Do-it-yourself toilet installation: methods, instructions, recommendations

Do-it-yourself toilet installation: methods, instructions, recommendations
Do-it-yourself toilet installation: methods, instructions, recommendations

In the process of repairing an apartment, many are faced with a process such as installing a toilet bowl with their own hands. Anyone can do this job. Self-installation will help save money on paying for plumbing services. It is believed that the most difficult task is the dismantling of the old toilet. Installing a new one is a simple job. First of all, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools, as well as study the installation instructions for the toilet bowl. It is important to know what types there are in order to understand which plumbing is suitable for a particular apartment.

What are the types of toilets?

To properly perform installation work, you need to know how this or that type of plumbing is installed. The following classification is distinguished:

  1. Wall products, they are often called hinged. What are their features? They differ in that they are notborder on the floor. Plumbing is mounted directly on the installation. This is a special type of wall construction. The drain tank is installed together with the toilet. Pipes remain hidden from view. This is the main advantage. This design looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Its only disadvantage is that it costs a lot of money to install. If in the future it is necessary to carry out repair work, then this will be difficult, since the pipes are hidden under the box. But this installation option is becoming more and more popular, especially where high-tech style is practiced.
  2. Attachments. This is an easier option. Masters install such plumbing immediately on the floor. The tank is hidden in the wall of the room. The pipes are also hidden from the human eye. Only the toilet itself and the button for draining the water remain in sight. This type looks neat, but it is not practical. Most of the elements are hidden, so it will be difficult to carry out repairs if the pipe breaks.
  3. In-field installation type. It is not suitable for apartments and is more acceptable for giving. It is necessary to make a recess under the toilet. This method is also used for arranging a public toilet. It is inconvenient to use such a toilet, therefore, when landscaping a summer cottage, it is rarely chosen.
  4. Many citizens are interested in how to fix the toilet to the floor. The floor type of installation of toilet bowls is considered the most common among residents of apartment buildings. Plumbing for this type of installation will be inexpensive. Installation work will not cause any difficulties. If dismantling is requiredplumbing, then such work is also not difficult.

What are the shapes?

The key to high-quality installation work is a properly selected toilet bowl. You must select the appropriate form. Happen:

  1. Slanting. Suitable for installation in any multi-storey buildings. It is difficult to make mistakes when installing this item.
  2. Vertical. It is recommended to install in the "Stalinka", which were built in the middle of the 20th century. The sewer pipe in this case reaches the ceiling and is combined with a neighboring riser. Such a construction rarely occurs. This type is losing its relevance, as new houses have different ceiling heights.

How is the old toilet removed?

Before installing a new "throne", you must remove the old toilet. This type of work can be classified as preparatory. Old plumbing is installed in several ways, so you can remove it in various ways:

  1. If taffeta serves as the basis for plumbing. This base is made of wooden boards. It is attached to the floor with screws and special washers. It is believed that the most reliable boards are oak. It is acceptable to use various wooden boards. In order to remove the old toilet, you need to turn off the valve. It should be on the tank. The next step is to turn off the eyeliner. Screws must be unscrewed from the board. If the boards are cemented, then the dried mortar can be broken with a chisel. As a result, you can remove the entire toilet. If the safety of the old toilet is not the goal of the owners of the apartment, then you can strike underbowl. The pipe should break on impact.
  2. It happens that the toilet was installed on the adhesive mastic. This method is distinguished by the speed of installation, but not always the quality. Most often, the connection occurs using a rubber cuff. With this fastening, it is easy to remove the toilet bowl. It is necessary to hit the bowl, after which the plumbing will be easy to pull out.
  3. When standard fastening is necessary to unscrew a few screws and remove the plugs that perform a decorative function.

Installation step

Do-it-yourself toilet installation is the next step after dismantling the old plumbing. It is important to understand what type of toilet will need to be fixed. Then the work will be easy. Recently, people have also been asking a lot of questions about flush-mounted toilets.

