Technological expanded polystyrene, which is a modern material with a number of useful properties, has rightfully earned the title of a unique insulation. It is widely used in sanitary ware, construction, road works and many fields. This material has been known for over 60 years. It is also called extruded polystyrene.
It is a plastic with a uniform structure of small closed cells with a size of up to 0.2 mm. To obtain a sheet of this material, high pressure and temperature are applied to the raw material, at which the granules are mixed with the simultaneous introduction of a foaming agent. They can be carbon dioxide or a mixture of light freons. After that, the raw material is squeezed out of the extruder, as a result, colored or transparent sheets are obtained, which, after drying, are ready for use.
EPS - insulation, which has high thermal insulation and strength characteristics. It has a related chemical composition withfoam, since these materials have one ancestor - polystyrene. However, in terms of functionality, extruded polystyrene foam cannot be compared with ordinary foam, as it is ahead of its polymer counterpart. The reason for this lies in the fundamental differences in production technology. Styrofoam does not go through the extruder, but XPS does.
The polymer through extrusion receives a different transformation vector, and hence other qualities and properties. First, the granules melt and form a homogeneous viscous mass. Raw material passes from a solid state into a viscous one. Further transformations come with a single liquid-phase substance that has intermolecular bonds.

EPS is a heater that has certain technical characteristics. In order to understand them, it is necessary to consider the material in more detail. The task of any heater is to keep the heat in the room. Since the rate of heat transfer varies according to the laws of thermodynamics depending on the density of the substance, gases have a lower thermal conductivity compared to solids.
The thermal conductivity of air is 0.026 W/m°C. Penoplex consists of an air mixture of 90%, in connection with this, the indicator mentioned above is 0.030 W / m° C. The difference is minimal, this indicates an excellent ability to retain heat. Expanded polystyrene can have different density, which varies for different products ranging from 25 to 47 kg/m3. This indicator influencesstrength, which with increasing density can be equal to the limit from 20,000 to 50,000 kg/m2.
EPS - a heater that does not absorb water well. For 28 days, the plate will absorb about 0.4% of the liquid from its volume, after which the process stops completely. The vapor permeability of this thermal insulation is 0.0128 Mg / (mhPa). Sometimes this property entails the need for an additional layer of vapor barrier when installing individual systems.
This type of insulation can be used in almost any climatic conditions due to the ability to endure low and high temperatures ranging from - 50 to + 75 ˚С.
EPS - insulation, which is characterized by combustibility y. Depending on what flame retardants are added to it, the flammability class can vary from G1 to G4. On sale you can find some brands of the described material, which have an L-shaped notch along the edges. It is necessary for a snug fit of products to each other by strengthening the insulation of the seams. This feature prevents the formation of cold bridges between the plates.
Penoplex participated in tests that involved repeated freezing and thawing. Most of the tests made it clear that the stove is able to withstand up to 80 cycles, in practice this figure corresponds to a certain number of years of operation.
If we compare the described material with its counterpart - polystyrene foam, then striking differences are striking. They arise as a result of using a unique technology in the foam production process,which allows you to make the sheets stronger and thinner. In order to achieve the same effect, the foam layer must be doubled compared to the foam layer. Among other things, laying should be carried out in two rows so that cold bridges do not form in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams.
When comparing expanded polystyrene with other insulation materials in terms of sound transmission, we can conclude that the material loses in some respects, however, in terms of ease of installation, in this case it has no equal. This is because it is much easier to lay hard sheets than it is to work with soft rock wool rolls.
Expert Advice on Specifications

During the construction of a sauna or a bath, extruded polystyrene foam should not be used for insulation. This is due to the fact that its characteristics do not allow placing the material in conditions where the temperature in the room is higher than + 75 ˚С. However, extruded polystyrene foam can be used in almost all areas of the construction industry. In this case, the region where the object is located does not matter.
This insulation works well on a small balcony or loggia of an apartment, as well as within the walls of a huge shopping complex. In this regard, the use of extruded polystyrene foam is justified.
Main producers

In Russia, many companies are engaged in the production of the described thermal insulation. Among others, the mostpopular:
- Penoplex.
- Technonikol.
- Ursa.
Their production capacities are 1850 1300 and 160 thousand cubic meters. among other firms it should be noted:
- Dow Chemical.
- Teplex.
- Teamlex.
- Penosteks.
Price and some characteristics of TechnoNIKOL expanded polystyrene

EPS "TechnoNIKOL" is offered for sale in several forms, each of which has its own purpose. Among others, we should highlight the "Swedish plate", which is supplied in the following sizes: 1005802360 mm. The density of the material is 30kg/cm3. It belongs to G4 flammability class. Thermal conductivity is 0.028 W/(mK). For one package you will pay 3050 rubles.
This material is specialized and designed for shallow slab foundations. Thermal insulation has high compressive strength and increased plate length. Thermal conductivity is reduced, which leads to the high popularity of the material. In the production of XPS "TechnoNIKOL" nanosized particles of carbon are used. This reduces thermal conductivity and increases strength. The material takes on a silver hue in the process and has high energy efficiency characteristics.
Among the main advantages of using the foundation using extruded polystyrene foam should be highlighted:
- reduction of construction time;
- saving on heating;
- quality solution forprotection of structures from destruction;
- creating a finished floor.
Specifications and cost XPS CARBON ECO

XPS extruded polystyrene foam has the following dimensions: 1005801180mm. The thermal conductivity is λ25. For packing you will pay 1430 rubles. The material is used in low-rise and cottage construction for thermal insulation of the foundation, floor, blind area, facade, basement and roof. Thermal insulation is indispensable for the insulation of houses with a flat roof. This EPS, the price of which is affordable, is the ideal solution for insulating a cottage from the foundation to the roof. Thermal insulation does not absorb moisture, shrink or swell.
Additional benefits include biological stability and dimensional stability. XPS from TechnoNIKOL is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. It is durable and has minimal water absorption.
Features of Styrofoam Extruded Styrofoam

This material is offered in several varieties, each of which is used for different purposes. For example, grade 250-A is designed for three-layer walls and pitched roof insulation. 300-A can be used for inverted and traditional flat roofs. This manufacturer's 500-A-marked XPS extruded polystyrene foam is used for maintenance roofs, cold store insulation, and heavy-duty floors. Use material marked 350-Acan be used to isolate tracks and sports fields. The nominal density in this case is 34 kg/m3. Styrofoam extruded polystyrene foam is available in the 700-A variety, which is designed to insulate foundations and foundations under high dynamic and static loads.
Penoplex price

The material has a wide purpose and is used in the insulation of buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as in the thermal insulation of sloping and flat roofs, basements and foundations. Extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex" allows you to speed up and improve construction technology. It can be offered in different thicknesses from 20 to 100 mm. The price of EPPS in this case is 4900 rubles. per cubic meter.
For reference
During the production process, a flame retardant is introduced into the raw materials, which increases the resistance to combustion. Plates acquire all the necessary fire-technical characteristics and correspond to slightly combustible and slow-burning materials. 50 mm extruded polystyrene foam has a density of 35 kg/m3.