"Lepidocide": reviews and instructions for use

"Lepidocide": reviews and instructions for use
"Lepidocide": reviews and instructions for use

Insect pests can cause significant damage to your crop. Therefore, the gardener needs to take care of protecting his garden from early spring. Far from each drug can cope with insects such as whiteflies, so it is very important to choose the best remedy even before spring flowering. Today we will tell you about the Lepidocide insecticide. Gardeners' reviews confirm that this is one of the best preparations in its class.

lepidocide reviews
lepidocide reviews

Short description

Chemistry in our garden is a familiar way to protect against various pests. But how safe is it? After all, the harvested fruits are often eaten even without heat treatment. There is no single answer today. In most cases, agricultural technicians agree that if the treatment is carried out on time, then the risk to your he alth will be minimal. At the same time, the garden is completely protected from pest attacks.

But science does not stand still, and today biological products, that is, drugs whose action is based on living organisms, bacteria andviruses or antagonist fungi. The biological insecticide Lepidocide deserves special attention. Reviews say that this tool allows you to deal with the most common pests. These are primarily caterpillars of lepidoptera insects. These are silkworms and leafworms, scoops and moths, cabbage.

lepidocide instructions for use reviews
lepidocide instructions for use reviews

Main benefits of the drug

Why do leading agricultural technicians recommend using Lepidocid? Reviews of experts say that the drug does not accumulate in fruits and is completely non-toxic, which is confirmed by the results of numerous studies. That is, it is one of the best modern means for combating garden pests. What is very convenient, it can be used in any phase of plant growth. This property is useful if processing needs to be done at a time when the fruits are already ripening. If you use it in the dosages indicated in the instructions, then it does not harm the environment, it is completely safe for humans and bees.

General Features

Let's take a closer look at what Lepidocide insecticide is. Reviews allow us to conclude that farmers highly appreciate its effectiveness, and the reader is probably already very interested in how it is achieved. The drug is produced on the basis of a strain of Bacillus thuringiensis. That is, the composition of the product contains spores and cells of this culture, which work against the pests of your garden. Additionally, the composition contains protein crystals and inert fillers, which are designed to preservestability and safety of active ingredients.

In specialized stores you can find two forms of the drug "Lepidocid". Instructions for use (we will give reviews a little below) says that you can use a suspension concentrate or powder.

drug lepidocide reviews
drug lepidocide reviews

Features of the drug

It is sprayed directly on garden plantings and fruit trees. What do experienced gardeners say about Lepidocid? Reviews emphasize its complete safety, which is extremely important when processing berry crops that children love to feast on.

The drug has an intestinal effect, that is, it is active only when it enters the stomach of an insect. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, the active substance remains only on the surface of the plants and does not get into the fruits, but on the other hand, heavy rain will completely wash off the composition, and your plantings will again remain defenseless. But this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that during the summer season you can resort to the help of the Lepidocide drug an unlimited number of times. Instructions for use (reviews of the country's leading agricultural technicians confirm that you only need to monitor the activity of pests in the garden plot) suggests using this tool as soon as you notice an increase in their number.

lepidocid against the Colorado potato beetle instructions for use
lepidocid against the Colorado potato beetle instructions for use

Mechanism of action

As we have already said, the drug contains not only a strain of bacteria, but also a delta-endotoxin in the form of protein crystals. In the alkaline environment of the intestines of insects, they are activated and damage the inner shell. Pests stop eating and moving. If a lot of insects have chosen your garden, then you can watch how they stop moving and eating after 4 hours after treatment. For several days they sit motionless, after which they die.

How to use

Let's look at the general scheme of how the garden is processed. First of all, you need to choose the morning or evening hours, it is at this time that the procedure will be most effective. It is very good to process plantings during the mass appearance of pest caterpillars. However, this may be a problem if you plan to use Lepidocide against the Colorado potato beetle. Instructions for use recommends repeating the treatment at least three times, since the egg-laying of these pests is extended in time. If heavy rains fall, then the procedure should be performed at intervals of 6-8 days. In dry and clear weather, the interval is 15 days. There are some features of using an insecticide on each horticultural crop separately. We'll talk about this a little more.

lepidocid against pear sucker
lepidocid against pear sucker

Grain Scoop

This is one of the most formidable pests of wheat fields. To protect the planting, you can use the drug "Lepidocid". For 100 liters of water, 1-2 liters of the drug are consumed. The working solution must be shaken well and placed in a spray bottle. Spraying occurs during the growing season. Consumption of workingliquid is 200-400 l / g. Cutworm treatment should be done at least three times per season to ensure perfect protection.

lepidocide against whitefly
lepidocide against whitefly


Very often used "Lepidotsid" against potato moths, as well as caterpillars of lepidoptera insects. These are cabbage and turnip whites, moths - terrible pests of the garden and vegetable garden that can leave you without a crop if you do not take action in time. Since several generations of pests may appear over the summer, a number of treatments are required. The consumption of the drug is small - only 0.5 liters per 100 liters of water. Each new generation of pests is born at an interval of 7-8 days, so it is recommended to repeat the treatment every week. The consumption of the working solution is 200-400 liters per hectare. This insecticide is very effective in protecting sugar beet, carrot and cabbage crops from the caterpillars of the meadow moth.

Fruit crops

The most commonly used "Lepidocid" against pear sucker and other garden pests. The first treatment, which is carried out before the flowering of the garden, can be carried out with chemicals. But the following procedures necessary to preserve the crop, it is better to carry out the Lepidocide biological product.

Treatment can be effective against apple and fruit moth caterpillars, American fruit moth, moths, leafworms and silkworms. During the growing season, spraying is done every 7-8 days. This insecticide showed itself very well as part of the protection of vineyards fromgrape leaflet. Consumption rate - 2-3 l/ha.

lepidocide against potato moth
lepidocide against potato moth

Whitefly and thrips, pest of horticultural crops

Especially often these insects settle in closed greenhouses, and it is very difficult to get rid of them. Gardeners have already tried absolutely everything: they set fire to sulfur and sprayed Dichlorvos, but after a short time the insects attacked the plants again. Today, many already know that Lepidocide against the whitefly has shown itself very well, moreover, it is completely safe for people. In parallel, the insecticide perfectly destroys scale insects, thrips, weevils and other similar pests.

However, if the whitefly has chosen your garden, especially closed greenhouses and greenhouses, it will take a long time to fight it. The fact is that eggs in the ground can wait out an unfavorable period, and the new generation will begin to attack fruit plants with even greater zeal. Therefore, if you want to win, you need to process at weekly intervals throughout the summer season. Then next summer it will be possible to spray the trees only for preventive purposes.


Complex insecticide "Lepidocide" is a real helper of the modern gardener. It is active against most garden pests, but it does not accumulate in the soil and fruits, that is, it makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products. This preparation is well compatible with most of the chemicals that the garden has previously been treated with. Even a significant increase in air temperature does not lead tobreakdown of the insecticide. This is very true during the hot summer months. Poisoned insect species are not addictive, which means you can be sure of your plantings every year.
