Fitosporin will help cure plants from such common diseases as scab, root rot, powdery mildew, septoria, etc. Customer reviews about this drug are only positive.

"Fitosporin" is a universal microbiological preparation that is designed to protect and prevent indoor and garden plants from various fungal diseases.
The main component of the drug are cells and spores of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. "Fitosporin-M", reviews of which experienced gardeners are only positive, protects plants from a whole range of diseases.
The drug is available in three forms:
• "Fitosporin-M" - paste. It is used for processing and treatment of vegetable crops, garden plants. The paste is dissolved in water, in a ratio of 1:2 (1 part of the paste to 2 parts of water). The ready solution can also be diluted with water to reduce the concentration during preventive treatments.
• "Fitosporin-M" - emulsion. It is used for the prevention and treatment of indoor plants. Before use, the emulsion is diluted in water to the desired concentration.
•"Fitosporin-M" - powder. Used as a prophylactic for vegetable and horticultural crops. Also suitable for plant treatment. 10 g of powder is used for 2 buckets of water. Methods of using Fitosporin

Reviews on the use of the drug are positive for a reason. The tool is quite versatile, it is easy to achieve the desired concentration by simply diluting the drug with water. Fitosporin is used:
• For tillage in spring or autumn. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of liquid agent in 10 liters of water. The area of the processed surface makes 1 sq.m. m.
• For soaking seeds, cuttings, bulbs before planting. Dissolve 4 drops of the drug in a glass of water.
• For processing plants during the vegetative period. In 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of funds. Plants are watered or sprayed with a spray bottle.
• To preserve agricultural products before storing them. As a rule, they use the method of spraying with the drug. The "Fitosporin" tool, which flower growers' reviews are only positive, has one feature. The drug should not be combined with substances that have an alkaline reaction.

When using this tool, it is imperative to observe safety measures. When using the drug, you must use personal protective equipment: gloves, goggles, a respirator.
It is forbidden to use dishes in which cookingfood.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water and seek medical attention if necessary.
This product should be kept out of the reach of children. Separately with food, feed and medicines.
The container that was released after using the product is either burned or disposed of with household waste. first place among biologically active agents, allows not only to protect plants, but also to achieve high yields.