One of the most important details of the thermal insulation of the base of the house is the insulation of the basement and the blind area. This set of measures significantly reduces the cost of paying for utilities, and also eliminates the vertical movement of the blind area due to soil freezing.
Do I need to insulate the plinth

Some argue that it is enough to insulate the walls of the building, but even if the most effective material is used for this, cold bridges will still form at floor level. The reasons for their occurrence are that the thermal conductivity of structural materials is much higher compared to insulation. Among other things, the basement or underground also remain uninsulated, which contributes to heat loss through the floor. That is why to insulate the foundation, basement andblind area is necessary.
The need for blind area insulation

The blind area is the foot of the building, it is located on top of the base and protrudes beyond it. Obviously, for this reason, this part of the house is exposed to the negative effects of precipitation. Basement insulation with polystyrene foam allows you to save heat in the house, which is especially true for wooden buildings. Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam, reviews of which you can read below, involves the use of a material that has a low level of thermal conductivity, it is highly compressive. The quality of the insulation is determined by the structure of the uniformity of closed cells, they are not filled with water, and the low level of moisture absorption provides high resistance to temperatures below zero. The period of operation of high-quality material is not less than 50 years.
Insulation recommendations

Insulation of the basement with extruded polystyrene foam is carried out according to a technology that provides for determining the thickness of the walls, the geographical zone and the material at the base of the floors. On sale you can find slabs of expanded polystyrene, the thickness of which varies from 3 to 12 cm. The required thickness can be determined taking into account the weather conditions of the region where the construction is carried out. If work is carried out in the middle zone of the CIS, then it is best to use for thermal insulationextruded polystyrene foam that is 5 cm or more thick.
The corners will freeze first of all, so they are protected with slabs, the thickness of which reaches 10 cm. Part of the basement will be located underground, so it is exposed to aggressive environmental factors and groundwater, as well as low temperatures. This may cause the plinth to break.
Work technology

Thermal insulation should be carried out on the outside of the building. The slabs are laid against the walls of the plinth using a non-aggressive adhesive. The composition must not contain solvents that would be capable of destroying the material. The adhesion of the insulation to the adhesive will be higher if the work is carried out at temperatures above +5 °C. Compliance with these recommendations will be a guarantee that, during frosts, the surface of the wall will not be covered with cracks. Before covering the surface of the base with heat-insulating material, it is necessary to treat it with a thin layer of plaster, which will get rid of cracks, bumps and pits. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a cement-sand or lime mortar. In extreme cases, you can use a plaster composition.
Work methodology

Insulation of the plinth with extruded polystyrene foam onThe next step involves checking the plaster layer for moisture. As soon as the setting stage is completed, the base should be sanded and cleaned of dust and dirt. Expanded polystyrene boards must be fixed to the plinth with an adhesive that is intended for the material being described. Using a brush or roller, the composition should be applied to the surface of the plinth, as well as to the back of the insulation board.
When the basement is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, the material must be overlapped on the basement floor. The width of the overlap can vary from 10 to 12 cm, this will increase the heat resistance of the floor inside the building and reduce heat loss. When installing the plates, it is necessary to exclude irregularities, while using a building rail or a special level. The plates are fixed with an impact drill, which will allow you to fix the metal mesh. In this case, the plate and the base are pulled together. In order for expanded polystyrene to protect against external factors, it is covered with plaster, which is complemented by fiberglass or metal mesh. Facing materials need to be fixed on top.
Nuances of the work

The thickness of the basement insulation with extruded polystyrene foam was mentioned above. If you want to make thermal insulation more effective, the layer should be more massive. Plates can be fixed not only with polyurethane glue, but also with the use of cold-hardening bitumen-polymer mastic. It is necessary to apply the composition according tothe entire surface or individual points. If you choose a mixture that contains a solvent among the ingredients, then it can destroy the structure of the Styrofoam. Therefore, this feature of the adhesive may adversely affect the thermal insulation qualities and durability.
Due to the fact that mechanical fastening can disrupt the integrity of the waterproofing layer and cause leakage into the basement walls, experts do not recommend fixing the slabs, relying only on the strength of the adhesive. You can independently insulate the basement with extruded polystyrene foam, the technology is described in the article. From it you can find out that almost all models of plates of the described expanded polystyrene insulation material contain a recess around the perimeter, this allows you to join the sheets, forming a lock. If you purchase these canvases, then save the surface from cold bridges. When trimming, the joining of adjacent plates should be smeared with glue or mastic.
Is it possible to install plates in two layers

Some experts are still deciding whether it is possible to fix EPS boards in two layers to achieve the desired thickness. Some claim that the high adhesion of glue and mastic allows you to get a monolithic double layer. To prevent the formation of cold bridges, it is necessary to ensure that during installation overlapping of the seams is not allowed. Others argue that with vertical displacements of the soil, thermal insulation can delaminate. As a result, moisture penetrates between the layers, which becomescause increased heat loss.
The bottom row must be mounted, focusing on the base. The best option would be the existing ledge of the foundation, which is formed at the pouring stage. But quite often, thermal insulation is mounted on a gravel backfill where the foundation is installed. Wild stone, brick, tile or decorative plaster, as well as facade paint, are laid on top of the insulation. Each of these materials can become a decorative finish. But sand-lime bricks or decorative tiles cannot be called the best choice, since chips can form at the edges of these materials at sub-zero temperatures.
Blind area insulation
Insulation of the basement and blind areas with extruded polystyrene foam is being done more and more often today. If you decide to insulate the blind area, then you first need to prepare the area. The place is vacated, the fertile layer of soil is removed to the depth of laying the thermal insulation. The depth of laying the insulation is determined depending on the thermal characteristics: the higher they are, the smaller the layer should be. You should get rid of large roots, if this is not done, then after a while vegetation will appear on the site of the blind area. In a place cleared of soil, crushed stone should be laid, which will act as a drainage.
Insulation of the house with extruded polystyrene foam in the blind area at the next stage provides for equipping the perimeter with a removable formwork. The possibility of water seepage must be eliminated with the help of clay, which is distributed over the trench. It should be compacted, forming a 20-centimeter layer. Next, sand is laid, which will serve as the underlying layer. In order to ensure shrinkage, water must be poured from above. Next, thermal insulation is laid, the next layer will be water-repellent paving slabs, stone or any other material.
Extruded polystyrene foam, according to users, is a good solution for insulating the basement and blind areas. The material is quite easy to install. Even a novice home master will be able to understand the technology. To carry out the work, you do not need to purchase additional equipment, and the resulting joints should be filled with mounting foam, which you can buy at a building materials store. According to buyers, extruded foam can be used with any decorative material that fits at the final stage, which any person who has done repair work at least once in his life will also be able to handle.
Design, which turned out to be broken, ceases to perform its functions. This can lead to drafts inside the house. If you are thinking about the question of whether to insulate the basement with extruded polystyrene foam, then it is worth noting that this material does not harm human he alth.