Fragrant geranium: photo, reproduction and care at home

Fragrant geranium: photo, reproduction and care at home
Fragrant geranium: photo, reproduction and care at home

For three centuries, fragrant geranium has been living in our houses and apartments on the windowsills. And although we, like our grandmothers, used to call it geranium, the real name of the plant is pelargonium. Together with the field geranium, which blooms with blue-violet flowers, it is part of the Geraniev family. At home, caring for fragrant geraniums is simple. Among the variety of its varieties, everyone will be able to choose a plant according to their preferences.

General information

Pelargonium stands out among all kinds of geraniums. This graceful herbaceous plant is appreciated by amateur flower growers for its openwork foliage and characteristic pleasant aroma. At the slightest movement from the breeze or from touching the leaves, a slight spicy smell spreads around the plant.

For the first time, Europeans discovered a wonderful plant on the distant South African coast. Three hundred years have passed since this discovery.

Breeders have bred many varieties. They differshapes and sizes of leaves, have different colors of flowers. But all of them are united by the peculiarity of pelargonium to smell, due to the presence of specific glands located on the leaves. Fragrant geranium emits phytoncides in the room. They have an antimicrobial effect and help improve sleep.

fragrant geranium
fragrant geranium

Essential oils, various organic acids, antioxidant flavonoids, and other compounds found in the plant have been used in medicine, perfumery, even cooking.

Perennial is a rather tall herbaceous branched bush. Its height reaches about one meter. The fibrous root system is dense and strong. The leaves are carved, strongly dissected, beautiful light green.

Some varieties of fragrant geraniums bloom very rarely at home. Small flowers are pale pink. Breeders carefully preserve varieties with the smell of roses, herbs, citrus.

Fragrant varieties of pelargonium

Hybrid varieties have been bred to enhance the natural smell. At the slightest touch, delicate leaves smell deliciously of peaches, apples, tart nutmeg, lemons or mint. There is even a variety with a coniferous smell.

Varieties of fragrant indoor geranium have a variety of leaf colors, attract with shades of flowers, fascinate with aromas:

  1. Mabel Gray (lemon). The variety has a strong lemon flavor. The plant has rough leaves, pronounced veins. On the inside of the leaves pubescence. This is a flowering variety. It is decorated with umbrellas of small lilac-pink inflorescences.
  2. Spicy peppermint. The spreading plant has thin carved leaves of gray-green color. It blooms in medium-sized pale pink inflorescences. Exudes a bright minty aroma. Responsive to good care and feeding.
  3. Apple cider. Compact cultivar with tiny white flowers. Small leaves have a rounded shape and folded edges. Has an unusual aroma of apples. Likes regular watering.
  4. Charming. This variety will fit perfectly into the garden composition. Spectacular shrub surprises with golden edges of large leaves. It has a wonderful lemon-pink summer scent. In room conditions, this fragrant geranium grows reluctantly.
  5. Lady Plymouth. This graceful plant is great for garden containers. The openwork light green crown consists of leaves with a white border. It is fragrant with the fresh aroma of a blossoming rose. Watering should be moderate.
Different varieties
Different varieties


Fragrant pelargonium is grown both at home in pots and in the garden in the open field. Growing plants at home is not at all troublesome, but caring for fragrant geraniums planted in the garden requires a transplant every autumn. Originally from Africa, the plant does not tolerate Russian cold weather. It is necessary to carefully dig up a bush and store it in a cool place at + 10 ˚C all winter. But the geranium in the garden over the summer grows into a large bush. It is difficult to transplant without breaking fragile branches. Experienced flower growers dig a plant in the spring in a flower bed in a pot. This will help relocate the pelargonium in the fall.

Geranium loves fresh air. As soon as the temperature allows, it is moved to a glazed balcony or insulated terrace.

Indoor plants

Getting good care of scented geranium at home.

Lush bloom
Lush bloom

The photo shows all the beauty of this grateful, very unpretentious plant.

Recommendations from experienced flower growers will help you grow a wonderful houseplant:

  1. Although geraniums are photophilous, they tolerate the location on the north window or at a distance from the window quite easily. Nevertheless, the best place for them would be western or eastern windows. In winter, plants are best illuminated with lamps. From the lack of lighting, pelargonium branches are stretched, and the leaves turn pale.
  2. A distinctive feature of geranium is that it can accumulate moisture in its stems and leaves. But it does not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore, pelargonium does not need to be sprayed. Watering is carried out as the soil dries.
  3. In winter, the plant is best placed on a cool windowsill where the temperature is around 16 ˚C. From spring to autumn cold, pelargonium will feel great on an open balcony or terrace.
  4. When a plant lacks nutrition, it becomes lethargic, pale. Leaves shrink, flowering stops. Fragrant geranium is fed with liquid complex fertilizers. Do not add fresh organic matter to the soil.
  5. Proper pruning will make the bush more lush. The elongated stems are pinched, while leaving a couple of leaves.

