Every gardener strives to grow home-grown vegetables in addition to the most beautiful flowers in his garden plot. Of course, planting them is not a problem, only the beds immediately take on an unaesthetic appearance. But I really want the site to be clean and well-groomed! Do not be discouraged, you can make a fence for the beds with your own hands. It will not only look neat in your garden, but also perform a number of useful functions.
Firstly, garden fences prevent the growth of weeds on the sides and in the furrows, unless of course they are still covered with small pebbles or other material that will not let intruders through. Secondly, weeding such beds is much more convenient, especially if they are bulk. Thirdly, every year they do not need to be dug up, but only to work a little with a chopper, however, in this case, the garden bed needs to be prepared in the fall. Finally, the beds do not crumble and keep their shape, which means you canplant using the space in the very corner.

For some types (warm, bulk), a fence for the beds is simply necessary. With your own hands it can be built from slate, wooden boards. The first option is economical, durable and can be used more than once. It is quite easy to put together a wooden fence for a garden bed with your own hands from almost any material at hand, but if you take low-quality wood, then it will not differ in durability. But if you use a special impregnation, you can increase the service life.
How to make beds of such a plan yourself? First you need to decide how long you want to use them and what you will plant there. For ordinary greenery, it’s enough just to make a fence for a garden bed with your own hands from improvised means. Even unnecessary pallets or old slate will do. And you can also build a decorative fence made of timber, bricks or plastic borders.

For a high bed, it is imperative to make a recess of 10-15 cm. Compost, manure and other fertilizers are laid there. Then everything is covered with earth, a fence is made around the perimeter. Its thickness depends on your preference. For example, if you make a thick fence, then you can put flower pots there, sit down while weeding, or use it for other needs. The width of such a bed is mainly about 150 cm, and the height is about 30 cm. They should be located from east to west, and it is recommended to grow annual plants on them, becausethe soil freezes too much in winter. Perennials will either grow poorly or die altogether. A fairly large distance is maintained between the beds: about a meter. This is done both for convenience and beauty: usually the furrow is sown with a lawn, or covered with small pebbles. In high beds, vegetables grow especially well, which are very fond of fertilizers. The life of the beds is approximately 7-10 years, after which it is necessary to re-dig the recess and lay fresh fertilizer. If you spend a little time, you will have a good harvest.
Mulch any beds for the winter: this will enrich the soil, as well as prevent the growth of weeds in late autumn and early spring, before planting. Have a wonderful harvest!