How to disassemble the piano yourself

How to disassemble the piano yourself
How to disassemble the piano yourself

Any piano owner sooner or later faces the need for partial or complete disassembly of the instrument. How to disassemble a piano? It all depends on what it's for.

Piano in need of disassembly
Piano in need of disassembly

The piano is partially dismantled for cleaning, as the accumulated dust can cause sticking or dull sounding of the keys, tuning, because over time the strings are weakened and the instrument ceases to “build”. The tool can also be partially disassembled for transportation. A complete disassembly of the piano is needed for its disposal. Therefore, almost all owners of a rare instrument are faced with the question of how to disassemble the piano.

Disassembling the piano for tuning and removing dust

Ready to clean and tune
Ready to clean and tune

To clean and set up the tool, just flip the top cover. Then the front panel is removed, behind which the hammers and pegs of the strings are hidden. It is fixed with wooden latches located on the inside on the right and left. In order to release it, it is enough to lower the latches down. Then you need to remove the hinged cover that covers the keys. This part is not fixed, and in order to remove it, you just need to gently pull it towards you, holding the front movable bar, remove it and put it vertically. The bar that presses the keys is fastened with two bolts that need to be unscrewed and also removed. This analysis is enough to tune the instrument.

To clean the tool from dust and eliminate sticky keys, you need to pull out the keys with your hands and put them on a flat surface in order, so that you can easily put the keys back in place.

Put the keys in order
Put the keys in order

Then the lower front cover is removed. It, like the top one, is held by wooden plugs. For convenience, the wooden rods that actuate the pedals are also removed. Often this is enough to clean the piano of dust and debris that accumulates during operation. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to damage the mechanism. In this case, you can remove dust and debris without removing the hammer mechanism, but simply carefully separating the hammers one by one from the strings and wiping them.

Disassembly for repair

If you need to change a broken string, hammer, spacer on a string or other failed part, you will also have to remove the hammer mechanism. It is attached to the sidepanels with 2 bolts. Having unscrewed the bolts, carefully holding, it is necessary to separate the hammers from the strings. It is preferable to remove the mechanism in a horizontal position, pulling it out through the top, and put it vertically in a convenient place. With proper and accurate analysis, it will be easy to put all the mechanisms in place. Before disassembling the piano, it is necessary to prepare a place for installing parts, as the mechanisms are fragile, but take up a lot of space.

Features of disassembling the piano for transportation

To transport the instrument, in addition to all the above manipulations, it is also necessary to completely remove the top cover, since it is impossible to fix it and when carried, it can open and interfere. The cover is attached to the base with a large number of screws, so it is better to use a screwdriver. In order not to lose the parts, it is better to immediately put them in a separate box. Before disassembling the piano for shipping, prepare the packing material for the parts to avoid moisture and dirt.

Dismantling for disposal

Unfortunately or fortunately, modernity offers more convenient, light and functional analogues of the piano - synthesizers. Therefore, the good old tools are increasingly becoming unnecessary or simply failing. Therefore, the owners are faced with the question of how to disassemble the piano for disposal.

Before disassembling the piano, first of all, you need to decide which parts of the instrument will come in handy and which ones you decide to throw away. You can take them off quickly and not be too careful.

Careful dismantling will come in handyregarding the required parts. For example, a stylish bar can be made from a piano body, and strings and hammers will be useful for replacing those that have become unusable for another instrument. Cast iron plate, the heaviest part, is in demand among buyers of non-ferrous metals. In order not to overpay the dismantler and use the parts of the piano with maximum benefit, you need to know how to disassemble the piano for recycling with your own hands. To make it easier to take the tool out of the room, you need to remove as many parts as possible.

Ready for disposal
Ready for disposal

Disassembly for disposal is similar to disassembly for tuning and cleaning, only if you plan to cut and discard the strings, you do not need to remove the hammer action before doing so. On the contrary, so that when biting off with tongs, the strings do not shoot out, they must be pressed as much as possible with a hammer mechanism using a special lever located on the left. Only after cutting the strings, you need to remove the hammer mechanism. After removing the mechanism, the panel on which the keys were located is dismantled. The pedals can be unscrewed or pulled out with a mount. The back wall of the tool is glued, so it is quite easy to detach it with an improvised tool. The cast-iron plate on which the strings are attached can either be knocked out of the side walls, or left and taken out with them. Having figured out in detail how to disassemble a piano for disposal, you can relatively easily and free of charge part with an unnecessary instrument.
