Summer time has come, which means that it's time to think about arranging a summer cottage. This is especially important if you have kids in your family. Agree, it would be nice to take a suitable place where they could play. A do-it-yourself house for children in the country is the best thing you can make for them. They just need to have their own corner where you can hide and hide from everyone. And how interesting it is to invite guests and drink tea in your own home!

Let's talk in this article about how to make a house for children in the country with their own hands, using both available tools and building materials. It is not necessary to design large sizes: just enough so that your baby can easily enter it, and even better - fit in there with a friend. In the choice of material, it is best to give preference to wood. It is environmentally friendly and will not harm yourchild, plus everything else is durable and strong.

Each board must be treated with a special antiseptic, which will increase the service life and prevent the appearance of pests in the tree. To make a house, you will need wooden logs for the floor, grooved boards, metal corners for fastening the frame. You will need at least six logs for the column foundation, and for the roof, use rafters and covering material such as shingles. If you want to give the future children's home a decent look, make a sheathing from a block house. Although it is quite possible to get by with a clapboard, which looks just as good, especially if it is varnished.
If a solid wooden dwelling seems too much for you, then it may well be replaced by a house-tent for children. It is made much easier and faster than the first one. In summer weather, take a large blanket and use it to cover a tree that is not too tall. The edges will act as a door and can be pinned together. By the way, you can find a tent in the store. It takes up very little space, because it folds compactly thanks to a soft frame. Such a tent costs quite inexpensively, so it is much easier to buy and install it once than to constantly fiddle with a bedspread, re-thinking where to hang it.

When we figured out the choice and construction of a home, it's time to think about where to put a house for children in the country. With your hands you can try to equipkids a full playground. The kids will love it very much. Indeed, after such a serious construction, it is already time to think about a table and chairs, and a swing to the dacha with your own hands will completely delight the children. They will not only observe the process of building their new shelter from afar, but will also take an active part in it. For example, children will be able to learn how to cut with a jigsaw, work with a hammer, and, in general, in the future, manual labor will no longer be a curiosity for them. When the older guys grow up a little, they will be able to independently build a house for children in the country with their own hands. Knowing from which side you need to approach the matter, you can safely build more serious things.