Moon watermelon: description and reviews

Moon watermelon: description and reviews
Moon watermelon: description and reviews

In this article we want to tell you about an unusual variety of watermelon. If you have not yet managed to enjoy this unusual species in your life, we recommend that you definitely try it! It is not sold everywhere, but in large cities it can be found in certain supermarkets during the season. Also, if you have suitable climatic conditions for the growth of these berries, then we advise you to try to grow them yourself. Perhaps if you have never seen a moon watermelon, the photo will surprise you. What is this plant?

moon watermelon
moon watermelon

Why is it called "moon watermelon"?

If you've ever heard of this unusual species, you've probably wondered why this berry was named moonberry. We are used to hearing that Astrakhan watermelons are the best. And then some incomprehensible watermelon, lunar. There are two reasons. First of all, this watermelon inside is yellow! If cut in half, the cut will look a bit like the yellow face of the moon. Secondly, and outwardly, this watermelon also resembles a starry sky with a moon. See for yourself! On a dark background, small yellow blotches and a larger circle in a single copy. Unusual, right?

watermelon lunar
watermelon lunar


The most interesting thing is that this species originated from a wild, completely tasteless watermelon, which differed in thathad yellow flesh. About ten years ago, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Melon and Vegetable Growing, the head of the selection department, Sergey Sokolov, crossed ordinary and wild watermelon. As a result, a new variety was formed, which was called lunar.

Ukrainian breeders also made attempts to obtain watermelon with yellow flesh, but they did it worse than Russian scientists. Their variety differs in that it has acquired only aroma from ordinary watermelon, and in taste it is more like a pumpkin. As a result, this hybrid was named "Kavbuz". It is not consumed raw. It's not tasty. But for cooking cereals - it's the most.

Moon watermelon: species

There are two main types of this watermelon - round and oval. If you look at all the photos in this article, you will see examples of both. Agree that both options look rather unusual when compared with conventional varieties. They grow them in different places. Round - mainly in Spain, and oval - in Thailand.

variety of watermelon lunar
variety of watermelon lunar

If we talk about Russia, then the variety of watermelon "lunar" grows in our Astrakhan. But we are not very popular due to transportation problems.

The fact is that this variety has a very thin and rather loose crust, which is easy to break when transported over long distances. This feature increases the cost of delivery to distant cities, since each berry needs a separate approach (separate soft packaging).


Of course, I wonder how tasty this unusual watermelon is. If we compare it with ordinary red, then it has a high sugar content and has a very tender and juicy pulp. A good option for those who love this berry and are not averse to eating sweets. If our usual red watermelon contains about eight percent sugar, then in the moon this figure approaches thirteen! By the way, our Astrakhan moon watermelon is distinguished by unusual exotic notes, if we compare it with species brought from abroad. As for the taste, tasters cannot agree on what it resembles. Some say it's mango, some it looks like lemon, and some lean towards pumpkin.

The variety grown in Thailand, on the contrary, has a low sugar content (about five percent). Nevertheless, it is very much appreciated by the locals. In a hot country, you don't need too much sugar to quench your thirst.

It can also be said that there are almost no seeds in this type of watermelon, which is very convenient to eat compared to the usual red.


Moon watermelon is most often eaten raw, but, in addition, it is also actively used in culinary dishes. This variety is very popular with confectioners in the preparation of desserts. Since the pulp has a beautiful and attractive appearance, it is also used to decorate various dishes.

In addition, there are many recipes for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails using this variety.

watermelonlunar reviews
watermelonlunar reviews

In Thailand, freshly squeezed juice is usually prepared from this berry and actively offered to tourists. They also make an unusual sweet and at the same time spicy sauce from this watermelon, which is served with meat, fish dishes and rice.

In Russia, some lovers still s alt watermelon and preserve it. But the combination of sugar and s alt is not to everyone's taste, so this type of application remains rather an exception.


Many have a question about how difficult it is to grow this variety on your own in your own area. How picky is the moon watermelon in terms of climatic conditions and what does it generally need to grow?

This variety is absolutely unpretentious to the temperature regime, and it can be grown even in the middle zone of our country. Melon growers will not need either a greenhouse or a greenhouse. Watermelon is planted directly in the ground.

I would also like to clarify that this berry, of course, loves moist places. She needs water to get juice. Therefore, consider watering options if the summer suddenly turns out to be dry.

Growing soil should preferably be neutral in acidity and light - sandy or sandy loam. The root of a watermelon goes a meter deep, and it will be difficult for it to grow on clay.

In autumn, it is recommended to apply mineral (phosphorus-potassium) and organic (horse or cow manure) fertilizers for digging future melons. Also, ash will not be superfluous.

Pay special attention to the "neighbors" that will grow nearby. It is undesirable to plant a watermelonclose to related crops such as pumpkins and the like. As a result of overpollination, you may not get what you expected.

moon watermelon photo
moon watermelon photo

Moon watermelon, reviews of which often praise its taste (although sometimes there are criticisms), have long attracted the attention of those who have never tried this berry. Well, not all is lost. We hope you find this information interesting and useful. Buy, grow, taste and enjoy the unusual and delicate taste!
