Mountain pine is common in design. Due to the fact that there is a huge choice between the types of such trees, you can create an interesting design option for the territory. These plants can be both small (no more than 20 cm) and huge, growing up to several meters.

Pine Varella
Mountain pine Varella grows quite slowly: only 10 cm per year. Its maximum height is 1.5 meters, the tree grows up to 0.5 m in diameter. The needles are quite long - up to 10 cm. Young needles are usually shorter than old ones, so a fluffy effect can be created. That is why this pine is often used to create designs. You can grow a tree in containers, as well as in stone gardens.

Characteristics of the species
The needles of the mountain pine Varella are long, hard and dark green. The tree is able to grow even in non-fertile soil. Pine prefers fresh, loamy, drained lands. At the same time, they can be both sour andalkaline. Loves the sun. Used for single or group plantings, allows you to create interesting landscape designs with other conifers.

Planting and care
In order for the Varella mountain pine to grow easily, you should pay attention to some factors even when planting. The tree itself is quite unpretentious. It does not particularly require the sun, it grows well in the city. The root system grows widely. It thrives well on sandy and sandy soils. This tree can be planted in dry or wet soils. As for the environment of the earth, it is not particularly important, but the pine still prefers slightly acidic. If there is too much sand, then it is advisable to add clay. The soil mixture should also contain soddy soil. Drainage must be done. It is carried out using sand or gravel, a layer of 20 cm.
You need to plant Varella mountain pine in spring or autumn. Periods: end of April - beginning of May or end of August - mid-September. If group planting is carried out, then at least 1.5 m should be left between the pines if other trees are also undersized, and 4 m if large. When planting, make sure that the root neck is raised. In this case, after the soil sits down, it will be at ground level. After planting, you need to mulch the near-stem circle and water it.
If you want to start breeding a beautiful and unpretentious plant, then you should pay attention to the Varella mountain pine. Planting and care will not cause many problems, in addition, the tree is sickrarely. The plant is able to retain moisture if there is a suitable type of soil. It can be compacted. Pine trees are drought tolerant. Sometimes young trees can get sunburned. In this case, you can use spruce. It is removed in mid-April.

Tree care in springtime
In February, cover the tree with sunscreen. You can use a construction grid with small cells. You can remove it only after the snow has completely thawed. Otherwise, there is a chance that the sun will burn the needles. The land can be watered from mid-March. So the tree warms up faster. If there is a desire, the soil can be fertilized in the same period. It is best to use special mixtures for coniferous trees for this purpose. Urea, humus and manure are not suitable. They lead to the death of the tree. Due to the fact that the Varella mountain pine, the photo of which is in the article, is not blooming, it is not necessary to use fertilizer often and offensively. It is necessary only for the formation of the crown. To prevent it from falling off in the first five years, a special spray should be used.
Crown pruning
When working with mountain pine, the only problem a gardener has is crown pruning. It is thanks to this procedure that the tree is able to form a thick cover and obtain the necessary shape. The description of the Varella mountain pine in reference books makes it clear that the tree perfectly holds both natural and artificially created forms. However, it is still better to strive for natural outlines. The most important rulewhen pruning the crown, it should be mentioned that more than a third of the crown should not be removed at a time. It is mandatory to get rid of bare branches. They dry quickly and do not add to the attractiveness of the tree.
Cutting should be done with a sharp tool. Slices need to be processed with varnish, potassium permanganate or var. Pine sleeps from late February to early March. It is during this period that experts advise cutting the tree. However, if desired, this process can be extended until autumn.

Reviews of the mountain pine Varella make it clear that there are two ways to grow this tree. Let's take a look at each one.
We need to plant three-year-old seedlings. You can buy them at the nursery. Do not use those that were brought from the forest. As a rule, such specimens do not take root. The landing method will be described below.
A common method of pine propagation is planting seeds. After purchase, they need to be kept for about a month in a cold place, and then put in warm water. Thanks to this, the seeds will "wake up" and their growth will be accelerated. Before you start planting them, you should dip the seeds for a few minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. For a successful landing, you need to dig a hole approximately 1.5 meters deep. Next, a layer of sand is poured and the pit is buried. The seeds are planted at a depth of 5 mm. The distance between them is half a meter. After this procedure, it is necessary to add fertilizer from minerals. It is diluted 30 g per 10liters. It should be used in the first few years twice a year: in spring and autumn.
Planting three-year-old seedlings
In order for a tree to take root, it is necessary to plant it after the cold weather or at the beginning of autumn. It is desirable that the place is sunny. Before planting, you should dig a hole 1 m deep. If the soil is heavy, then it is better to add a drainage layer to the bottom. It is made from broken stone. Top with sand. If this method of planting is used, then the distance from the roots to the drainage should be at least 20 cm. Pour water into the pit, add soil and install a tree. The roots straighten and fall asleep to the top. There should be a root neck above the ground. If you fall asleep and it too, the tree will die. Sand or sawdust should be poured next to the seedling.
The pit is filled with one of three mixtures. If black soil and sand are used, then they should be added in equal amounts. If you replace sand with sandy loamy soil with soil, then their number should also be equal. Another mix option: 2 parts black earth, 1 part sand and pine sawdust.
If the plant was bought in burlap, then you should not remove it. The tissue will decompose over time, and the roots will easily begin to grow. If the tree was in a container, then it should be disposed of. Pine can be transplanted only after 3 years. Clods of earth should not be removed from the roots.
In the first year, the pine should be watered twice a week. If the days are cool, then once a week. A tree up to a meter long requires 10 liters of water. A two-meter tree - 25 liters. In the first week, it is necessary to water with the additionroot growth stimulant. You can use special tools: "Zircon" or "Epin". Fertilizers should also be used in the spring after pruning.

Varella mountain pine is quite often used in landscape design. This is due to the fact that the plant perfectly holds any shape. Moreover, the tree looks as attractive as possible and is liked by most gardeners.
It should be noted that the pine is an unpretentious plant, it does not require constant and thorough care. Gardeners write that the main thing is to fertilize the plant when planting and in the first few years so that the crown is fluffy. In landscape design, this plant is often used, as it is small in size. Gardeners note from the shortcomings: slow growth, but it can be slightly accelerated with the help of mineral fertilizers and various preparations. Professionals do not advise using fertilizers too often, as the plant may die from their overabundance. This is due to the fact that such additives are needed only for the development of the root system, increased growth and an excellent crown. Due to the fact that the tree does not bloom, there is simply no need to use fertilizers in an increased amount.
As gardeners say, this pine really needs to be protected from sunlight. Too much sun can cause burns. This will damage the plant. The reviews write that the tree practically does not get sick, but only with proper care.

You need to buy a plant only in proven nurseries. You should not dig up seedlings from the forest, as they will not take root. It is best to purchase a sample for little money from a person who breeds Varella mountain pine. Pinus mugo varella is the Latin name for the tree.