When deciding to expand the living space of a private house, many owners add an attic. This solution allows you to save space on the site, not to occupy the fertile soil layer with an additional extension. Attic insulation is carried out using different materials. They differ in many characteristics. How to perform this process will be discussed in detail later.
Need for insulation
Insulation of the attic from the inside allows you to create a warm, cozy room. It will be possible to live in it both in summer and in winter. This is an additional floor that will expand the living space of the house. At the same time, it is worth considering that the height of the attic should be from 2.5 m. It should be comfortable to walk here, and the usable space should be at least 50%. Also, the ceiling between the attic and the lower room must be strong so that you can walk on it.

The price of attic insulation can behigh enough if you hire builders for this. Therefore, many owners of private real estate prefer to do all the work on their own. This allows you to save significant funds in the family budget. To cope with the task, you need to consider the technology of installing insulation.
This work will need to be done for a number of reasons. If you do not insulate the attic, its operation in the winter will be impossible. It will be cold here. It is also difficult to heat a room that does not have thermal insulation. It will take a lot of energy to heat it up. Also, the insulation will create additional sound insulation. It also increases the comfort of using the attic. In rain or strong wind, extraneous sounds will not interfere with your rest.
It should be noted that the insulation of the attic will need to be performed not only from the inside of the roof slopes. If there are walls in the extension, they also need to be overlaid with a layer of insulation. At the same time, the attic floor should also not be left without attention. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the features of the structure itself.
The heat loss of the attic depends on the material from which it is built. It can be wood, brick, cellular materials, etc. Each of these materials has its own thermal conductivity. Before starting work, you need to correctly calculate the dimensions of the space. It is necessary to calculate the area that will need to be insulated. This will allow you to purchase the required amount of materials. This takes into account the configuration of the roof. It may have one or two slopes, a different, more complex configuration.
Mounting Featuresthermal insulation
Do-it-yourself attic insulation is a responsible undertaking. If you make a mistake, the work will have to be redone. In this case, the insulation will not be effective, and the room will be cold. It is important to draw up an attic plan before starting work. It should present all communications that are in this part of the house. The material from which this floor is built is also taken into account. You need to know what thermal conductivity it has. The plan also indicates what material the load-bearing floors are made of. It can be wood, metal or reinforced concrete. Next, the amount and thickness of the insulation is calculated.

It is worth considering that the attic can be completely above the living space. In this case, floor insulation is easier. But it happens that the building is shifted beyond the interfloor overlap. In this case, part of the attic rests on columns. Her floor will require more insulation materials.
Many owners of private real estate know that wall insulation is best done outside. This allows you to move the dew point, optimizing heat loss. However, attic insulation from the inside is a generally accepted option for insulation. All surfaces that need insulation are located in the living space of the building. Only the pediment will require separate external insulation. It is mounted in the process of attic insulation.
When creating a living space that will remain warm even in winter, you need to take into account the advice of experts. They areargue that the reduction of heat loss is provided by two materials. First of all, it is, of course, a heater. However, even with the right choice of it, installation that does not comply with building codes can lead to heat loss.
To prevent this, the thermal insulation is protected with a special film. This is waterproofing, which does not allow moisture to enter the insulation. If it is not installed, the thermal insulation will get wet. In this state, it easily conducts heat to the outside. Therefore, you need to find out before starting installation how to choose and install a heater correctly.
Recommendations on choosing insulation
Insulation of the attic from the inside, if the roof is already covered, is quite simple. If the roof has not yet been mounted, its arrangement should be given special attention. The choice of materials for attic insulation depends on this. The roofing pie also involves the installation of steam, hydro and thermal insulation. From above, the roof can be finished with any materials that comply with building codes for this type of roof.

A wide selection of heaters is on sale. They can be synthetic, mineral. Also, thermal insulation can be presented in the form of plates or in rolls. The cost also differs significantly. Experts advise purchasing material in slabs. It is stiffer, so it holds its shape better. Such qualities allow you to perform insulation with fewer fixing elements.
It must also be taken into account that the insulation of the attic ceiling, as well as its walls, is necessaryperform with special technology. Between the thermal insulation and the wall, you will need to leave a ventilation gap. In this case, the indoor climate will be he althy. Otherwise, fungus and mold can develop under the material. This can lead to malaise, allergies, asthma, etc.
When choosing materials, you need to take into account the step with which the roof rafters are mounted. The width of the plates or roll materials is chosen in accordance with this indicator. If the dimensions of the thermal insulation do not match the pitch of the rafters, installation will become more complicated. This nuance must be taken into account when choosing thermal insulation.
You can choose almost any insulation that has proven itself in practice. However, the main advantages and disadvantages of each of them need to be considered in more detail. When choosing, they also take into account the climatic features of the area in which the house is built.
Mineral, glass and ecowool
Insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool is a good option. This material has several varieties. There are bas alt, stone, glass wool. They differ in manufacturing technology, fiber thickness and the material from which they were made. The performance of each type of mineral wool depends on this.

