Agave - what is it? Photo and description of the plant, useful properties

Agave - what is it? Photo and description of the plant, useful properties
Agave - what is it? Photo and description of the plant, useful properties

Agave - what is it? This is a variation of the succulent that grows in dry areas, usually in the mountains. The plant feels great in Africa, Asia, Mexico and southern Europe. Most indigenous people prefer to use this flower for medicinal purposes, as it is endowed with a disinfecting effect.

agave photo
agave photo

Agave has voluminous fleshy leaves that are united in a large rosette near the roots.

The flower is similar to aloe, but has wider leaves, along the edges of which thorns can be located. The plant has a considerable size, so flower growers plant succulents, as a rule, in gardens, near hotels. American and blue agave are famous. In apartments, for the most part, dwarf or young flowers are grown.

Outdoor cultivation

Agave is a plant that can easily withstand the temperature of central Russia. 20-25 ° C are great for a flower. As soon as the air temperature drops below 10 ° C, it is better to transfer the plant to a warm room. In severe frosts a flowerdies. If it is not possible to grow a plant in open ground in the summer, it is recommended to expose the agave to fresh air. At a minimum, airing the agave room should be systematic.


Agave is not one of the plants that will bring you the joy of flowering every summer.

agave description
agave description

The plant throws out a flower once, then it eventually dies off, and several new shoots form in its place. Agave begins to bloom only in the tenth year. The size of the peduncle is from 3 to 9 m, the inflorescences are small, brown-yellow. Flowers do not bloom immediately, but over several months. The inflorescences look like elongated boxes, accumulated in clusters. Inside are dark, flat seeds.

Popular types of agave: description

  • American - one of the most popular types. This is a large plant whose rosettes in the wild can reach three meters in diameter. The leaves are usually greenish-blue, up to two meters long and about 25 cm wide. There are brown-red spikes on the sides of the leaf. Blooms in the tenth year. Several forms of this species have been bred. Agave American yellow-rimmed grows very slowly. A wide strip of light yellow color is visible along the edge of the sheet. Agave american decorated is a small plant with a wide white-yellow stripe in the center of the leaf. American decorated white agave has a white stripe in the middle of the leaf.
  • The funka is small in size, sockets with a diameter of about 1.5 m. Greenish-gray leaves, reduced at the base, increase towards the middle and decrease again, turning into a white spike. Thorns can be seen on the sides of the leaves.
  • Nitesnovaya is a compact succulent with beautiful matte green leaves, along the edges of which there are long snow-white fibers, and at the end of the leaves there is a small thorn.
  • The Queen Victoria agave is one of the most interesting forms. The rosette has a spherical shape and reaches a diameter of 40–60 cm. The greenish leaves are decorated with oblique white stripes. The leaf looks like a triangle with an edge on the inside. The spines are visible only on the leaf plate.
  • Potato is an ornamental type of agave, but not yet common in home floriculture. Leaf rosette - about 25 cm. Greyish-green leaves with a blue waxy coating are spade-shaped. On the tips of the leaves there are dark red spines, which are also on the edge.
  • Compressed - the most unusual look. It has narrow leaves and dense rosettes of spherical shape. The older the plant, the more rosettes it appears.

Features of care

Once you have purchased an agave, it is recommended to transplant it, as the soil from the flower shop will not be suitable for the long life of the plant. Agave should be placed in a sunny place. If there is a backlight, then it’s good, but if it’s not, it’s not critical. The flower is recommended to be watered, fed and not rearranged. The agave needs time to adjust to the new location, pot and soil. In the first few weeks, the flower will take root, soit is important not to damage the roots and leaves of the plant.


Agave room is completely unpretentious to lighting. It grows in both direct sunlight and light shade. If you put the plant on the north side, then set phytolamps as the backlight. In the cold season, agave growth slows down. Nutrients keep the flower in good condition until the warmer season arrives. For the winter, the agave seems to “fall asleep.”

Temperature conditions

Agave is a heat-loving plant, so the room in which it grows should be well heated, then the flower will feel comfortable. Agave needs regular ventilation and air temperature not lower than 10 ° C, otherwise the plant dies.


