Country septic tank "Rostok": reviews and principle of operation

Country septic tank "Rostok": reviews and principle of operation
Country septic tank "Rostok": reviews and principle of operation

The problem of getting rid of waste in a country house is one of the most difficult to solve. It can be so difficult to replace the comfort familiar to many with the eternal problem of getting rid of dirty water and food waste, as well as human waste products. Non-volatile septic tanks for a country house are one of the best solutions, as they are environmentally friendly, economical, do not need frequent maintenance, and do not require an electrical connection. For many, the absence of the need to connect to the power supply is the main factor for choosing one or another type of sewerage outside the city, and that is why they choose the Rostock septic tank. Reviews about him appear the most positive and enthusiastic. What is unusual about this seemingly simple septic tank. Why do many country lovers choose it for their sewer systems? Let us consider in more detail the design features and technical capabilities of plastic septic tanks.

septic tank sprout
septic tank sprout

The largest manufacturer of plastic products

One of the most popular today is the Rostok septic tank, manufactured by EcoProm Group of Companies, which is one of the largestcompanies for the production of polyethylene products. At the same time, the cost of the offered goods is an order of magnitude lower than foreign analogues, and their quality is on a par with them. Domestic production and head office are located in St. Petersburg, while representative offices and a dealer network are located throughout Russia. Therefore, finding a suitable seller of a septic tank, as well as a workshop for warranty service in case of any problems, even in the most remote corner of our country, will not require much effort. The septic tank "Rostok" of the U series is one of the most popular domestic products for a country house.

Technical characteristics of plastic septic tanks

Septic tank "Rostok" is an environmentally friendly maintenance-free septic tank. It is made from high impact, chemical resistant polyethylene. Underground plastic containers, in accordance with the technical specifications, can be used both for the disposal and treatment of sewage waste, and for water and diesel fuel, which is confirmed by a certificate of conformity. At the same time, the manufacturer's warranty for manufactured products is 12 months in case of compliance with the installation and operation rules, which will be described below.

The tightness of the plastic septic tank is due to the absence of welds, and its conical shape completely eliminates the possibility of the container floating up even under the aggressive action of groundwater. The polyethylene housing is durable and reliable, and if it is properly installed, it will last for many years. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, resistant to aggressive substances (which include, for example, washing powder, because many are afraid to use it when a septic tank is installed, which is incorrect), as well as a reinforced plastic septic tank body with stiffeners that protect it from possible loads, it is safe to use both in warm and cold seasons. The operating temperature range for its use is from -30⁰С to +60⁰С.

Septic tank sizes

septic tank sprout country
septic tank sprout country

Septic tank "Rostok" suburban series U is available in three sizes:

U1250 U2000 U3000
Volume (L) 1250 2000 3000
Height (mm) 1840 1995 2000
Length (mm) 1700 2220 2360
Width (mm) 1120 1305 1440
Mouth diameter (mm) 560 560 2560
Capacity (l/day) 250 400 1000

The principle of operation of a septic tank

Two-chamber septic tanks work according to the following principle. Through sewer pipes coming from the house, wastewater enters the first chamber of the septic tank, located underground. The receiving chamber collects and mechanically precipitates the incoming waste, whileit contains a special damper, which ensures the absence of agitation of waste. Settling substances accumulate in the compartment of the first chamber intended for this purpose, and the resulting gases are discharged through the sewer ventilation of the system. The second is the filtration chamber. The mesh and sorption filters located in it purify the incoming waste in two stages, finally removing contaminants. From this chamber, purified water flows through pipes for further purification. The water obtained after such purification meets the requirements of sanitary standards.

septic tank sprout country reviews
septic tank sprout country reviews

At the same time, if the septic tank "Rostok" cottage is understaffed with a special post-treatment filter (drainage well), then the quality of cleaning will be about 95%. If such a filter is not used, then the wastewater will be cleaned by 80%.

