Many homeowners perceive the corridor as a secondary, unpretentious and unattractive room, which, moreover, quite often has a very unsuccessful layout. However, design experts have a different opinion on this matter - they consider it a kind of "facade" of any house, which gives guests an idea of \u200b\u200bthe home, as well as its inhabitants, so the design of the corridor should be treated with special attention.
We agree with the statement of many owners of such premises that it is not easy in this case to make the interior original, and most importantly, comfortable. Many planning nuances should be taken into account, a lot of effort should be put in to make the faceless and dark space sparkle with new colors.

How to transform the corridor?
It's no secret that bright and spacious corridorsare extremely rare in our apartments. As a rule, a narrow passage stretches along the rooms, which, at first glance, cannot be effectively used. It is incredibly difficult for owners to find fresh ideas and interior design solutions for a long corridor. But this happens only when this space is perceived as a significant drawback of the apartment. Try to look at it differently, and you can immediately find several options for transforming the corridor at once.
Probably, now many have thought about redevelopment. Such an idea has the right to exist, but with its implementation, difficulties may arise. It will take a lot of money to make your dream come true, and if you also consider how long it will take for various approvals, then this idea will no longer seem so attractive.
Looking at the photo of the design of a long and narrow corridor in the apartment, which is often published by special publications, it is safe to say that this uncomfortable room can radically transform a quality redecoration.

Many believe that this technique is used only in residential areas. The design of a long corridor (we posted a photo in this article) suggests the presence of two zones: an entrance and a checkpoint. To make them recognizable in an indivisible space, you should use multi-colored materials or different textures in their decoration. For example, tile or porcelain stoneware is used for part of the floor at the entrance - the material is easy to care for and gives an idea ofpurpose of this area. Then it will be replaced by a laminate, which can be covered with a carpet. Thus, you will indicate the beginning of the passage zone. The same approach should be used when decorating the walls in the interior design of a long corridor. We invite you to get acquainted with ideas and solutions, as well as with the recommendations of experts.
Wall decoration
In corridors devoid of natural light, dark tones (even if you love them very much) should be abandoned. Opt for neutral, soft and light shades:
- light gray;
- beige;
- in coffee and milk tones.
A cold background will always win in this room. Any of the listed colors is able to cope with the corrective role and make the space airy and spacious. Look at the presented photos of the design of a long corridor in the apartment, it is likely that in this collection there is an interesting option for you.

When choosing a finishing material for walls, special attention should be paid to its wear resistance. In such a room, you can use paint, washable wallpaper, finishing stone, PVC panels, decorative plaster. All these materials do not require complex maintenance, they perfectly tolerate wet cleaning.
There are many design ideas for a long corridor. Consider using fiberglass. Such a coating is given color after gluing the canvases to the wall. This material is also attractive because you can change its color at any time. justified decorwalls in the design of a long corridor in a three-room apartment, for example, can be an adjustment to the visual perception of space, namely fragmentation. In this case, on plain surfaces, separate sections are highlighted with decorative inserts. These can be stripes of abstract drawings or canvases imitating brickwork.
How to decorate the ceiling?
Whatever material you choose for the ceiling covering, it should be a few tones lighter than the wall decoration. With very high ceilings in the apartment, the corridor can turn into a "well". Do designers offer interesting ideas and solutions in this situation? The interior design of a long corridor will become more harmonious when using plasterboard suspended ceilings. The complex forms of a multi-tiered structure will make the atmosphere in the room heavier, therefore, despite their beauty, it is more advisable to use simpler forms, such as tensile structures.
With low ceilings, you need to achieve the opposite effect. They should be visually raised. This will help create a glossy finish as well as hidden lighting.

Floor coverings
This surface, no doubt, also takes part in the visual correction of the room. From the photo of the design of a long corridor in the apartment, which many special editions often place, one can trace a certain trend - one should abandon the traditional parallel layout of materials and prefer diagonals.
For example, parquet or laminate, laid obliquely, visuallypush the walls, and the room will become more voluminous. However, this idea of designing a long corridor has one, but a significant drawback - increased material consumption, which is explained by a large number of undercuts.
Linoleum can become the most affordable and at the same time practical solution. It can be replaced by porcelain stoneware. Add creativity to the interior bulk floor. Made in 3D, it will become a real work of art.
It is known that the degree of natural light in a long hallway is negligible. The design (we posted the photo below) should provide for thoughtful artificial lighting. Experts recommend using lamps:
- in the ceiling wall segment;
- on the perimeter of the ceiling surface;
- embedded in the floor;
- in furniture lighting.
Wall lamps and sconces look good in such rooms. Only a floor chandelier in the interior design of a long corridor is an outdated and ineffective idea. In a hallway with such lighting, it is uncomfortable, especially when the lamp power is too low.