Agave does not need spraying. It is also not recommended to place a container of water or a humidifier next to the flower.

agave at home
agave at home

As a rule, the air in the apartments is dry, suitable for the plant. If the plant has dusty sockets, then they can be wiped with a damp cloth. After this procedure, do not forget to dry them, otherwise the leaves will rot.


Infrequent spraying alternate with nutritious top dressing. About twice every seven days will be enough. As flower growers say, agave should be watered once a month in winter. Agave is an undemanding plant. Watering is carried out at the roots, it is not recommended from above, as moisture will accumulate in the sockets and rot will form.


During the growing season, the flower should be fed once a month. You can use fertilizer for cacti. They mostly have a small amount of nitrogen, and it contributes to the development of rot in the leaves. If you fertilize more often, then nutrients will accumulate, which, in turn, will harm the agave. In winter, top dressing is not required, as the plant is resting.

Boarding rules

It is impossible to constantly replant a succulent, during this operation the roots are damaged, the leaves and the plant are difficult to recover. There are three rules for transplanting a flower. Every year in the spring, a young plant is transplanted. Adult flower - as needed, for example, if the pot has become too small. Do not cover the neck of the agave, it should be above the ground. In this position, the plant will feel great. Agave should be repotted when it is not in bloom.

agave useful properties
agave useful properties

In extreme cases, remove the flower, the agave (photo above) spends most of its strength on its growth. But it is best to wait until the flower has faded, and only then start replanting it.


Agave can be propagated by seeds or babies. Seeds are not the best choice as the plant then grows very slowly.

what is agave
what is agave

But if you still choose this method, then the seeds are planted in early spring, maximum at the end of winter. When breeding with children, they are first separated from the main plant with a sharp knife. Then dried for twenty-four hours and planted inpot. The earth must be prepared in advance. Infrequent watering is required until the plant is established and accustomed to the new location.

Soil preparation

Stony or loose soil is perfect for growing agave at home. Where most of the flowers die, the agave will grow. At home, coarse river sand and turf are mixed in equal amounts. Or you can buy ready-made soil in the store. A baking powder is added to the soil, for example, sand or perlite. Drainage is installed at the bottom, this is required to pass excess water, due to which the roots and leaves rot.

Diseases and pests

Parasites are rapidly destroying the plant. As soon as you notice the first signs of damage, then the agave should immediately be treated with special mixtures. As a rule, the main pests of the plant are scale insects and thrips.

agave properties
agave properties

If they are present in small quantities, they are removed with an alcohol swab. Next, wipe the leaves with an aqueous solution of soap and garlic. This method helps with a small infection, but if there are a lot of pests, then Aktellik or karbofos should be used. Agave is a picky plant that can survive in the middle lane, despite being accustomed to the climate of Asia and Mexico.

In appearance, agave is similar to aloe. There is a huge selection of plants, as more than 50 different types of agave are known. Succulents need rocky soil, diffused light and watering. It is necessary to monitor the temperature regime and constantly ventilate the room where the agave grows. The plant dies very quickly due to pests, for this reason, do not forget about feeding and processing.

Agave: useful properties

Most species of plants produce ropes, ropes, twine and other coarse fabrics. Wrapping paper is made from waste. Some species of succulents are bred in tropical areas for fiber.

Citric acid and food for bees are extracted from the juice of the peduncle, and the pulp is used to make soap.

agave is
agave is

Pulque, a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink, is prepared from the sugary juice of the plant, which is harvested before flowering. And the core of the agave is used to produce strong alcoholic drinks such as tequila and mezcal. And besides, the juice is used as a laxative and painkiller. Due to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of agave, the plant is used for respiratory diseases.

Roots of part of plant species are also used in medicine. American agave leaves contain steroidal saponins, which are used for the synthesis of hormonal drugs - cortisone, progesterone.

Agave is used to produce topical medicines that are used for rheumatism and sciatica, breast diseases, bruises or sprains.

Indoor agave with its decorative appearance will bring unusual notes to the interior both as a single plant and in compositions.
