Dieffenbachia flower: home care, transplantation and reproduction

Dieffenbachia flower: home care, transplantation and reproduction
Dieffenbachia flower: home care, transplantation and reproduction

This ornamental plant belongs to the aroid family. How is Dieffenbachia cared for at home? Transplantation, conditions of detention, breeding rules, useful and harmful properties of this indoor flower will be described below in the article. They have their own nuances, but even an inexperienced gardener, subject to all the requirements, can successfully grow this beautiful plant, which will decorate his home.

dieffenbachia flower home care
dieffenbachia flower home care


The genus of plants got its name in honor of the Austrian botanist and gardener Josef Dieffenbach. Dieffenbachia has a thick strong trunk and succulent leaves of an unusual color. The plant looks quite impressive and is popular with flower growers. It is used for landscaping residential premises, offices, balconies and verandas, as well as in winter gardens.

This is an evergreendistinguished by intricate light patterns on the leaves, consisting of specks, spots and stripes of light green or yellow. If you do not limit the growth of dieffenbachia, then it is able to reach 1.8-2 meters in height. At the same time, its stem becomes woody, and the lower leaves fall off. However, this rarely happens at home.

Dieffenbachia leaves are large and wide. The inflorescence of this plant is an ear, like that of the entire Aroid family. It has male and female flowers. Dieffenbachia fruits are toxic red or orange berries.

dieffenbachia home care transplant
dieffenbachia home care transplant

Temperature requirements

The optimum temperature for a dieffenbachia flower, which is not too difficult to care for at home, is not lower than +17 degrees Celsius. It should be remembered that the plant absolutely does not tolerate drafts. Before opening balcony doors, windows or vents, it is necessary to take Dieffenbachia to another room or, better, simply close it from the air flow without disturbing the plant. This is especially true in the cold season. Otherwise, caring for dieffenbachia at home in winter will not be successful, and the plant may die.

dieffenbachia home care reproduction photo
dieffenbachia home care reproduction photo

Light Requirements

Dieffenbachia loves diffused light, but it should be enough. It should be shielded from the direct rays of the sun, because the leaves of the plant in such conditions lose their color and fade. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance, since with a lack of lighting, the leaves of the flowerbecome small.

Irrigation and Humidity Requirements

For Dieffenbachia, excessive watering is destructive. But at the same time, the plant needs constant spraying, otherwise its leaves will dry out along the edges. In winter, if the air is extremely dry, humidifiers should be used. It is also necessary to periodically wash the leaves with warm water.

Drying out of an earthy coma is just as detrimental to dieffenbachia as excess moisture. However, it must be remembered that only soft, well-settled water, the temperature of which will not be lower than room temperature, can be used for irrigation. During the dormant period (September - March), the flower should be watered very moderately. This plant, which has succulent stems, is prone to decay.

Compliance with the rules of watering is very important, otherwise it is unlikely that home care will be successful for a plant such as dieffenbachia. "The leaves of the plant are turning yellow!" - this is the most common complaint of flower growers with a lack of moisture. They may also start to dry and brown around the edges.

Soil requirements, transplanting, plant nutrition

Four parts of turf land, one leaf each, peat and sand - this is the optimal soil mixture for dieffenbachia. Home care (the photo can be seen below) provides that when planting and transplanting a plant, drainage should be added. As it can be used brick chips, expanded clay, charcoal.

dieffenbachia home care reproduction photo
dieffenbachia home care reproduction photo

Dieffenbachia is usually transplanted no more than once every three to four years. land inIt is useful to periodically loosen the pot.

Complex fertilizer is used once every two weeks during the period of active plant growth (April-August). In addition, organic nitrogen-containing fertilizers are useful for dieffenbachia as an ornamental plant.

Reproduction of Dieffenbachia

Care, reproduction at home, as mentioned above, have their own nuances. Dieffenbachia can be propagated in three ways: apical cuttings, stem parts or seeds. The latter method is possible, of course, only if the plant has blossomed and you have collected seeds from it. It is the least common. Indeed, in order to be guaranteed to get a change, you still have to work hard beforehand, transferring pollen from male flowers to female flowers, which are located below, with a brush. In addition, after withering, most flower growers recommend cutting a flower, since the seed ripening process takes a lot of energy from the plant. With all that said, it is better to prefer propagation using apical or stem cuttings.

If it is still decided to propagate dieffenbachia by seeds, then you need to collect them when the shells of the fruit are wrinkled. Sphagnum moss is best for seed germination.