Decor Features
Perhaps many owners will be surprised at the abundance of ideas and solutions for the design of a long corridor that experts offer today. Indeed, their imagination knows no bounds. Some of them offer to decorate the walls with paintings framed by illumination, others - to use wallpaper with a large print. Meanwhile, not so pretentious solutions are popular, for example, walls on whichapplied decorative plaster with mosaic inserts.
Mosaic and mirror masonry with LED lighting looks especially impressive in such a room. The same backlight can be used to decorate mirrors.
The undoubted advantage in the design of a narrow and long corridor (photos will help you make a choice) is the presence of niches. They are equipped with shelves on which cute little things, collections of figurines, books are placed. But it must be at such a height that these decorations are clearly visible. In addition, such decorative zones are decorated with soft LED lighting.

How to choose furniture?
Furnishing is one of the most difficult issues that arises when designing a long corridor. Ideally, it is desirable to use built-in furniture for this room, which should be adapted to the layout features. An excellent solution for a long corridor can be a wardrobe for the entire height of the wall with mirrored or glass sliding doors. It will perform a dual role - it will allow you to comfortably store a lot of things and decorate and expand the space.
And what if there is absolutely no space for cabinets? Replace them with a narrow low chest of drawers. Don't leave the wall above him empty. Arrange a photo gallery on it or place a large mirror. A real find, albeit unexpected, can be bookshelves stretching over the entire corridor. Some kind of improvisation library will allow you to unobtrusively tell your guests about the literary tastes of the inhabitants of the house.

Interior Features
This is the place in the apartment where you can test yourself as a creative designer. In this room, you can realize your most daring and original ideas, including the use of stylish paraphernalia and various decorations. Most often, when decorating a narrow corridor, preference is given to modern styles. Is it possible to use other areas of interior solutions? Let's figure it out.
Popular modern interior trend, which is based on the use of high technology in the decoration. Style is easy to recognize by a number of features:
- Custom lighting. Recessed lamps are used in walls, floors, furniture. It is not forbidden to use chandeliers, unusual designs.
- Restrained colors and contrast trim. To decorate a long corridor, white, black and metallic gray are used. This room is saved from gloom by an unusual decor with clear lines in contrasting colors. For this, not only geometric painting on the walls is used, but also a set of thematic paintings, for example.
- Minimalist furnishing. Furniture items should be selected in accordance with the overall stylistic decision. They can have not only smooth, but also well-defined forms, but completely devoid of decorative ornaments and finishes.
- Finishing materials. Ideas and solutions in the design of a long corridor in this style are embodied through the use of metal, glass and plastic. The brilliance of thesesurfaces with proper space modeling will create the effect of visual expansion.
Pop Art
Interiors in this style are filled with a riot of colors and a storm of emotions. They are chosen by young creative people. The main surfaces in this style are decorated in soothing colors. They will become a background against which various fruits of design fantasies will look great. The bold motto of this style can be summed up as follows: the brighter, the better it can be realized in a long corridor with original decor.
For this, decorative accessories are used - themed posters that attract attention with somewhat strange plots, photographs or wall inscriptions.
A unique style that allows you to create unique interiors. It provides for a complete rejection of the traditional symmetry of lines and geometric shapes. This allows you to realize the most daring ideas in the interior of a narrow and long corridor. Even walls can appear in an unusual form, changing shape. Once even surfaces become convex or concave. To achieve the complete illusion of curved space, walls can be decorated with photographs or drawings in abstract frames.
Doorways can also be undulated. As a result, you will get the impression of a dynamic interior moving in space.

Elegant and expensive interior. Undoubtedly, this style is not so pompous in the modern interpretation, although it pleases with the unusual decor.still. Looking at the interior of a long and narrow corridor in this style, you see the luxury of chandeliers, rich stucco, artsy candelabra and huge mirrors. Rich emerald and burgundy shades are used for the background design, along which threads of silver and gilding pass.
The style is bold, sharp, intriguing with its originality. A long corridor decorated in this style can cause conflicting reactions. Some consider kitsch to be obvious and flashy bad taste, others admire bold and extraordinary decisions. But it is safe to say that he will not leave anyone indifferent.
In fact, kitsch is a cocktail of different colors and styles, generously seasoned with unusual accessories. You should know that this mix is far from always harmonious, but this is the beauty of this direction. It does not limit the fantasies of the owners of the premises.
What finishing materials are used? All that you can find. It can be scraps of old photos, newspaper pages. Vinyl discs can be used to make shades, and a coffee table can be built from an old TV. In other words, choose what is closer to your spirit.
We have presented you interesting ideas and interior design solutions for a long corridor. It remains only to add that a competent, well-thought-out design of this room will allow you to turn its main drawback (narrow space) into dignity, and this room will become your pride and decoration of the apartment.