In summer, you can often encounter the unpleasant phenomenon of the appearance of fleas in an apartment or house. However, not only owners of pets can meet him, but also those in whose houses there have never been fluffy pets. "Dichlorvos" is considered a universal means of combating harmful insects that have appeared for various reasons in a residential area. On the modern market there is a huge selection of "Dichlorvos" with a wide spectrum of action. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are as safe as possible for use in an apartment, harmless to humans and animals, and they do not have an unpleasant smell of chemicals.
On the other hand, Dichlorvos contains a chemical compound called dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate. When used correctly, it is safe for warm-blooded animals. Insects die from it.

Causes of fleas in the house
"Dichlorvos" from fleas is considered a reliable tool, it should be in any home. The main reasonthis is the spontaneity of the appearance of insects in a residential area. The most common way for a flea colony to enter human habitation is through pets. The main habitat of these insects is the street, so during a walk they can move to a pet and thus get into the house. In addition, a favorite place for fleas is damp dark rooms. Often, insects get into a bright, warm apartment through cracks, cracks, as well as from the basement and the common entrance.
The appearance of fleas also provokes dirt and high humidity. Therefore, to avoid encountering such a nuisance, thoroughly clean the rooms in the house. If pets live in the apartment, they must be treated with special antiseptics intended for animals; use shampoos and drops.

Danger of domestic fleas
Despite their small size - only a few millimeters - fleas are considered dangerous insects. They can be carriers of many serious diseases from animal to human. Fleas belong to the order of large blood-sucking. They parasitize birds, domestic animals and, in certain cases, humans. In addition, fleas pose a potential threat to the he alth and life of the one they live on. Adults of these insects lay eggs on the body of the host, which after a while turn into small white worms. Young insects are small, black in color, and aged individuals are larger, brown in color. "Dichlorvos" from fleas in the apartment is useful inin any case, because these insects can appear quite unexpectedly.
Lice larvae thrive best in dirty places, where they can feed on the decay products of an adult and its blood. The development of the larva lasts about nine days, after another week an insect appears from the pupa, ready to parasitize. The life cycle of an adult is from four weeks to one and a half years. Fleas feed on the blood of their host. They are also endowed with an excellent ability to quickly move from one habitat to another and carry infections acquired with food.

Ways to control insects in a residential area
As soon as the first traces of insects appeared in the house, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them. The main rule here is the sooner the better. It is very easy to understand that fleas have appeared in the living space: put on white socks and walk around the apartment. After the fears were confirmed, the first rule of dealing with these pests is general cleaning. All rooms must be well vacuumed, including furniture, children's toys. Pay special attention to skirting boards, carpets, sofas. Do not leave aside bed linen, blankets, bed and mattresses. Wash the hard surface of the furniture with a flea shampoo that is made for pets. In this case, "Dichlorvos" from fleas in the apartment will also help, after the wet cleaning is completed. It is affordable and highly effective.
To completely get rid of uninvited insects, it is important to process all residentialspace at the rate of one can of Dichlorvos per ten square meters. During and after the procedure, it is necessary to close windows and doors tightly for several hours. After this time, carefully ventilate the apartment. It is possible to answer the question of whether Dichlorvos helps against fleas only after the recommendations for its use are fully observed. The product will show the maximum effect if you do not do wet cleaning in the house for a week after treatment.
If the spray is used correctly, Dichlorvos will destroy not only old insects, but also their clutches, larvae and other parasites. If a few weeks after treatment with this remedy, the fleas have not disappeared, this means that a clutch of eggs was skipped during the process.

Types of "Dichlorvos"
Insect repellent is sold in the form of a spray in hardware stores or veterinary pharmacies. The average cost of one can is 60 rubles. Dichlorvos is a relatively inexpensive, easy-to-use and effective remedy. It has been proven that it can be used to get rid of insects in a residential area in one or two treatments. There are several types of this tool:
- "Universal". "Dichlorvos" of a wide spectrum of action. Suitable for eliminating many insects that live in the apartment. The tool paralyzes fleas, which leads to their death.
- "Eco" - has no unpleasant and persistent smell. During processing it is well transferred by the person. Effective as it contains an insecticide.
- "Neo". It contains two insecticides, the most effective, odorless.
- "Super". Like the previous remedy, effective and non-toxic to humans.
How to choose "Dichlorvos"?
Before you buy a flea remedy, read the composition on the can. Pay attention to the substances that are the most active in Dichlorvos. For example, organochlorine is suitable for the destruction of various types of insects, but they have disadvantages - they accumulate in the apartment and lead to unpleasant consequences. Organophosphates are the least toxic and safe for warm-blooded animals. They are actively used in household chemicals. However, during handling, it is important to take precautions and protect the respiratory tract. If the product contains pyrethrum, this means that it poses a minimal threat to humans, since it is less toxic. The disadvantage of pyrethrum-based aerosols is that they have a short shelf life - up to about six months.

Instructions for the use of "Dichlorvos"
Before you start pest control, carefully study how to use "Dichlorvos" from fleas. Instructions for use must be attached or present on the can itself. Before use, determine the cause of fleas in the house. If the source is a pet, take care of its he alth first. After establishing the cause of the invasioninsects, do a general cleaning. Close doors and windows tightly. Then, opening the can, spray its contents at arm's length no higher than twenty centimeters from the floor. Do not pass by cracks, baseboards, sleeping places for pets. Treat carpets and furniture if pets like to lie on it. After the treatment is over, leave the apartment, but do not open the windows. You can ventilate after two hours.

Sometimes the question arises: how to use Dichlorvos from fleas correctly if there are children in the house? The scheme is about the same. However, choose a remedy that is as safe as possible for a person. After treatment with Dichlorvos, wash the room where the child is constantly located with soapy water. If possible, do not treat the children's room if the threat of poisoning is higher than the consequences of the presence of insects.
Safety measures during treatment with Dichlorvos
Before the procedure, put on gloves, goggles and a gauze bandage (respirator). It is desirable that no one was in the apartment during processing, except for spraying the aerosol. Remember that Dichlorvos is not intended to kill fleas on the animal itself! If the substance gets into the eyes or respiratory tract, rinse immediately with water. After the procedure, take a shower and change.

User reviews
According to most users, "Dichlorvos" kills fleas effectively and quickly. Thanks to a large selection of aerosols, you can choose the most suitable product in each case. However, many users do not know how to poison fleas with Dichlorvos correctly. Judging by some reviews, there are difficulties in reading the instructions and composition on the can, which are sometimes printed illegibly.