An LED strip is a narrow strip on which small light bulbs are placed. Today, this type of lighting is used to create decor. Flexible tape cassettes are available in sizes up to five meters. Trimming the LED is only allowed in specially designated areas. This type of lighting elements is mostly used in design projects. You can find out how to install and connect an LED strip in this article.

Pros of LED Lighting
The long life of the device makes it possible to use it, for example, as a street lighting element for more than 15 years.
The LED can consume 12V or 24V electricity and operate from a 220V network. Power supplies for such devices are developed according to the principle of pulse conversion and are designed for power from 30 to 400W. The most common is the 12V LED strip, the connection of which does not require special skills and knowledge.
Calculation example
First, we determine the supply voltage and power. Thenselected power supply. To calculate the required power of the adapter, multiply the length of the tape by the power consumption.
How to feed the tape?
To power the device, you must connect the appropriate contacts with the correct polarity. Connecting a 220V LED strip of different colors can be done using a special controller, to which the minus of the power source and the corresponding contacts of each strip are connected.

Easy to install
To fix the diodes in the right place, you can use even the most common double-sided tape. Self-adhesive tapes are being developed.
Main Features
Tape is most often produced in five-meter coils with a cutting ratio equal to three diodes. This indicator may vary depending on the density of the light bulbs and on how the LED strip is planned to be connected. 15 meters is the maximum allowable length of a section with a serial connection. Three coils are enough to illuminate the ceiling in an ordinary living space.
Series connection of light bulbs in a design for illuminating a large area can lead to burnout of diodes close to the power source. It is necessary to divide the backlight segment by segment into sections less than 15 m with separate power supply.
Ceiling lighting
Entire diode driving systems are designed for maximum effect. Ceiling lighting using such devices has significant differences in comparisonwith other devices. This makes it possible to turn a cozy room into a decorated festive hall.

DIY 220V LED strip connection
The correct installation method requires hiding the lighting fixture and wires from view. You can design the ceiling in such a way that its lower part forms a cornice and protrudes slightly. A ribbon can be placed on top of the hidden plane. Light will fall on the ceiling from the bottom up. The brightness of the tape must be chosen taking into account the distances between the levels. Too small a gap can cause uneven lighting. Each location of the diodes and dark spots between them will be clearly visible. The effect will worsen at a long distance, because the light will scatter before reaching the upper level.
The minimum bending radius when turning is 2 cm. When connecting a 220V LED strip, do not expose its components to mechanical stress. Always remember to observe polarity during installation. If you mix up the contacts, the diodes will burn out. First of all, the adapter is connected to the power source, and only then - the tape itself. Mounting technology is nothing complicated.

Observe safety rules when installing in the pool
Installation of underwater equipment is regulated by state requirements, which are constantly updated. You should always be guided by the latest settings of SNiP.
There is a difference ininstallation instructions for LEDs in decorative and swimming pools. Each circuit is equipped with special devices that exclude the leakage of electric current. All lighting equipment and iron elements of the pool must be grounded. The length of the electrical wire from the pool to the socket, connection block, switch or transformer must not exceed the allowable dimensions.
Comparison with other lights
Each incandescent bulb requires separate wiring, socket and fixture. A limited number of point light sources are mounted around the perimeter of the room. The tape is arranged according to a different principle. It is a continuous light source.

When installed on drywall surfaces, 220V live wiring may touch hidden conductive galvanized profiles. An increase in temperature can damage the insulation. Contact with the profile system is very hazardous to he alth. Such structures are often closed to reinforcement in a reinforced concrete slab, to which other objects in the room can be connected.
Absolutely harmless to the human body is the low-voltage current that feeds the LEDs. At the same time, heat generation is minimal, and the lighting niche can be ventilated. Deformation of false ceilings or the wiring itself can be the result of excessive heating of the incandescent lamp. LEDs generate almost no heat.
Allelectricity is converted into light. Connecting a 220V LED strip, unlike other devices, helps to minimize energy costs during operation.
Disadvantages of Ceiling LED
The high cost of ceiling diodes is the only serious drawback of these devices. For example, each luminaire with a base is equipped with a separate power converter. The price of an LED strip can be compared with the cost of several good halogens because many small bulbs work from one adapter.

Connecting two LED strips in one line
The brightness of the tape will always decrease as it lengthens. The dimmest lighting is typical for the latest LEDs. A significant decrease in brightness will occur already in the second segment of the line. When a powerful adapter is connected, the tape will heat up more due to the increased current flow. There will be heat transfer to the LEDs. The duration of the operation of tapes with this method of connection will be reduced several times. To solve this problem, other technologies for installing LED strips have been developed.
Connection method from one adapter
The extension wire is connected to the output of the power supply and connected to the lighting fixture. Thus, the parallel connection of the LED strip is carried out. Such a circuit will require a more powerful power supply that is larger than ordinary devices. This may cause some inconvenience.
Multiple adapter connection method
In such a scheme, before connecting the power supply to the 220V network, an extension wire is connected and pulled to the second adapter, designed for a new piece of tape. This method allows the use of wires with a small cross section.
You have to connect and look for a place to place additional power supplies. This circumstance complicates the installation process a bit. This method differs from the previous one in that each individual adapter is much smaller in size and can easily be placed where a large one would not fit.

These devices are present today as lighting elements in rooms and even swimming pools. The beautiful LED strip in the car looks especially good. Connection does not require much effort, but the cost of such devices is more expensive than traditional lighting sources.
Today, diode strips are used, consuming an average of 4 watts. Existing simple connection methods make it possible to solve problems that arise in the design and installation of lighting structures. Today, advanced developers are planning to create diodes for 8 W, and after some time they will start manufacturing devices for 10 W. Forecasts are that in the near future there will be 20W tapes on the market with a light output equal to a 300W halogen lamp.