Requirements for installing a septic tank

In accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's warranty, as well as to comply with the norms of SNiP, the septic tank must be installed 30 meters from the drinking well and 5 meters from the road and trees. It is also necessary to take into account that for cleaning to the septic tank, an entrance for a sewage truck is required. Such an entrance should be as convenient as possible for the work of the brigade in order to avoid problems with cleaning your sewer system. As a rule, sewage trucks have a long hose for pumping waste from 15 to 50 meters long. Installation and installation of the septic tank "Rostok" should be carried out by professional specialists in compliance with the distances to water bodies and residential premises. In doing so, you can usethe services of the manufacturer's teams, or you can contact companies offering such services. The septic tank warranty will still apply.

Installation and mounting process

First you need to choose a place to install it. Next, a pit is dug for a septic tank and a trench for the pipeline, observing the required slope - 2 cm per 1 running meter. ground freezing. For pipes, the depth of their laying is taken into account - about 1-1.5 meters. The bottom of the pit is sprinkled with crushed stone and sand and a concrete screed is made, to which the septic tank is attached.

septic tank Rostock cottage
septic tank Rostock cottage

These conditions cannot be neglected, because even if the groundwater does not bother you at the time of installing the septic tank, they can appear at any time and you will have a hard time. In order for the septic tank chamber to be securely and firmly fixed in the pit, when backfilling, it is necessary to periodically fill it with water and tamp the poured layers. Next, sewer pipes are installed and connected to a septic tank, after which all voids are covered with sand or a sand-cement mixture. The installation of the "Rostok" septic tank is completed by backfilling the installation site with a layer of ordinary earth in order to hide all traces of the work done and sow grass and flowers.

installation of a septic tank
installation of a septic tank

Installation of filters or a drainage well for additional purification of water increases the quality of purification up to 95%. Biofilters are more expensive and require periodicreplacements. The drainage well, on the other hand, is made once from concrete rings, which are covered with sand with gravel or expanded clay, and subsequently does not require maintenance, working constantly and without any failures.

If the installation of the "Rostok" septic tank was carried out by professionals in compliance with all the rules and regulations for its installation, then in the future you will have to remember about it no more than once a year to unload it.

Maintenance of the septic tank "Rostok"

The easiest and fastest way to clean a septic tank from accumulated solid waste is a fecal pump. This method is good if there is electricity on the site. If you don’t want to clean the septic tank on your own, then, as necessary, you will need to call a cleaning team that will quickly and efficiently pump out, flush and disinfect your septic tank. The septic tank "Rostok" country, selected in accordance with your needs and the above table, will need to be cleaned of sedimentary sludge approximately once a year.

septic tank sprout country
septic tank sprout country

Cons of a country septic tank

The main disadvantage of such a septic tank is its price and doubts about the reliability of the system before making a purchase decision. Intending to buy a septic tank "Rostok" country, reviews of which in most cases are positive, do not forget that installation and installation must be carried out by specialists. Only in this case you will receive a manufacturer's warranty and get rid of doubts and possible problems in the future. The price you pay for the septic tank and installation team,will be compensated a hundredfold for your many years of peace of mind for the operation of the sewerage system in your home and the convenience of operating the system at any time of the year. Also, some owners of septic tanks find the need for their annual cleaning not very convenient. But perhaps these are all the disadvantages of a plastic septic tank.

septic tank sprout reviews
septic tank sprout reviews

Pros of a country septic tank

The advantages are reliability, ease of operation, cleaning efficiency and ease of use, as well as their relatively small dimensions. Of course, you will need sewage services annually, but at their relatively low cost (depending on the region, they are more expensive and cheaper, but on average, such a service costs from 500 to 1,500 rubles per cubic meter and is considered based on the complexity of the required work, remoteness septic tank and other factors that need to be specified when ordering a team). But this is a relatively small cost in comparison with the resulting convenience. By purchasing a "Rostok" septic tank, you will solve the problem of sewerage in your suburban area once and for all.