Proper care will help the plantdevelop harmoniously and luxuriantly.

Correct fit

To transplant a pelargonium, you need to choose a flower pot that matches the size of the plant's root system. It should be only a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one.

In a spacious pot, geraniums will develop poorly, there will be a risk of waterlogging. Possible root rot.

So that moisture does not stagnate, a layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom. After transplanting, water well to shrink the soil mixture.

Fragrant pelargonium differs from other types of geraniums in that it does not like acidic soil. Peat is contraindicated for her.

Geraniums in pots
Geraniums in pots

Properly selected soil composition will ensure the good development of the plant and its abundant flowering.

Soil for planting

Soil for planting should:

  • permeable to air and water;
  • be with the addition of fine expanded clay, sand, moss;
  • be neutral;
  • contain a small amount of nitrogen.

An inexperienced grower can buy a ready-made mixture for geraniums in the store.

small flowers
small flowers

For self-compilation of the planting mixture is recommended:

  • garden land - ten parts;
  • chopped sphagnum moss - one piece;
  • calcined sand - one part;
  • humus - 1/2 part.

Frequent transplanting of fragrant pelargonium is not required. The soil and capacity are changed every year.


There are several ways to propagate fragrantgeranium:

  • sowing seeds;
  • using cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Growing fragrant pelargonium from seeds is a laborious process, and quite a long one. For sowing use a shallow container. The earth is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds do not need to be sprinkled with soil, they germinate in the light. It is necessary to provide high humidity by covering the crops with a film. When shoots appear, the film is removed. Seedlings dive after the appearance of three or four leaves. With this method of reproduction, maternal properties are not always transmitted. It is possible to get original plants.

For grafting cut off the tops of the shoots with two internodes. Cuttings root easily in water. New bushes inherit all the properties of the old plant.

In spring, reproduction of fragrant geraniums is possible by the fastest method - dividing the mother bush.

little geranium
little geranium

It is taken out of the pot and cut so that independent bushes with a root system are obtained.

Food for fragrant geraniums

Caring for pelargonium, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. In spring, the bush is fed with liquid fertilizer for flowers, containing all the necessary nutrients and trace elements. In the period of buds, before flowering, top dressing is repeated. In autumn, preparing the plant for a dormant period, potash fertilizer can be applied. Or feed with ordinary ash.

Winter period

No top dressing in winter. Watering is reduced. The plant stops flowering and needs to be providedrest period. In the photo, fragrant geranium is prepared for winter: pruning is carried out, flowers with dried leaves are removed. The pot is removed away from heating appliances, preferably in a darkened room.

Protection from diseases and pests

Scented geranium is a very he althy plant. But with poor or improper care, she can get sick and die.

With excessive watering, there is a risk of fungal diseases:

  • spores of gray rot form a plaque on leaves and buds;
  • root rot with excessive soil moisture destroys the roots;
  • stem rot is visible on the cuttings as black weeping spots. If the cuttings are affected by it, it is impossible to cure them. The plant is destroyed, and the soil is sterilized in the oven.

Fundazol, Fitosporin-M, Topaz, Gamair, Baktofit are used for treatment.

In dry air and heat, spider mites are found on the leaves. Invisible at first glance, they suck the juice from the plant. Such leaves begin to turn yellow, and then dry out, twisting into a tube. Transparent mites are easy to spot on close inspection.

Prepare a soapy solution, which is abundantly moistened with pelargonium and the ground under it. After a couple of hours, the plant is washed with clean water. The preparations "Fitoverm" and "Antiklesch" will help from the pest.

Thrips and whiteflies attack geraniums outdoors in summer. To protect against them, plants are treated with Aktara, Actellik, Confilor.

The use of pelargonium

The air around the fragrant geranium is filled with volatile essential substances. They arehave a calming effect. Pelargonium is also an excellent antiseptic. The plant also has medicinal properties:

  • with lumbar or joint pain, crushed leaves applied as a compress will help;
  • scented geranium juice heals wounds and cuts on the skin;
  • infusions or decoctions will relieve inflammation in the throat with sore throat, pain with otitis media;
  • the smell of geranium is the strongest antidepressant (a pleasant aroma normalizes sleep, relieves fatigue, relieves irritability).

Pelargonium fragrant is used as a raw material in the production of geranium oil. It is widely used in perfumery, cooking and pharmaceuticals.

Pelargonium on the terrace
Pelargonium on the terrace

But preparations containing scented geranium or its oils should not be used:

  • pregnant women and children;
  • people prone to allergies;
  • patients with stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • people with low blood pressure.

Fragrant geranium is considered a talisman for the family hearth. Get this plant in your home. You will notice how psychological comfort and an atmosphere of coziness will settle in it.
