Brick is a stone of artificial origin, having the correct shape, related to building materials. It is fire-resistant, durable and strong, it is often used in the construction of country houses, fences and various outbuildings. The thickness of a brick wall can be different, it all depends on what type of material you are laying out the wall: single, one and a half or double. The most common are ceramic and silicate bricks.

Ceramic bricks are most often used for laying foundations, building partitions, load-bearing walls, one- and multi-storey buildings. They fill voids in concrete-monolithic structures. Also, household and industrial furnaces are laid out of ceramic bricks. The facing ceramic brick has such advantages as reliability, fine appearance, impressive thickness. Brick walls have a different texture and a wide variety of colors. It is used not only for the construction of new buildings, but also for restoration work. In addition, it is also used for interior design.

Ceramic brick has the following advantages:
- Strength and high frost resistance.
- Soundproof properties.
Sustainable (It is made from clay, which is a natural raw material that does not emit harmful substances during operation).
If you want to have good sound insulation, the thickness of the brick wall must be appropriate. It is necessary to use a double brick when laying out.
The disadvantages of ceramic bricks include the following:
- High price point.
- When laying out walls from this material, additional expenses for a high-quality mortar are expected.
- In order for the facing brick wall to have the same color, you have to buy all the material at once.

Silicate brick is produced from water, air lime and quartz sand. It is treated at high pressure with saturated steam at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. If ceramic is painted by mixing different kinds of clay, then silicate brick can only be painted with the help of special means that are of artificial origin. The advantages of silicate bricks include the following:
- Sustainable.
- Excellent soundproofing.
- Higher density (compared to ceramic bricks).
- Strength andeconomy.
- Large range of colors and textures.
One of the disadvantages of sand-lime brick is low water resistance. This building material is not recommended for use in the construction of a foundation that will be constantly exposed to water. Also, do not use sand-lime brick for chimneys and stoves, as it cannot withstand high temperatures.

As mentioned above, single, one-and-a-half and double bricks determine the thickness of the wall. Brick can be used to build not only a warm and absorbing noise, but also a beautifully designed house that will delight its owners for many years.