Aerated concrete planer performs a specific function, which is to level the surface of the material. The technology of its manufacture on gas silicate differs from the tool on wood. The need to select a certain grain size of the grater is important in this matter. The blades should smoothly scrape off the remains and irregularities of aerated concrete.
You can purchase such a tool in a specialized store. It does not differ in the complexity of the design. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make such a tool on their own. The article will discuss this technology.
In the construction of gas silicate blocks, small errors in size and surface roughness are often allowed. Due to such irregularities, the masonry process and further finishing work are difficult.

It is in such cases that a planer for aerated concrete is used. Layers of special glue during the installation of gas silicate blocks are applied in a thin layer from 1 to 3 mm to preserve the thermophysical qualities of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a flat surface of the blocks.
It is possible to achieve the required characteristics of the material for construction using a special grater. This tool is sold in specialized stores. However, many non-professional builders prefer to create it on their own. This is a fairly simple construction.
Aerated concrete leveling
Alignment of gas silicate blocks is made after their laying. For this, a level, a scraper, a planer for aerated concrete is taken, and the material is cleaned.
Perfectly flat surface will enable quick installation with minimal glue consumption, improve the quality of finishing work. Professionals are familiar with such types of tools as aerated concrete planer, scraper and trowel. With their help, all irregularities and errors during the installation of aerated concrete are smoothed out and leveled. Doing the same thing with gas silicate as with a tree (planing) will not work. The artificial material has a porous structure. Nail tape is suitable for its proper processing.

Scraper is always used when working with additional blocks. It is used when it becomes necessary to lay a structure with cut blocks according to certain sizes. The surface along the cut line is polished with special blades.
Straight, angled planer for aerated concrete is designed to level the top layer of blocks. The appearance of this tool is a special design. The tool has a small wooden case, which is vertically mountedpen. A nail plate or blades are mounted on a bar with certain dimensions.

Also, the working side can have about five rows of knives located at a certain angle relative to the body. Both halves of the working surface of the tool look the same, only the rows are directed towards each other.
Wood is used to create the base of the hull. Although experts say that it is not so important what it is made of. The main thing is that the planer is durable and comfortable. The handle, which is fixed on top of the wooden plate, should also be secure enough.
Homemade planer
Aerated concrete grater is not always available in stores. Its cost is not always acceptable for the master. Therefore, most builders use homemade scrapers. It does not take much time and effort to make such a tool.

Making a homemade aerated concrete planer costs the minimum amount of money. Therefore, its creation is available to almost every master at home.
For the base of the tool, plywood or a board is used, which is selected in sizes of 30-40 cm in length. The timber is 0.5 cm thick and 11 cm wide.
The base is processed, all sharp corners are cleaned. The nail plate must be fixed to the surface with self-tapping screws. A similar tool is designed for aerated concrete of various densities. If cutting elements for wood are taken,such a scraper will be able to process blocks with a density of up to 550 kg / m³.
Materials and tools
When considering how to make a planer for aerated concrete, it is necessary to consider all the stages of this process. Certain materials are required to make this tool. These include a 50mm thick wood plank, wood-to-wood glue, blades or a nail board, self-tapping screws to fix the board, and a handle.

Needed also to prepare certain tools. These include a ruler, a hammer, a grinder, an electric jigsaw, a caliper, a chisel. You will also need a brush, a hacksaw, sanding paper.
Such tools and materials can often be found in the arsenal of a home master. If necessary, the missing components can be purchased at the store.
Creation process
Having considered the design of an aerated concrete planer, it will be easy to create such a tool with your own hands. To do this, you need to perform a series of sequential steps. First you need to mark the board for the future nail tape. The places where the handle is attached are also marked.

These lines make cuts for half the thickness of the timber. They are treated with sandpaper. File pieces are inserted into these gaps. They are mounted with screws or glue is used for this purpose.
The handle is also made of wood. It is polished to a smooth state so that no chips remain. Then the handle is glued wellwood glue. After the handle is glued and the nail plate is screwed on, the grater can be applied by the craftsman.
Additional attachment
If the master does not have the skills to work with such a tool, he can make an addition to the design of the aerated concrete planer. It will not be difficult to do this work with your own hands.

The fixture looks like a box. It will prevent the tool from going too deep into the material. For the manufacture of guides, you will need to take two boards. Their thickness should be at least 0.3 cm. One side should be well sanded. Corners should not be sharp.
The length of such bars should be equal to the width of aerated concrete blocks. They are stacked on top of each other. Further, the tool can be used for your own purposes.
Recommendations for use
Aerated concrete planer requires certain skills from the master. If he is careless, you can remove too much material. In this case, the block will become unsuitable for construction. Therefore, you need to use a home-made or purchased device correctly.
The working surface of the tool must move parallel to the plane of the block. The movement must be directed away from you. In this case, you do not need to press hard on the material. It is enough to make light jerky movements.
It is impossible to use a scraper for other building materials. It is designed exclusively for aerated concrete. Depending on the type of blades and how they are fastened, it is necessary to choose the correct densitymaterial. If the aerated concrete is too hard, the tool will not be able to process it correctly.
After work, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust and material particles. Experts say that all actions must be carried out without haste. The movement of the blade plate must be monitored. The fibers of the material must be in the direction of the tool. A flat block surface is obtained by planing from the edge to the middle. Given these guidelines, even a novice will be able to do a good job.
Before you start scraping the surface, you need to practice on an unnecessary piece of the block. Only after that a non-professional builder can proceed with further processing. This will help create a structure in accordance with existing norms and requirements.
Having considered what a planer for treating the surface of aerated concrete is, as well as its design features, you can make this tool at home. With proper use, it produces a smooth surface that will be suitable for further processing.