The following types of mounting are distinguished:

  1. Vertical, when the toilet is attached to the floor. To do this, it is necessary to remove debris from the socket leading to the sewer. Place a cuff in the cleared space. It should be sealed with sealant. The release is installed directly into the cuff, after which marks are made where the holes will be. Using the marks, it is easy to drill the desired diameter of the well. Before installing the toilet on the tile, you need to drill the tile with a special nozzle for a drill. The diameter needs to be made a little larger than the fasteners. The next step is to process the release with a sealant, after which it is fixed with screws. Care must be taken not to damage the floor. The screws must be tightened smoothly and evenly. In this case, the plumbing will stand exactly, there will be no deviations. Many people ask:"What should I do if my toilet is dancing?" In this case, you need to tighten the screws until the plumbing stops staggering. All gaps should be eliminated first. To do this, dilute the cement mortar and cover the holes with a spatula. The final stage of work consists of connecting the toilet to the sewer. This work is not difficult even for beginners.
  2. The horizontal mounting method is different from the vertical one. Many are interested in how to install a toilet on a tile. In this case, it all depends on how the sewage system is built. If it is suitable for installing a direct release, then the work will be similar to the previous option. If the toilet cannot be fixed in this way, then a corrugation is required for connection, as well as an eccentric cuff. They need to be sealed with sealant. Do not stretch the corrugation, then it will be possible to avoid blockages in the sagging part.
  3. installation of a toilet lid with a microlift
    installation of a toilet lid with a microlift
  4. The oblique toilet installation method is chosen when the outlet is located above the socket. There may be situations where the release is located below. In this case, you should take the corrugation of plastic. You need to cut a section of the desired size. It should be installed between the toilet and the socket. This composition is best connected with a sealant. It is also possible to take a special pipe that resembles the letter S. In this case, the toilet should be moved to the side, a maximum of fifteen centimeters. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom does not allow you to move the plumbing, then you can put a brick pedestal under the toilet. Thus, the desired level will be reached.height. It will be possible to connect the toilet to the socket. After connecting, you need to check for leaks.

Installation nuances

Many believe that installing a toilet with their own hands is a difficult task. Professionals say that dismantling is in most cases more difficult than installing new plumbing. Installing a toilet bowl is also not painstaking work. It is important not to be afraid of new tasks and to follow the instructions exactly.

Differences between porcelain and faience toilets

Usually, sanitary ware manufacturers take two types of material as a basis: porcelain and faience. It is believed that porcelain is more durable and porcelain products can be used longer. Most often, the toilet seat for porcelain toilets is made of high quality plastic. Such models are mounted by the floor installation method. As a rule, porcelain toilet bowls are much more expensive than earthenware ones. Their lid is mounted on a special nickel-plated fittings.

Norms for installation and features of the drain system

In toilet bowls, the drain system works on the basis of button control. Nowadays, they began to produce models where electronics are responsible for draining.

There are generally accepted norms for installing plumbing. The height to the toilet lid from the floor should be no more than 400 millimeters. The static load must not exceed 200 kilograms.

What are toilet seats and lids made of?

The main part of the plumbing market is occupied by models of toilet bowls, in which the toilet seat and lid are made of plastic. There are options where the composition includes duroplast or polypropylene. Mostly peopleprefer plastic, as it is considered the most hygienic. It is important to purchase products that are made of high-quality plastic and will withstand the load. When choosing a toilet bowl, you should pay attention to the fastening of the toilet seat. It can be plastic or metal.

Stools can be chosen based on your preferences: soft, semi-rigid. Most often, people take the hard ones that come with the toilet.

cover assembly
cover assembly

How to install the toilet lid?

Each model has different fasteners. For example, the installation of a toilet lid with a lift will be different from a simple model.

Some toilets come complete with a tank and a lid, while others need to be selected independently. The bowl and tank are sold separately in such cases.

toilet lids with microlift
toilet lids with microlift

To install the toilet lid, you will need to do the following:

  1. Combined holes for fastening the toilet seat and cover.
  2. The carpoon sleeve is installed in the toilet seat.
  3. Metal stud is installed inside the sleeve.
  4. Similar work is done with the second hinge.
  5. Washers are placed on the studs.
  6. The finished design is placed on the toilet bowl and fastened with studs from below.
  7. toilet bowl with microlift
    toilet bowl with microlift

Lifts with a microlift have a number of features. They include a rod and a spring, as well as a piston with a cylinder. These lids are easy to use as they close silently. Their only disadvantage is frequent breakdowns. In this case, it becomes easier to buy a new cover than to fix the old one.

How is the flush installed?