The fibers in the structure of cotton wool are stacked with a certain density. There is air between them. This gives the material high thermal insulation qualities. Cotton wool can be produced in slabs or rolls. The first option is tougher. Mineral wool is a non-combustible material. Therefore, it can be laid even in wooden attics. At the same time, this insulation does not contain any toxic substances, so cotton wool is called an environmentally friendly insulation.
Modern varieties of cotton wool are easy to install. They do not emit microscopic dust particles into the air. This negative property distinguished the former varieties of cotton wool. It can also be said that this type of insulation, like glass wool, used to cause irritation when it came into contact with the skin. Today, technology has improved significantly. Glass wool with very thin fibers is on sale. Previously, production could not provide such indicators. Thin fibers cannot cause microdamage to the skin. Therefore, working with such material is easy and safe.
Do-it-yourself insulation of the attic with mineral wool is very simple. This material easily fits into the compartments prepared for it from the frame. This insulation can be used for wall and floor insulation. However, it is impossible to pour a screed on top of mineral wool. It is not strong enough.
One of the new materials is ecowool. It can be installed dry or wet. In the first case, a large amount of dust rises into the air. Wet laying requires a lot of time. After such installation, ecowool should dry out qualitatively. This type of thermal insulation is characterized by high softness. It needs to be stuffed into the prepared space with a margin of about 25%. If this is not done, over time the material will shrink and lose its original qualities.
Styrofoam and Styrofoam
Insulation of the attic with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is also one of the possible options. This is a synthetic material. It is made in the form of plates with different dimensions. There is a big difference between Styrofoam and Styrofoam.

It should be noted that synthetic materials are completely devoid of the ability to pass steam. Therefore, their installation should be carried out using waterproofing. Otherwise, a fungus may appear on the wall under such a heater. It will destroy the walls, reducing the life of the building. In this case, the microclimate in the room will not be he althy. Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene are combustible materials. When heated, they can release toxic substances into the space. Therefore, not all types of attics are allowed to use this material.
Insulation of the attic with foam plastic will cost much less than when using other materials. This is a rather fragile material. In terms of its thermal insulation properties, it is inferior to both expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Therefore, the thickness of the foam boards must be large.
Expanded polystyrene is a tough material that can be used for floor insulation. Its sheets can have a much smaller thickness than that of polystyrene. At the same time, the cost of expanded polystyrene will also be significantly higher. This material is often used for external insulation of gables. Synthetic insulation is almost never used indoors.
It should be noted that the foam andexpanded polystyrene can be attacked by pests (mice, insects). This leads to the rapid destruction of the thermal insulation layer. For internal insulation, it is better to use environmentally friendly mineral wool.
Other types of insulation
The thickness of the attic insulation depends on the properties of the insulating materials. It is better to choose varieties that are able to retain heat indoors, while not taking up much space. They cost more. However, with a significant thickness of the insulation, the interior space of the room can noticeably decrease. It will be uncomfortable here.

One of the new materials that can be used to create insulation is polyurethane foam. It is sprayed on any surface under pressure. This allows you to insulate the plane with any slope. This is very convenient when creating a heat-insulating layer inside the attic. In this case, no gaps are formed in the material. This avoids the appearance of cold bridges.
Polyurethane foam does not need a vapor barrier. It adheres very tightly to the surface, absolutely not letting moisture through. Therefore, you can not be afraid of the appearance of condensation on the back of the finish. The cost of this material can be quite high. In this case, you will need to use special equipment or hire specialists.
Insulation of the attic from the inside with your own hands can also be done using foil roll materials. Thermal insulation of this type has a small thickness, which is an advantage when finishing.small attic space. Moreover, it can be made from different materials. The simplest type of base for such insulation is polyethylene foam. It cannot boast of high thermal insulation ability. The top layer of foil allows heat to be reflected and directed back into the room.
It is best to give preference when choosing such heaters based on foamed rubber. This material is black. One side of it is also covered with foil. With a thickness of only 5-7 mm, this insulation is able to provide the same thermal insulation qualities as 3 cm thick polystyrene foam.
Cost of materials
To make the right decision about choosing the type of thermal insulation, you need to consider also their cost. If the owners of the house want to insulate the attic with bas alt-type mineral wool, they should expect that this material will cost about 150 rubles / m². This material may shrink, but it can be installed on a sloping roof. Glass wool will cost less. This material can be purchased at an average price of about 100 rubles / m². Types of mineral wool differ in terms of strength and thermal conductivity. The price may also depend on the manufacturer of the material.

