Violet is a favorite plant of many flower growers. It will decorate any window sill. This delicate, lovely plant will please with the rich colors of its buds and dark velvet foliage, if it is properly cared for. Otherwise, the violet will hurt. Her appearance will also become worse every day. If spots appear on violet leaves, you should find out the reason for this phenomenon. This will be discussed further.
Causes of stains
Violet or Saintpaulia is a very attractive plant. There is a great variety of species of this lovely plant with flowers of the most varied size, shape and color. Many flower growers want to see this beauty at home. And some lovers prefer to have entire collections of various types of Saintpaulia.

Those who grow violets should remember that the plant isvery capricious and whimsical. It will instantly respond to the lack of attention and proper care, as well as to inadequate conditions of detention. In this case, the spots that appear on the violet leaves will serve as an alarm signal. Their occurrence is easier to prevent than to cure. So, it is better to eliminate all the prerequisites for the disease in advance.
If spots still appear on violet leaves, the reasons may be as follows:
- improper care and conditions;
- diseases;
- parasite infestation.
The effectiveness of the treatment of the plant depends on how accurately the reason why spots appeared on violet leaves will be established.
How to identify the causes of the disease?
So, ugly spots appeared on the leaves of this most beautiful houseplant. They may be different. To find out their nature, you need to carefully examine the sheet, using a magnifying glass for this. You can also take a picture of the affected area, and then enlarge it in a graphic editor.

When black dots are found on the spot, the conclusion is disappointing - the plant has been attacked by parasitic fungi. Small holes on the surface indicate that the leaves are eaten by parasitic insects. With an increase, you can notice egg-laying insects, colonies of mites, cobwebs and other signs of vital activity of various pests on the plant.
Having determined the cause of the lesion, you can start treating the plant

The easiest way to deal with stainson violet leaves, which arose due to improper conditions of detention. It is enough to eliminate the cause of the lesion - and then the plant will cope on its own. Therefore, you need to know exactly what requirements are put forward for growing this flower.
Sunburn spots
Did you notice yellow spots on violet leaves? What to do? First of all, pay attention to which side they are located. If such spots appear on the leaves facing the window, it can be assumed that the plant was exposed to direct sunlight and received burns as a result.
The violet sissy cannot tolerate bright sunlight and reacts to it by the appearance of rounded yellow spots, which later turn brown. Sometimes holes appear in the center of such a burn. This is an extremely dangerous condition for the plant.
First aid in this case is to eliminate the cause of the defeat. The plant should be removed to a place protected from direct sunlight, preferably on the windowsills of a north, northwest or northeast window. If all the windows of the apartment are oriented to the south, the glass must be covered with a mirror film or paper.
All affected leaves and inflorescences should be removed. The measures taken will be enough for the plant to fully recover. After a while, with proper care, it will again acquire its former luxurious look.
Need transplant

If a violet has not been transplanted for a long time, it will definitely react to such a manifestation of inattention. Brown and brown dry spots on the leavesviolets located below are a signal that the soil in the flowerpot has become alkaline. The soil requires immediate replacement.
The violet is transplanted as follows:
- The plant is removed from the pot, being careful not to damage the roots.
- Carefully remove the top layer of soil with any suitable tool, such as a regular fork.
- Clean roots from adhering soil with gentle, as if combing, movements.
- Remove all damaged leaves, and sprinkle their cuts with charcoal.
- Throw away all the old drainage. Sphagnum moss is used as a new filler, which will provide an acidic reaction for the soil.
- The new pot should be one and a half to two times the size of the previous one.
Special primer for violets is best purchased at the store. Do not take garden or forest soil for transplantation. It may contain phosphorus, which will lead to early aging of the plant.
Wrong watering
Light spots on violet leaves can also appear from the fact that cold water is used for watering it. You can irrigate this sissy only with warm water. It also matters when you water.

