to use Supercement glue and nitro enamel for processing. The glue is applied in several layers in the same way as the primer. Moreover, between the application of layers there should be an interval of 24 hours. Sometimes experts use a mixture consisting of epoxy resin and titanium white in a 2: 1 ratio. White is sometimes replaced with a powder made from porcelain fragments. After drying, the surface is leveled with a blade. The disadvantage of the method is that the mixture dries for about 5 days. But the resulting coating will last much longer than any other.

enameling cast iron bath reviews
enameling cast iron bath reviews

Let's consider the fourth way. If the surface of the bath is porous, it is recommended to use nitro paint. It is applied to the surface and rubbed well. Paint with this technology fills all the bumps. The procedure must be repeated several times. As a top coat, it is better to use spray paint, which evenly paints the entiresurface.

Do-It-Yourself Bath Restoration

The article below shows the stages of work that must be done if you renew the coating of the old bathtub with enamel. At first glance, everything does not look very complicated. But this is far from true. The technology has its own subtleties. The applied enamel not only paints over the old one, but is applied to a well-prepared surface. When applying enamel, streaks and bubbles should not be allowed. Otherwise, the renewed enamel will peel off after drying. In addition, it must be dosed with pharmacy fineness, which a professional master will do well.

Pouring method

The essence of the restoration is that the enameling of cast-iron bathtubs is carried out with liquid acrylic. The technology is used in bathtubs of all sizes. Acrylic baths have practically no pores, which cannot be said about enameled ones. The bath feels warm when touched.

Initially, the master cleans the damaged surface with a drill with a nozzle or does it manually. Next, fills the old bathtub with acrylic coating, which was specially designed for domestic bathtubs. The process starts from the upper sides and then goes down the walls. Glass comes in different colors: beige, purple, light green, white, orange, pink, black, red, burgundy, blue, green and brown.

Two days after the end of the work it is allowed to use the bathroom. Experts say that the durability of the self-leveling coating is about 20 years.

Acrylic liner

It is a stamped finished product of the factoryproduction, which in size and shape coincides with standard bathrooms. The thickness of the insert is usually about 6 mm. Repairing the enamel coating of the bath in this case will take a little time and effort.

enameling an old bathtub
enameling an old bathtub

Using the bath after enamel restoration

The refurbished surface needs to be treated fairly carefully, as it is far from new. No need to test its strength characteristics and use when cleaning:

  • powder;
  • paste;
  • acid;
  • various bleaches;
  • other aggressive chemicals.

If you follow the above recommendations, the bath will last long enough and will delight its owners with brilliance and whiteness.

If we consider the coating of the bathtub with enamel with your own hands and at the factory, then, of course, in the conditions of production, the process will be of better quality. Since in the workshop the metal is necessarily subjected to heat before painting, due to which the enamel lasts long enough.

The cheapest way to restore is to cover the cast-iron bathtub with enamel. Feedback from people talk about the disadvantages of this technology:

  • during work, there is a strong smell of paint;
  • coating is not durable.

Enamelled bathtub by professionals

Master Restoration will make your bathtub resurfacing better than any beginner. But finding a suitable and reliable firm is quite difficult.

bathtub enamel repair
bathtub enamel repair

This is due tothe fact that the most important condition for the durability of a new coating is surface preparation and thorough degreasing, which the masters will do well. The standard scheme for a professional bathtub finish is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to call the bath repair companies and agree on the date of the work. This usually happens 5 days before the start of work.
  2. At the second stage, a master comes to you and enamels the cast-iron bathtubs, which takes about 3-5 hours.
  3. At the third stage, the bath will need to dry for about 48 hours.
  4. After this period of time, the bathroom will not be used for 5-7 days.
  5. After the end of all stages, the settlement with the master takes place. The quality assurance is the signed act on acceptance and delivery of works. The validity of the act is 1 year.

In order for the bath to last long enough, you need to know how long the company has been on the market and what warranty period it gives for its work. The longer the term, the better and better the company works. Be sure to ask the masters how to care for the new bath cover and what actions should not be performed with it.