Installing a toilet flush requires time and effort. The first step is to adjust the cistern flush mechanism. This installation is carried out by analogy with a valve for supplying water. It is necessary to put a central sealing gasket on a wide thread. It is placed on top of the 15 nut. It is important that the gasket is made of 16 sponge rubber.

Another main point is that you need to seal the places where the ceramic touches the screws. Sealant should be applied a little more than required. It is necessary that in the original design only one nut No. 12 comes into motion. To prevent the screw from moving, it must be held from the inside of the tank by hand. It is also better to tighten the plastic bolts until they stop. In this case, you can do without a tool.

Types of sealant

Do-it-yourself toilet installation cannot take place without sealant. It is necessary for better adhesion of parts, as well as to prevent plumbing from leaking.

Toilet sealant comes in several varieties:

  1. Sour. Often chosen because of the low price of this product. It is not suitable for marble structures and those containing aluminum.
  2. Neutral contains alcohol components, as well as oxide impurities. This type can be used on any material. The only disadvantage of this product is its high price.
  3. Siliconesealant is the most sought after these days. It is universal and perfectly fastens on cast-iron products, as well as on ceramic and earthenware. This type of sealant reliably protects plumbing from the appearance of mold. The surface remains shiny. The agent is not removed during cleaning. There is a wide range of colors. But usually choose white or transparent silicone sealant.
  4. installation of a cover with a microlift
    installation of a cover with a microlift

But whatever type of sealant you use, it's important to follow the advice. When applying the composition, it is best to use a construction gun. It allows you to distribute the mass evenly. This makes the seam more even and neat, and also saves the consumption of the sealant itself. The cost of the pistol is small - about 200 rubles. And you can buy it at the same hardware store where you bought the sealant.

What is included in a complete toilet set?

If a person wants to purchase a toilet bowl with all components at a time, then you should pay attention to what is included in the kit:

  1. Bowl.
  2. Seat with mounts.
  3. Drain tank.
  4. Various fasteners.
  5. Installation.

What is needed for installation work?

Toilet installation kit includes:

  1. Dowels and studs.
  2. Corrugation.
  3. Fittings.
  4. Pipe sections of different diameters.
  5. Sealant.
  6. Construction tape.
  7. installation of a toilet bowl with a microlift
    installation of a toilet bowl with a microlift

What tools do you need for the job?

To carry out installation work and properly install the toilet, you will need the following tools:

  1. Drill or punch.
  2. Various drills.
  3. Pencil to make marks for the drill, as well as a tape measure.
  4. Building level for leveling.
  5. You will also need a hammer and wrench, especially if you have to remove the old toilet.

What is the difference between mounting on installation and mounting on concrete?

Before you properly set the toilet, you must select the type of plumbing fixture. If an installation is used, then you need to be prepared for large monetary costs. The advantage of this method is a significant time saving. The work is going fast. Installation on a concrete base will be much cheaper. In this case, accuracy and precision of execution are necessary.

If you plan to install on the installation, then you need to bring all the pipes to the place where the toilet will stand. It is better to put a separate tap on the water supply pipe. This is necessary in order to be able to shut off the water. Each pipe connection should be treated with a sealant. After that, the installation is played. Pre-marking is applied and the necessary holes are drilled. The metal frame, at the discretion of the owner of the home, is mounted on the wall or directly on the floor. As a result, it should stand horizontally. After that, the remaining fasteners are installed. You can close the resulting installation with a false wall. For this, drywall is most often used. In conclusion, the bowl itself is installedtoilet bowl and water drain mechanism.

toilet lid installation
toilet lid installation

When a person asks: "What should I do if my toilet is dancing?", professionals recommend putting him on concrete. The toilet bowl is attached to the concrete base using metal studs. The length of each stud should be ten centimeters longer than the concrete screed. For fastening, you will need a concrete mix, it is better to purchase about 40 liters of mortar. Do not do without formwork boards. When the concrete is poured and it has hardened, the formwork can be removed. Lastly, the bowl and drain tank are installed. A tile under the toilet will be required if a person wants to close the concrete pour with tiles.


So, we looked at how to install a toilet. As you can see, there are several installation methods. Using the instructions, it will not be difficult to perform installation work. As a result, plumbing will serve for a long time and without fail.
