Emergency shower: description and reviews

Emergency shower: description and reviews
Emergency shower: description and reviews

Emergency shower installations (APS) are responsible for human safety in production. They look like an ordinary shower, but their main feature is instantaneous action, high water pressure, maximum convenience for employees. These are professional units and are not intended for home use. They differ from ordinary shower cabins in external design, dimensions and price.

What is this?

Emergency Shower is an effective emergency eye and body wash system designed for large manufacturing and chemical laboratories. At the moment, they produce emergency showers for the eyes, the body, combined installations, frost-resistant, with additional heating, fountains. ADU is a means of collective protection that provides first aid to the victim. With its help, aggressive chemicals are quickly removed from the skin and mucous membranes, thoroughly washing them.

emergency shower
emergency shower

The ROVs are made from durable materials. Most often it is galvanized steel. A standard simple emergency shower is attached to a vertical surface such as a wall. It is equipped with a manual lever. More complex and professional installations are made in the form of booths that are protected from radiation.

Emergency eye shower

Specialized ADUs, depending on their purpose, help in the most difficult situations and conditions. Emergency eye shower is an installation that is completed with a special manual activation pedal and a mixer. After an emergency occurs, the victim must press the emergency shower pedal. To do this, you should quickly run up to the device, bend over the HELL, open your eyelids as much as possible, supporting them with your hands, and press the start pedal.

emergency eye shower
emergency eye shower

The mixer in the device is thermostatic. It mixes hot and cold water and dispenses into the shower. Comfortable temperature must be set in advance. Do not rinse your eyes with cold water!

Body treatment

In hazardous production, the emergency body shower should be within walking distance of a possible hazard. Depending on how the premises are located in the enterprise, the ROV for the body is attached to the wall, ceiling or floor. For a certain time, the injured person washes the skin with a large amount of water, which is supplied under special pressure. The minimum time for taking an emergency shower is fifteen to twenty minutes. Washing eyes and face with emergency body shower is prohibited for safety reasons.

Combination emergency shower installation

Emergency shower for the body and eyes is called combined. It is a special device that is installed in a production room with any air temperature, since the device can be heated.

emergency body shower
emergency body shower

Combination ROVs are equipped with a fountain and sprays for eyes and body, outlets for draining, manual and automatic shower head, foot panel and activation lever, lighting, protective frame, shower cabin, light and sound alarm, thermostatic mixer. The heated emergency combined shower is intended for regions of the Russian Federation with a cold climate. A thermostatic air heater is installed inside the shower cubicle. The cabin is thermally insulated, so it retains heat. The heated ADU has plastic windows that allow you to monitor the condition of the victim (they close if necessary). Automatic doors work after entering the booth and exiting it. The emergency shower material is galvanized steel. More items are available.

Where is ADA used?

Emergency shower is used in factories and laboratories where they work with chemicals, acids, alkalis, and conduct experiments. In such enterprises, the likelihood of emergencies is high. They are associated with the release of hazardous substances that can harm human he alth.

emergency shower for body and eyes
emergency shower for body and eyes

In this case, emergency showers serve as an effective means of protection. They can be used to removefrom the body, open mucous membranes harmful substances. The shower acts instantly, so the likelihood of negative effects of chemicals on the body is reduced. Emergency installations are also used in enterprises with a high probability of ignition of workers' clothing.

Emergency shower manufacturers

The Haws emergency shower is a modern and efficient instant cleansing system designed for production and laboratory environments. The peculiarity of the systems of this manufacturer is that they are as convenient as possible for operation. With their help, you can help a person, even if he is in a horizontal position. This is possible due to the presence of an elongated hose in the package, which is used for the whole body. At the start of the ADU, Haws works automatically, and the hands remain free. Models of an emergency shower for eyes are supplied with special cuffs from rubber. They protect human organs of vision from mechanical damage. The shower head is protected from dust and dirt by special disposable caps. They are self-removing after use (when the water is turned off). The complete set of the ADU also consists of stickers with the symbols of the emergency system, which is placed next to the shower room.

emergency shower ist
emergency shower ist

Emergency shower Ist is Turkish equipment and systems designed for occupational he alth and safety at hazardous enterprises, he althcare workers, first aid. Made by ADU Ist according to European quality standards. Emergency showers provide prevention of harmful effects on exposed mucous membranes andskin when needed. The units are analogues of ROVs from foreign manufacturers. The peculiarity of the devices is that they are constantly connected to the water supply, and when starting, the valve opens and sprays the liquid under pressure in the right direction. Emergency shower units are protected from deformation and corrosion, so they last a long time.

Installation requirements

Emergency showers should be installed in all potentially hazardous manufacturing plants where there is a high risk of caustic substances such as acid and alkali coming into contact with human skin. Dangerous places include:

  • Warehouses for storing chemicals.
  • Laboratories.
  • Foundries.
  • Treatment facilities.
emergency combination shower
emergency combination shower

Requirements for the installation of emergency showers are written in the regulatory and technical documents that are valid in Russia. For example, they are fixed in the sanitary rules "Hygienic requirements for the location, design, construction, operation and conversion of facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons, reconstruction of buildings and structures and decommissioning of facilities for the storage of chemical weapons." Emergency showers must be connected to the water supply and located in the most convenient place for the employee of the enterprise. The victim must use the ADA no later than seven seconds after the occurrence of the emergency.


Given the opinions of the majority of employees of hazardous enterprises, emergencya shower is a way for an employer to take care of the he alth of specialists, an effective method of cleansing the skin and mucous membranes from harmful substances. Judging by the reviews, the shower really does its job. It minimizes the damaging effects of acids and alkalis, is easy to use, turns on and off instantly. This is an effective way to provide first aid to an injured employee.

haws emergency shower
haws emergency shower

Anyone who has used an emergency eye shower knows how handy this device is. It is usually installed near hazardous production, so there is no need to waste time to get emergency help. One person can easily cope with this, even if he is injured.