Do not irrigate the soil around the plant if it is currently lit by bright sunlight. Drops of water on the leaves act like lenses, causing severe burns. It is best to water the plant early in the morning or late in the evening, minimizing the chance of scorching.
Now consider why the leavesviolets appear white spots. The presence of milky or light brown spots of various shapes indicates that the plant has been exposed to a draft, which these capricious people absolutely cannot stand.
Even in the heat of summer, a jet of air from an open window, balcony door or air conditioner causes these sissies to become very stressed.
To help the plant in this case is very simple - you need to remove it from the place where it always seeps through. Then the flower will recover on its own.
Diseases of violets and their causes

The appearance of spots of various colors and configurations on the surface of the foliage of a flower may be a reaction to diseases, the most common of which are:
- powdery mildew;
- various types of rot;
- fusarium;
- late blight;
- Bronze leaf spot virus.
The main causes of these diseases are:
- Wrong soil. Garden and forest soil is not suitable for Saintpaulias. You should buy a special substrate for violets in the store.
- Lack of phosphorus and potassium feeding with an excess of nitrogen leads to the development of fungal infections.
- Violation of the rules of leaving. High humidity, too low or too high temperature, lack of lighting also lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.
Powdery mildew
This fungal disease affects both leaves and buds of violets. They are covered with white or grayish-whiteplaque that can be easily wiped off. However, the leaves and buds underneath become weakened. This disease gradually takes strength from the flower. The leaves eventually turn brown and fall, and the buds do not bloom.
In this case, all affected areas of the plant must be destroyed, and the diseased flower should be isolated from he althy ones. For small lesions, the leaves are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of a quarter gram per liter of water. Five days later, the procedure is repeated.
How to treat violets from powdery mildew with severe damage? There are many special preparations on sale for this purpose. For this, for example, the drug "Topaz" is suitable. It is often used by flower growers when difficulties arise. The drug is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. They also quite effectively cope with powdery mildew "Zircon" for plants, "Epin" or copper sulfate. Processing is carried out according to the instructions for the drug.
Signs of rot are brown spots on the leaves. At the same time, they lose their elasticity and wither along with the petioles. There are different types of rot. The brown variety usually affects rooted leaves, babies and young rosettes of violets. The stem of the affected plants becomes brown-brown, softens and becomes thinner. Whitish threads of mycelium can be seen on the soil under the flower.
Treatment consists in the complete destruction of all damaged areas of the plant. In order to prevent violet should be treated with fungicides. For this, the above-mentioned "Zircon" for plants is suitable. The soil under the violet is neededprocess with Fitosporin.
Root rot is outwardly manifested by the appearance of pale spots on the leaves and their subsequent wilting. If the plant is removed from the soil, softened brown roots can be seen. The cause of root rot is high soil moisture with its low acidity. You can help the flower by reducing the number of waterings and cultivating the soil with Fitosporin. You can also treat the plant with Topaz. In order to prevent this disease, it is better to plant violets in soil that retains moisture.
Gray rot looks like a white fluffy bloom on the leaves. It appears due to high humidity and improper watering. The disease liquefies the green parts of the plant, which must be completely removed. In this case, the affected parts of the flower should not be allowed to fall on the ground. In order to prevent the appearance of gray rot, you need to monitor the humidity of the air in the room, do not spray the violet, prevent condensation and stagnation of moisture in the pan.
This disease first rots the roots of the violet, and then the infection spreads higher, to the stems, petioles and lower leaves, which turn brown with watery edges. This disease develops due to low temperatures (below +16 degrees), due to insufficient fertilizing with fertilizers, as well as when the plant is weakened after flowering.

Unfortunately, a violet affected by Fusarium cannot be saved. It must be destroyed along with the soil, and the pot must be treated with fungicides.
To notto allow the appearance of fusarium, the flower must be properly watered, fertilized and treated monthly with Fitosporin.
Light blight
The appearance of brown dry spots on the surfaces of the presented plant may indicate late blight damage. Such formations spread very quickly. The leaves die off, and the rosette withers before our eyes. To combat late blight, all damaged parts of the plant are removed. The side of the outlet that has not been infected is cut off, treated with a fungicide and rooted. The solution should also be applied to all nearby flowers.
Bronze and leaf spot
These diseases are caused by viruses and are accompanied by the appearance of disfigured brown leaves. Flowering stops, the overall development of the plant is completely inhibited. Viral diseases of violets are not treated, so the flower should simply be destroyed.
One of the reasons that provoke such diseases is the colonization of the plant with parasites.
Pest infestation
The cause of the appearance of various spots on the surfaces of a houseplant, their deformation and death, may be affected by various parasitic insects. Most often, violets are attacked by cyclamen mites, nematodes, aphids, mealybugs, thrips and sciarids. These pests can be controlled by using appropriate insecticides.
All diseases of violets occur due to improper care. It is worth showing more attention and care to this whimsical sissy. She is sure to respond with beautiful blooms and a he althy appearance.