Cut cuttings or parts of the Dieffenbachia stem, like all houseplants with milky juice, must first be dried for several hours before planting or immersion in water. After that, the sections are sprinkled with coal chips. You can root parts of the plant both in water and in a mixture of sand and peat or clean sand. ATIn water, the process is more visual, as it is clearly visible when the first roots appear. When their length reaches 3-4 centimeters, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place.

dieffenbachia care at home in winter
dieffenbachia care at home in winter

If it is decided to root the Dieffenbachia cuttings in the substrate, dip their tips in Kornevin before planting. It will also be good to add this rooter every couple of weeks to the water for irrigation (you can also use "Heteroauxin", "Zircon"). The cuttings are placed in a small "greenhouse" - covered with a jar or plastic wrap. For successful rooting, the temperature must be at least + 21 degrees (it is better if it is + 25 degrees or higher). In addition, the cuttings must be regularly sprayed with warm water.

Diseases, pests

The most common cause of dieffenbachia disease is over-watering. It leads to rotting of the roots and stems, damage by fungi. Outwardly, root rot is not visible, it manifests itself in the fact that the plant withers, weakens, sheds leaves. At the same time, the earth in the pot is constantly wet. By digging up the roots, you can find the affected areas. They should be carefully cleaned with a sharp knife, and crushed activated carbon or cinnamon powder should be rubbed into the cut points. Dieffenbachia, affected by root rot, must be transplanted into a new soil, previously spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can start watering it no earlier than the soil dries out a couple of centimeters, and this should be done very sparingly!

Benefits and harms

Dieffenbachia is capable of significantlyimprove indoor air, as it contains phytoncides. According to studies, the number of pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, is much less near dieffenbachia. In addition, according to flower growers, it can affect the amount of dust in the air, significantly reducing it, as a result of which it can be useful for people with allergies.

The harmful properties of dieffenbachia include primarily the toxicity of its milky juice. If it comes into contact with mucous membranes and skin, it can cause contact dermatitis. There are known cases of poisoning of animals and young children who tried to taste the plant. However, it usually takes them a few moments to abandon this venture, feeling a burning sensation. Therefore, it is difficult to seriously poison yourself with dieffenbachia juice, but you can get a serious complication - swelling of the larynx, which is no less dangerous. Because of this, many are afraid to keep the plant in their home.

Types and varieties

The genus includes about 60 species. The following are the most popular in indoor floriculture:

  1. D. picta (coloured). The spots on the leaves of this species are large, and in a variety called Exotica, they can merge together. Some varieties of this species, such as Marianna, Camilla, have leaves that are almost light or cream, with a small border.
  2. D. amoena (pretty). Representatives of this species are more impressive in size than the previous one. So, the length of their leaves can reach 50 centimeters. Light inclusions look like white stripes on a dark green background. They are best expressed in a variety called Tropic Snow.
  3. D.bowmannii (Bowman) has huge leaves, up to 70 centimeters long.

In addition, over 150 years of cultivation of the plant, many hybrid forms have been created that are very popular with flower growers. Hybrid varieties Mars and Maroba are very popular. They have dark green leaves with a variegated pattern. The growth of Mars is up to 70 centimeters.

A variety called Mix is medium tall, with white spots. Dieffenbachia also has low-growing varieties - for example, White Flame, which grows up to 55-60 centimeters. It got its name because of the pattern on the leaves, reminiscent of flames ("flame" - English flame). An interesting bush variety called Compacta. Its small leaves are dotted with white dots, the pattern is located along the veins. In general, everyone can choose for themselves a suitable variety of this ornamental foliage plant - high or low, with more or less large leaves, a pattern in the form of stripes, specks or spots. Their diversity makes this possible.

dieffenbachia home care photo
dieffenbachia home care photo

Helpful tips

The formed inflorescences after withering should be cut or broken off if you do not wait for the seeds to ripen. The growth of dieffenbachia during the flowering period slows down, and the stem may otherwise become bare. If the moment is missed, the stem is exposed, as a result of which the plant looks unattractive, it can be cut to a height of about 10 centimeters, leaving only a stump. New shoots will soon begin to grow from it.

dieffenbachia home care leaves turn yellow
dieffenbachia home care leaves turn yellow

Because of the caustic poisonous milky juice, the plant is not advised to be kept in childcare facilities or in homes where there are small children. When transplanting a plant, you should wear rubber gloves (a medical mask will not hurt either). Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after work.

In conclusion

The article briefly described the types and varieties of dieffenbachia, home care and reproduction. Photos make it possible to see how rich in color options this houseplant is, which can also be successfully used for landscaping balconies and verandas. When growing it, certain difficulties may arise, however, following all the recommendations, you will certainly get a beautiful he althy flower that will delight you for many years.