Ecowool has an acceptable cost. It can be purchased at a price of 40 rubles / kg. This material is impregnated with an antiseptic, which prevents pests from destroying it during operation.
Do-it-yourself warming of the roof of the attic, as well as its gables, can be doneusing foam. This material costs from 3 to 3.5 thousand rubles / m³. Expanded polystyrene will cost more. It can also be used when creating a floor thermal insulation layer. The cost of expanded polystyrene is on average from 4 to 5.5 thousand rubles / m³. This is a durable material. Its installation on the inner surface of a broken roof is problematic.
The cost of polyurethane foam will be quite high. It is not sold by volume, but by weight. The cost of this material is from 200 to 300 rubles/kg. At the same time, it should be taken into account that when using this type of insulation, it will be necessary to provide for additional costs for the purchase or rental of equipment or the remuneration of workers.
Foil varieties of insulation may differ in cost depending on the type of base material. If it is made of foamed polyethylene, the cost of insulation will be from 50 rubles / m². Varieties of materials that are made of foamed rubber can be purchased at a price of 150 rubles / m² or more. The cost is affected by the thickness of the insulation, its density and performance.
Roof and gable insulation
Insulation of the attic roof requires the use of hard types of insulation. The slopes are on a slope. Therefore, over time, soft material can deform. Bas alt wool slabs, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene can be used. Insulation must be tightly installed between the rafters. You will also need to additionally lay a layer of thermal insulation under the beams or above them. The insulation should hold the crate.
Ifthe width of the insulation was not enough to completely fill the gap between the rafters; a strip with the appropriate width is cut from the material. In order for the insulation to be tightly pressed against the rafter system, you need to cut out an additional piece with a margin of 2-2.5 cm more. This strip is driven with force into the space between the beam and the insulation plate.
All parts must be tightly joined together, even if the surface configuration is complex. It is necessary to create an additional layer of insulation around the perimeter of window openings. Leave a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation and the roof. In this case, it is necessary to apply vapor barrier from the side of the room and waterproofing from the side of the roof.
Insulation of the roof of the attic from the inside is carried out after a layer of thermal insulation on the gables is equipped. It can be laid inside the layered masonry. In some cases, it will be necessary to create a ventilated facade for finishing. Between the pediment and the insulation leave 4 cm of free space. You can also glue polystyrene foam or mineral wool on the wall surface. In this case, waterproofing is used and additional reinforcement is carried out before finishing.
Heat insulation for floors
Insulation of the attic from the inside with your own hands involves the creation of a layer of thermal insulation for floors. In this case, their type and characteristics of the material must be taken into account. In the presence of reinforced concrete floors and self-leveling floors, a very durable material must be used. Such insulation is expanded polystyrene. From above it is poured with a screed and almost any type of finish is used.
Whenthe presence of reinforced concrete ceilings and wooden floors, bas alt wool is used for insulation. It fits between the lag. Therefore, when choosing the dimensions of the material, it is important to take into account the distance between the support beams. Ventilation holes should be left in the corners of the room. Logs need to be installed on a special sound insulation.
If the ceiling is made of beams, do-it-yourself attic insulation is even easier. It is necessary to create a draft floor above these beams. The selected thermal insulation is laid on it. Under it you need to lay a layer of vapor barrier, and on top - waterproofing. In this case, a roll insulation is suitable. Installation will be completed faster and at a lower cost.
Wall insulation
Insulation of the attic walls is carried out using mineral wool slabs. It is a non-flammable, environmentally friendly material. It allows you to create a he althy microclimate in the room. We need to make a frame that will create a ventilated space and stiffen the finish.
Plates are laid between the guides. Such material will serve as sound insulation. It is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on the side of the wall. The surface of mineral wool must be covered with a vapor barrier before finishing. This will keep the material dry.
It is also possible to insulate the attic in the area of partitions using foil materials. A thin rubber-based layer should be pressed tightly against the wall surface. The foil should be directed into the room. This finish will save the existing space of the room. A thick layer of thermal insulation reduces the free area of the attic.
If you neglect the advice of experts, save when choosing materials, you can get an unsatisfactory result. Heat loss will be significant. The heater will get wet. In this state, it will pass heat to the outside, unable to cope with its functions.
Having considered how the attic is insulated, you can choose and install the thermal insulation layer with your own hands.